Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 924: death of steward

"Put your talisman bag and the knife on your body on the ground." One of the three arresters said coldly to Zhou Fan.

When the three arresters saw Zhou Fan's clothes, they knew that this was a warrior. Facing a warrior, they were at the scene of the murder, and they had to be careful even in Gaoxiang City.

That's why they asked Zhou Fan to remove the weapons and talisman bags from his body.

This is both a rule of Gaoxiang City and a kind of temptation.

If Zhou Fan is unwilling to disarm the weapon and the talisman bag, there may be a problem.

It seems that a fight is inevitable in this situation, and there is no shortage of warriors in the hunters. Even if the hunters of Gaoxiang County can't kill the resisting warriors, the Yiluan Division will soon send a wrestler to arrive.

Zhou Fan didn't disarm, he just spread out his hand to show that he had no malice and said, "I'm still Zhou Fan, the newly appointed envoy of the Minister of Yiluan."

The three Ju Kuai looked at each other when they heard this, and some of them even looked back at the ones who didn't come to guard behind them.

It's just a pity that no one in the arresting group recognized Zhou Fan.

But when Zhou Fan said this, they did not dare to act arbitrarily. The three arresters muttered a few words in a low voice before one of them said, "It turned out to be Lord Zhou, please show me the token, this is the county government office. the rules."

Zhou Fan just waited for this, he didn't take the token at first, because any action without permission would cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

Even if there are more arrests like this, he won't be afraid, but he can't have any conflicts with his own people, so as to make jokes.

Zhou Fan got permission, so he reached into the talisman bag and found the token of Fusi Envoy that he had just obtained from the Yiluan Division.

When Zhou Fan was looking for the token, the three arresters kept watching Zhou Fan's movements on guard.

Zhou Fan took out the token, and the catchers faintly saw the green emblem of the Yiluan Division on the token, and their tense hearts relaxed a lot.

"Master Zhou, can you throw the token over and let us check it?" Zhu Kuai asked respectfully again.

Zhou Fan nodded and threw the token to the catcher.

The catcher reached out and caught the token.

Only then did Zhou Fan see that the catcher was wearing thin green gloves on both hands, and the gloves were also engraved with runes.

Zhou Fan's eyes showed a look of approval, which was obviously brought by Chu Kuai just now.

After all, Zhou Fan might be their Shangguan. It would be a little disrespectful to let Shangguan throw the token on the ground, but if he was asked to pick it up with bare hands, he was afraid that there would be a problem, so he put on gloves.

While Zhou Fan was thinking about it, the three arresters had already checked the token, and after confirming that the token was indeed the token of the Yiluan Division, the three of them hurriedly bowed to Zhou Fan.

Even though they still don't know exactly what the position of the Fusi Envoy is, the Yiluan Division is higher than them even as a spy detective, let alone the Fusi Envoy.

The rest of the catchers also came to salute.

Zhou Fan took back the token, he waved his hand and said: "You don't have to be so polite, I did have contact with this person before the incident, and I will officially take office tomorrow, it is not convenient for me to intervene in this case, what should I do? do whatever you want."

Zhou Fan can only tell the truth, because someone should have seen him talking with the dead caravan steward before the incident. If he hides it, he will not be suspicious at that time.

If Zhou Fan just left, he suspects that he will be wanted soon.

The fast catchers responded in unison.

Since an adult from the Department of Yiluan was involved, the arresters did not dare to make up their minds, so they could only send someone to inform the Department of Yiluan.

Then they let Zhou Fan stand aside, and they began to question the pedestrians who were forced to stay behind when the crime happened.

After a while, Kazuo also came.

Zhou Fan looked at Zuo Zuo to examine the body, he wanted to ask, but obviously he was not suitable to speak.

Before Wu Zuo finished examining the body, the people from the Yiluan Division came.

Three people came, two of them, and Yuan Liwei, the general staff of the Yiluan Division.

The two warriors were headed by Yuan Liwei. Yuan Liwei glanced at Zhou Fan, and he turned to the two warriors and said, "Go and find out the situation first."

The two wrestlers nodded lightly and went to catch up to find out the situation.

Yuan Liwei then walked towards Zhou Fan. He lowered his voice and said, "Master Zhou, why are you here? Chau Kuai also said that you are related to this case?"

As Yuan Liwei spoke, he also glanced at the headless corpse on the ground that was being examined.

Zhou Fan smiled bitterly and said, "I was also lucky enough to encounter this."

Zhou Fan briefly explained the reason for the incident.

After listening, Yuan Liwei nodded slightly and said, "So that's the case, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Why is Staff Officer Yuan here?" Zhou Fan asked.

Yuan Liwei coughed lightly and said, "You were also present when the arrest was reported. The people below did not dare to make up their minds, and reported it layer by layer. After Mr. Huang knew about it, he asked me to bring two fighters here."

If it weren't for the newly appointed Minister Fu, at most two fighters would have come over for this kind of case.

It may even be possible that the investigation by the county government did not involve any slander and would not report the situation to the Yiluan Division.

Zhou Fan thought for a while, then whispered, "Counselor Yuan, I am involved in the case after all, and I know this According to the rules, am I suitable to understand the case?"

Yuan Liwei frowned slightly, he understood what Zhou Fan meant, Zhou Fan wanted to get involved in the investigation of the case.

Yuan Liwei hesitated for a moment and said, "It's a little out of the way, but the rules are set by people. I'll go and find out about the situation first. Maybe I can let Lord Zhou understand the case, but if it's not suitable, please forgive me."

"Of course, if I'm not suitable, I will never let Staff Yuan embarrass me." Zhou Fan laughed.

Yuan Liwei turned around and went to get together with Li Shizhaokuai to discuss the case.

Zhou Fan saw that Zuo Zuo had completed the autopsy, and stood up to report to Yuan Liwei and the others.

In order to avoid suspicion, Zhou Fan stood at a distance and couldn't hear what they said. His face was calm, but his heart was quite uneasy.

Is it really a coincidence, he wonders?

I happened to meet someone who had only met a few times, and died in a strange state without saying a few words.

If it wasn't a coincidence... Zhou Fan's heart sank, then this was a game against him.

Who would that be?

People who might be suspected of murdering him appeared in Zhou Fan's mind.

The big exam for Class A has already ended, and everything has been settled. No one will want to kill him because of the number of places in Class A, and the number of people who want to kill him will be greatly reduced.

Unless some forces are distraught and indignant, they will do this...

Zhou Fan frowned at the thought of this.

Because he thought it might just be a coincidence.

Apart from Cao Yanfang, Tan Yunfei, Guan Yingfeng and the people in this caravan, who knew that he knew the manager of this caravan?

No matter how powerful the news is, it is impossible to know this.

And the possibility of Cao Yanfang, the three and the caravan wanting to harm him is almost zero.

Soon another Lux came to politely ask for the details of the matter.

Zhou Fan restrained his thoughts and answered seriously.

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