Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 927: buy a house

Zhou Fan put away the file and put it on the wooden stand, he walked out of the room, and then activated the rune formation in the room.

Like the four-town envoy's office room, Zhou Fan's room also has its own talisman lock.

This talisman lock does not have much protective effect. The main reason is that once someone tries to break into the door, it will emit a sharp sound as a warning. Even if the sharp sound will be covered up, the opened traces can let the owner of the room know that someone is there. entered.

There are many confidential documents in the room of the four town envoys. When they are not there, some of the confidential documents will be sent to the Wenge Room by the staff in the mansion for protection, but some documents are still left in their room. necessary.

Zhou Fan explained a few words to the little official guarding the door, and left the Yiluan Sifu directly.

Walking on the street, he remembered Zhang Hong's case for no reason.

Zhou Fan still felt that it was impossible to have a relationship with him, because even from the perspective of his conflict with the He family, there was no need for the He family to frame and retaliate against him so seriously.

Even if the information of the He family is lagging behind, he didn't know yesterday that he is already the Minister of Fu, or even the leader of the Class A class, but as the Inspector of the Department of Yiluan, it is impossible for a He family to take such a big risk. The risk of framing an official of the Yiluan Division.

If he thinks to the limit, this is really the He family's revenge against him, then unless there is a follow-up to Zhang Hong's case, how can he be implicated in it?

Zhou Fan shook his head and stopped thinking about it, but planned to wait and see what happened.

He rented a carriage to the academy.

Because it was too late to check the archives, after Zhou Fan arrived at the academy, instead of going to the Class A classroom, he turned around and went to the library to study.

Until noon, Zhou Fan went to the academy cafeteria for lunch. Li Chungniang found him and said with a smile, "Brother Zhou, according to your request, several houses have been searched. When are you free, I'll take a look with you?"

Zhou Fan originally wanted to talk about the evening, but he soon remembered that he had an appointment with Yuan Liwei's colleagues from the government office for dinner, so he could only say, "Is it okay to go later? I've been going to see it for a long time."

Zhou Fan did not have too strict requirements on temporary residence.

"I don't have anything too important to do in the afternoon, so I'll go with Brother Zhou, just relax." Li Chungniang chuckled lightly.

When Li Chungniang said this, Zhou Fan had no way to refuse, but nodded in agreement.

After the two finished their meal in the cafeteria, they got into the talisman car that Li Chungniang often used to ride from the suburbs to Gaoxiang City.

With Gaoxiang Avenue as the vertical and horizontal axis, Gaoxiang City is divided into four districts and twelve squares.

Among them, Sanfang in the northwest area is the most prosperous. It is the place where the wealthy and wealthy from aristocratic families live together. A patrol of Gaoxiang City is stationed all year round to maintain the order of Sanfang.

Then it was the turn of the three squares in the northeast area. These three squares were mainly inhabited by some large and small merchants and powerful warriors.

Then there are the three squares in the southeast area. These three squares are mixed areas, with many inns, not only businessmen who travel from south to north, but also some civilians.

Finally, there is Sanfang in the southwest area. There are some civilians living in the third square in the southwest. It is the poorest place in the city, where the houses are dilapidated, the alleys are narrow, and the environment is complicated. The most troublesome place for the county government arresters.

Before Zhou Fan lived in the Tonglifang Inn in Southeast Sanfang.

When he is looking for a house, he will not consider the poor Southwest Sanfang, nor will he consider the crowded Southeast Sanfang.

From the very beginning, he set his sights on the three northwest and northeast three squares in the city.

But later he found out that the people in Gaoxiang City were proud of living in the Northwest Sanfang, which is a cluster of aristocratic families. The housing prices there were not cheap, and the houses were big, so he asked Li Chungniang to find a suitable house for him in the Northeast Sanfang.

The fu car came in from the Dongcheng Gate, and turned from Gaoxiang Avenue into the Northeast Third Square.

Even the three northeast lanes are terrifyingly large, but unlike the narrow roads in the southwest and southeast, the roads in the three northeast lanes are wide and clean, and can accommodate four carriages running side by side.

Zhou Fan's requirements for the house are very simple. First of all, he lives alone and doesn't need to be too big. However, because of his cultivation, he also needs to level up a vast courtyard, just like the one in Tianliang City.

As long as it is suitable, it does not matter whether it is bought or rented.

Li Chungniang asked Zhou Fan to find five such houses.

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