Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 944: why help him

Anyone related to her is already dead?

There was no ups and downs in Zhou Kitten's tone, but it was absolutely calm and cold.

Zhou Fan sighed, no longer trying, but said with a serious face: "I have never faced such a situation, and I dare not say anything outrageous, but I firmly believe that if such a thing really happens, I will never do it for myself. To live and to abandon one's own relatives."

Zhou Xiaomao didn't say anything: "I'm not interested in what you do. Your 'Strange Sea' exercise must be matched with that thing. I only want it. If you don't sell it, forget it."

"That can't be a son." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "I don't understand why you have to want that thing. I promise you everything I can guarantee, and I will give you 10,000 less big gray worms. Ken, I just have to give up."

Zhou Xiaomao ignored Zhou Fan, but sat at the table, took out the book of "Knowledge of the Spirit" and read it carefully.

"Zhou Fan..." Chufu also wanted to persuade Zhou Fan, these are 120,000 big gray worms, how can you give up if you say give up.

Just Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "Little girl, it's just 120,000 big gray worms, but if you don't have that thing, it will be troublesome if you want to practice 'Beautiful Sea' again."

With the advance of the boat, the snails could no longer be fished. Judging from Chofu's practice, it would be a fool's dream to go to the sea to find snails.

Chifu pursed her lips, but she did not persuade her any further.

Soon the time came, and Zhou Fan and Qifu both disappeared on the boat.

It took a long time for Zhou Xiaomao to put down the "Knowledge of the Gods" that she had read once, and there was a hint of amazement in her eyes. It seemed that the creation of such top-notch exercises was very difficult. .

But once you read it once, it's like puncturing a thin layer of window paper, and you will suddenly realize it.

The ingenious conception of "Knowing God" made Zhou Xiaomao sigh, that the crazy creator was really crazy to think of such a method.

But the creator is crazy, and there are no shortcomings in "Knowing God".

Zhou Xiaomao thought back to what happened tonight, until she thought of the few words Zhou Fan said before leaving, she raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at the deck under her feet and said solemnly, "Why are you helping him, old man?"

"So many boarding people didn't help, but helped him. Did you choose him and think that he could achieve the 'other shore' you said?"

"I think you must have helped him a lot before, otherwise he wouldn't have a terrible foundation, but even so, can he really do it?"

"If you can answer me, maybe I can do my best to help him, not because of him..." Zhou Xiaomao paused and said, "It's to help me get free."

But she waited patiently for a while, but the ship did not respond.

"You old man is always like this!" Zhou Xiaoxiao's face showed great anger: "Why do you imprison me in this ship? Where is the other side? Or does it not exist at all?"

"Ask you will never give any response!"

"If that's the case, then don't think about me giving him any help, I will follow my own method to escape your control!"



The first time Zhou Fan woke up, was to materialize the four boxes one by one. He took out three lenses and absorbed the purple light. The knowledge of "Knowledge of the Gods" floated in the sea of ​​other people's souls.

After doing this, he took his Talisman bag from the bed, took out the book of storage, and said, "Open the book of storage."

"Xiaoshu is very happy to serve those who love books, please listen to the question: Two pairs of fathers and sons went to buy hats, why did they only buy three?" A pleasant voice came from the book of storage.

Xiao Qian had already jumped out of Zhou Fan's head and shouted, "Master, let me answer."

Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, but he still nodded.

"There are four people in the two pairs of father and son. Why did they only buy three hats? Is it because the money is not enough? Or is there one person who has no head?"

"The question of this book is usually not so simple. It is definitely not because the money is not enough, but is it because a person has no head? Of course people without a head don't need to wear a hat. I once overheard a person in the inn saying that the person without a head does too. I can walk..." Xiaoxiao whispered to herself for a while, then she suddenly raised her head and said:

"The answer is that one of the two father and son has no head!"

"The answer is wrong." The woman's voice from the Book of Storage denied the answer, "Those who love books still have an opportunity to correct their answer, please cherish it, or come back tomorrow."

Zhou Fan quickly said: "Because there are only three people in the two pairs of father and son, they are son, father, and grandfather."

"Congratulations to those who love books, the answer is correct, the book of storage has been opened." The voice of the book of storage said cheerfully.

Xiao Ling said with a dejected expression: "It turned out to be three generations of grandparents, such an ingenious answer, but why didn't I think of it?"

Because you are stupid... Zhou Fan sneered in his heart, he spread out the book of storage, turned to the page he was looking at, touched the broken lens pattern on the page, and a white light flashed.

The broken lens was already in his hands.

Zhou Fan tried to piece together the four broken lenses, but he soon discovered that the four broken lenses were not related to each other, which made Zhou Fan secretly sigh.

He tried to piece it together in order to estimate that he was still short of a few broken lenses, and now it seems that it is impossible to confirm.

Because the broken lenses are not related to each other, even the size of the large causal mirror is difficult to confirm.

Zhao Yazhu once said that before re-refining the Great Karma Mirror, this fragment was completely waste and could not play any role. This broken lens is really too tasteless, and it is a pity that it is tasteless and discarded.

Zhou Fan showed helplessness, this was obviously not what he, but he started fishing one after another, and he didn't know what was going on.

In fact, even if he gathers all the pieces and wants to complete the refining of the Great Karma Mirror, it is not an easy task. Who can he find to refine it?

If people know that this is a big karma mirror... Thinking about Zhou Fan, I feel a little panic, the principle that everyone is innocent and guilty is correct in any world.

Zhou Fan thought about it for a while, and felt that he didn't need to think too much. To think about this issue, it should be considered after gathering all the pieces.

After all, this should be a very long and requires great luck to complete, maybe he will never be able to get together.

Zhou Fan put the four fragments into the book of storage before closing the book of storage.

Xiao Ling was still sitting in a squat, her eyes were melancholy. She fell into deep doubts about her IQ.

Poor child, I don't know how big the shadow area is in her heart... Zhou Fan thought silently.

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