Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 948: rot room

It is indeed a rotten house!

Zhou Fan's eyes narrowed slightly. He originally saw the three houses appearing in such a state, and vaguely guessed that it might be a rotten house.

Now that I heard Master Fu's words, it was completely confirmed.

The rotten house is a kind of weirdness that assimilates some inanimate objects, mostly some buildings, and makes those buildings part of its body.

And once a living being enters its domain or those buildings that originally have living beings, they will quickly decay and turn into dust.

"We found it too late, it was already in the incubation period." Master Fu sighed and continued.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, once many monsters are in the incubation period, it is equivalent to adding a layer of indestructible tortoise shell on the outside.

But this is not the case in the rotten house. Its incubation period defense is not strong, as long as a slightly stronger warrior can defeat it, but it cannot do so.

Because once the rotten house in the incubation period is killed, the building it is attached to will explode like a bomb, and countless fragments will splash. Even if a defensive rune is deployed in advance, it is difficult to stop these special Building fragments of strength.

Once the building debris is scattered, it quickly corrupts everything around it.

This is the tricky part of the rot house incubation period.

Similar to some weird things, facing a rotten house in the incubation period, you can only wait patiently for it to hatch.

"How long?" Zhou Fan asked.

"We estimate that it will take about half an hour to an hour for the hatching to hatch." A wrestler replied.

"Have the surroundings been arranged? Don't let it hatch and spread quickly, it would be bad." Zhou Fan said again.

"Don't worry, adults, it has already been arranged." Master Fu said hurriedly.

Zhou Fan snorted, he understood why the three warriors and a talisman invited him over, because there would be any kind of rotten room. According to some books, the lowest level of the rotten room is the black and serious level, and the highest level is the rotten room. The rotten house once reached the blood evil level!

And the blood evil level is a strange thing that ordinary martial arts practitioners can deal with.

If it is really a blood fiend, and Zhou Fan is not there, everyone here may die.

"Let the adults come here just in case. If it is a slander below the Sha level, we can solve it without the adults." The only Silver Seal of the three warriors respectfully said.

He didn't dare to despise Zhou Fan because of his young age. This was the leader of the big test that was taken by a group of geniuses.

Because this Class A class was the one with the most geniuses in the past, there have been rumors in the mansion that the strength of Lord Fusi has been equal to that of the four Lord Envoys of the Four Towns.

If such a person dares to be disrespectful because he is young, it is absolutely stupid.

"In this case, then we can only wait." Zhou Fan nodded slightly, and he raised his eyebrows again: "But I don't understand why the rotten house appears here?"

Strangely, it is rare to say that it hatches from an egg. The so-called hatching period often refers to an evolutionary form that is formed by itself or really grows from the juvenile period.

In Gaoxiang City, there is no environment where strange things can form on their own, but the rotten house lacks the ability to move in its infancy, which is why Zhou Fan asked this question.

A gust of cold wind blows from the roof.

The three warriors and a talisman were silent for a while about Zhou Fan's question. Of course, they also thought about the question Zhou Fan asked.

In the end, Master Fu replied: "Sir, we don't know either, but we have asked the detectives in the mansion and the fast detectives to find out the cause of the matter."

Zhou Fan pondered, he didn't ask any further, he remembered the masked people organization that appeared in the cool weather, and it was very similar to the masked people organization's style of doing things in the place where people lived.

On the way to Gaoxiang County, at the inn, Zhou Fan even saw a masked man.

For some unknown purpose, this organization is always doing weird things to experiment and incubate.

In Gaoxiang Yiluan's mansion, Zhou Fan used his authority to try to access some information about the masked organization, but what the Yiluan mansion knew was similar to what he knew, and there was not much useful information, and it was stated on the file that this matter had been It was taken over by the General Office of Yiluan Division in Jingdu.

The reason given by the General Office of Yiluan was that this organization was involved in a major case, so it took over.

As a result, Gao Xiangyi Luan's government did not put its strength on this organization. After all, it was just a mysterious organization that once appeared in the village to study strange things. There are many such organizations in Dawei, and the general government took over. Now, Gaoxiang County will not participate anymore.

Could it be done by someone from that organization?

If so, they are very courageous and dare to make trouble in Gaoxiang City...

Of course, before there is sufficient evidence, these are just speculations. In Dawei, there are too many similar organizations.

Zhou Fan and Gao Xiangyi Luan's master talisman stood silently on the roof, waiting for the rotten house to hatch.

Because of the presence of Zhou Fan, the minister, they didn't worry too much.

Time passed slowly, and after half an hour and a while, the three pale houses became They seemed to have changed from real houses to drawn paper houses. A faint pale ripple escaped from it, turning into a sharp babble and spreading in the air.

The talisman next to Zhou Fan quickly took out a blue-green talisman and stuck it on his scabbard, then lightly tapped the scabbard to the roof.

Om, a blue light emanating from the scabbard enveloped Zhou Fan and the other five, isolating the strange sound that could easily make people crazy.

And after the sharp ravings crossed the azure mask, they slammed into the golden light wall that manifested, and were completely blocked back.

The golden light wall was the rune array laid out by the Yiluan government.

Zhou Fan and the others all stared at the pale three houses silently.

The twisted house suddenly became normal, except that a black stripe around the house appeared on the pale walls.

When this black streak appeared, a second black streak appeared.

The third black streak... the fourth black streak... It didn't stop until the sixth black streak.

"It's six lines, the strength of this rotten house has reached the level of Heisha." The silver seal warrior said in awe.

Under the three houses, a pale white color spreads outward, trying to assimilate everything around.

Zhou Fan had already rushed out, his body shrouded in a thick infuriating energy.

The spreading pale color couldn't help Zhou Fan's infuriating defense at all.

The rotten house felt threatened, the pale white twisted into a ball, turned into a four-limbed beast and rushed towards Zhou Fan, the huge mouth opened, and Zhou Fan was swallowed in at once.

Just a rusty knife pierced from its body, and just a horizontal slash tore the pale giant beast into pieces.

Zhou Fan jumped out of it, and the rusty knife in his hand slashed at one of the houses with a cold blue flame.

Under the nourishment of powerful True Qi, the cold blue flame spread rapidly, causing the three houses to blaze, and the sharp babble resounded continuously.

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