Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 951: Bai family's apology

The sumptuous food and drinks were served quickly like flowing water.

Bai Tianhua warmly entertained Zhou Fan and Zhang Li Xiaohu.

It's just that Zhou Fan didn't move his chopsticks, and Zhang Li Xiaohu didn't move his chopsticks either.

"Master Zhou and Young Master Zhang Li, but the food is not to your taste? What do you want to eat? I'll let the kitchen here figure it out. If it doesn't work tonight, after tonight, I'll definitely try to find it for the two of you, but we are the two of you. The distinguished guests that the Bai family wants to entertain, the old man originally wanted to invite the two of you to the Bai residence for a banquet, but he is not feeling well..."

"I have a relatively straight personality. I like to speak straight. Tonight, for the sake of Brother Zhang Li, you should speak straight." Zhou Fan interrupted with a cold face.

"Okay, Lord Zhou is really refreshing." Bai Tianhua didn't show a trace of anger on his face, he smiled and clapped his hands, "Hurry up and bring the gift here."

The two wooden servants behind him took a step forward, put the box in their hands by the table, and opened the box.

The two boxes were opened, and all of them were filled with red gas refining crystals. One box contained five red gas refining crystals, for a total of ten red gas refining crystals.

Zhang Li Xiaohu's eyes widened instantly, and he greedily looked at the red Qi refining crystal jade in the box.

A piece of red gas refining crystal jade is worth 30,000 profound coins, and ten pieces here are worth 300,000 profound coins, and it is still priceless.

Zhou Fan glanced at it, the corners of his eyes jumped, he kept calm and said, "What does this mean?"

Bai Tianhua smiled and said: "This is the congratulations from the Bai family to congratulate Lord Zhou on becoming the leader of the Class A class and his promotion to the Minister of Fu, but our Bai family has always wanted to make Lord Zhou as a friend, a small gift, not a respectful gift, but also looking forward to Lord Zhou. Smile."

Said so, but Zhou Fan and Zhang Li Xiaohu both understand that this is a gift from the Bai family to apologize to Zhou Fan, and hope that Zhou Fan will no longer pursue Bai Xuanyu's use of Xiong Feixiu to frame Zhou Fan.

300,000 Xuan coins are used to make amends, such a gift is not a big deal.

But Zhou Fan didn't speak, he just looked at Bai Tian Hua in silence, which was not enough.

Bai Tianhua was watched by Zhou Fan, he felt a great pressure, he sighed in his heart, and then tried his best to write lightly: "Oh, by the way, our family's Xuanyu and Zhang Li took the big exam together, but he But there is no such strength as Mr. Zhang Li."

"He will leave Gaoxiang City tomorrow and go to Tianbei Township, Tianbei City, to manage our Bai family's business. Within three years, he will not return to Gaoxiang City. If Mr. Zhang Li has time, he can go to see him."

Tian Bei Township is one of the five townships in Gaoxiang County, and Bai Xuanyu was exiled.

Zhou Fan said with a smile: "The Bai family is so generous, thank Master Bai for me."

When Zhou Fan spoke like this, the atmosphere at the banquet became lively, and the three of them talked happily.

At the end of the banquet, Bai Tianhua also kindly sent Zhou Fan out of the restaurant door and watched Zhou Fan leave in a carriage.

"Don't forget to settle the balance." Zhang Li Xiaohu, who had not left, said with a smile on his face.

Zhang Li Xiaohu is willing to get involved in this matter, and the Bai family naturally wants to... pay for it.

Bai Tian Hua's face froze, this piece of Li Xiaohu really recognizes money but not people, turning his face is faster than turning over a book, Bai Tian Hua quickly smiled again: "You have worked hard tonight, Young Master Zhang Li."

The servant next to him quickly handed a heavy bag of money to Zhang Li Xiaohu.

Zhang Li Xiaohu weighed it, and after confirming that the number was sufficient, he resumed his smile and said, "It's a pleasure to cooperate. If there is such a thing in the future, you can contact me again."

After speaking, Zhang Li Xiaohu also left in a carriage.

Zhou Fan, who was sitting on the carriage on the other side, with a smile on his face, was thinking back to Tian Hua's every move.

Bai Xuanhua looked easy-going, but he actually harbored resentment in his heart. In fact, on the way over, Zhang Li Xiaohu told Zhou Fan that Bai Xuanyu was Bai Xuanyu's son.

Bai Tianhua has resentment in his heart, this is not a strange thing.

But Zhou Fan was actually pretending, he was pretending to be angry, and he was showing his attitude. The Bai family gave in repeatedly, made a full gesture of begging for peace, and gave such a generous gift.

Zhou Fan doesn't care whether the Bai family is really seeking peace, but he will definitely swallow the fat in his mouth, because it is impossible for him to bring down the Bai family now, which means that he can't in a short time. To do something harmful to the Bai family, of course, this generous gift can only be accepted.

As for what to do in the future, it depends on what the Bai family will do. If the Bai family really restrains and stops targeting him, then this matter will be over.



After Zhou Fan and the others left, Bai Tian Hua also got into the carriage of Bai Mansion. When he was the only one in the carriage, he returned to his gloomy look.

Bai Xuanyu, who was originally placed in high hopes by the entire Bai family, his favorite son, dare not say that he is ruined, but his status in the Bai family has plummeted.

It's fine if he didn't get into the Class A class, but he offended the leader of the Class A class in Gaoxiang County this year.

If Zhou Fan was just the leader of the Class A class, a poor family, the Bai family, who is one of the five great families in Gaoxiang County, would not apologize for this.

But Zhou Fan had just become the minister of the Yiluan government, which was second only to the envoy of the four towns.

Especially after noon today, all the well-informed families in the city knew that Zhou Fan killed the Heisha-level rotten house with one knife.

It's the young chief and the minister of Fu who has such a powerful strength. Someone in the Bai family finally couldn't sit still and told the old man about this matter, and then there was tonight's banquet.

But no one in the Bai family thought that the old man would send Bai Hua to come.

Bai Tianhua didn't expect it either, but he knew that this was both a test of the old man Bai's trust in him, and if he didn't handle it well, the big house of the Bai family would not have any status in the Bai family.

So even if he felt humiliated, Bai Tianhua still greeted him with a smile.

Thinking of this, Bai Tianhua clenched his fists. He had never suffered such embarrassing humiliation in his life.

The carriage returned to the brightly lit manor. Bai Tianhua got off the carriage and walked along the path in the garden. He avoided everyone in the Bai family.

He didn't stop until he reached the courtyard where Mr. Bai lived.

Soon Uncle Yuan, the old servant next to the old man Bai came over to open the door and let Bai Tianhua go in.

The old man Bai was sitting on the main chair in the small hall, and he was dozing off.

When Bai Tianhua entered the small hall, Mr. Bai opened his cloudy eyes.

Bai Tian Hua respectfully told what happened Do you think his domineering image is true or false? "The old man Bai asked with a smile after listening.

"Three points true and seven points false." Bai Tianhua pondered for a while.

The old man Bai said: "It doesn't matter if it's true or not, are you willing to let Xuanyu leave Gaoxiang City?"

"Everything follows the old man's orders, and Xuanyu's temperament needs to be polished." Bai Tianhua expressed his attitude.

The old man Bai nodded lightly and said, "Then let him leave Gaoxiang City tomorrow. Do you have any grievances against that young man?"

Bai Tianhua hesitated and said, "Yes."

He knew that this could not be hidden from Mr. Bai, so he could only answer frankly.

The old man Bai sneered: "It's right, but the Bai family can't offend him now. Even if you have grievances, you have to hold them back!"


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