"The so-called food king's wealth and the king share the worries..." Ao Gonggong talked about the responsibility of being loyal to the saint through his own strategy, and he spoke eloquently.

Huang Bujue saw that Eunuch Zhang refused to speak, so he could only interrupt him impatiently: "Eunuch Ao."

"Oh." Eunuch Ao stopped at this point: "Master Huang, you should do it quickly according to our family's method, and quickly deal with this matter."

"Grandpa Ao, I don't think your approach is right." Huang Bujue said calmly.

"You think our family's approach is not right?" Eunuch Ao's face suddenly turned cold, "Tell our family what's wrong with our family's approach!"

Huang Bujue raised his eyebrows and said: "First of all, we can't send everyone to do this, otherwise within three days, the entire Gaoxiang City will be in chaos, and secondly, the masked man is only threatening, we can take this matter seriously, But it's impossible to really leave everything and do nothing, just to deal with him, if anyone sends a similar threat and we all do it, it will only be exhausted..."

Grandpa Ao interrupted and said sharply: "Master Huang, the masked man is not only threatening, but he has released a black evil-level monster."

"Of course I know that, but he may also release a bloody-level monster, but I don't believe he can find a brutal-level monster." Huang Bujue interrupted again.

Eunuch Ao sneered: "What if you really find it?"

Huang Bujue calmly said: "Then we can only do our best to clean up the slander. There is no sure-fire way. This is better than devoting all the manpower to search for a masked man who does not know where to hide."

"Master Huang..." Eunuch Ao's dissatisfaction became more and more serious.

"Grandpa Ao." Huang Bujue interrupted again: "The imperial envoy has the power to supervise and make suggestions, but he has no power to make decisions for us."

The meaning of Huang Bujue's words is very simple, shut up for me!

Eunuch Ao burst into anger and said, "You don't need your Aunt Huang Shiyi to remind you. You can ignore what our family says, but if you act arbitrarily and domineeringly, our family will definitely refer you to the sage."

"As you like." Huang Bujue said lazily, he used to pick up things, and he did a lot of scolding people, and he was not afraid at all.

"Okay, okay." Ao Gonggong shook his whole body with anger. Huang Bujue, like Na Yan's return, was not a good thing.

Ao Gonggong glanced at Zhang Gonggong, and wanted Zhang Gonggong to stand up and speak for him.

But Eunuch Zhang's eyes never looked at Eunuch Ao. He stared at the table, thinking that our family must not support Eunuch Ao's absurd idea, otherwise, our family would not want to mess around in Yiluan Company.

Grandpa Ao coughed a few more times, but Grandpa Zhang still pretended not to hear. He felt that his head was too big, and he thought about why Grandpa Ao wanted to come here. If Grandpa Ao wanted to leave Gaoxiang City immediately, he could do whatever he wanted.

"Is there anything else to say?" Huang Bujue asked again.

Zhou Fan thought for a moment and said: "Although it is impossible to determine whether it is the previous masked organization, it is very likely that they are the previous organization, and the headquarters of the masked organization took over, but since the matter involves Gaoxiang City , maybe you can ask the headquarters to see what useful information they find out."

The previous case of the Masked Man was said by the head office that it involved a certain case in the mirror, and was handed over by the Yiluan Division of Luoshui Township to the head office of the Yiluan Division, without even passing through Gaoxiang County.

Huang Bujue and the four envoys from the four towns didn't know about this at first, but after what happened yesterday, they reviewed the case file and learned that the case organized by the Masked Man was taken away by the general government, and even arrested by Luoshui Township at that time. One person found a businessman in a rice shop in Jingdu.

With Zhou Fan's suggestion, Huang Bujue's faces became a little subtle. Of course, they also vaguely guessed that the case of the masked organization might not be easy. picked up.

In the end, Huang Bujue said with a cold face: "Zhou Fusi's proposal is good. Later, I will apply to the state government and let them share the investigation file with us."

Regardless of whether there is a problem behind this case, Huang Bujue will not allow the safety of Gaoxiang City to be endangered.

Ao Gonggong rolled his eyes, but he didn't say a word. He also just found out that the case of the masked group was taken away by the general government, and a person was arrested in Luoshui Township. After returning, he sent a letter to the mirror and asked. Just look at those brothers.

After the discussion was over, they parted ways.

After Eunuch Ao got separated, he grabbed Eunuch Zhang and dragged him into a corner where there was no one. He snorted from both nostrils and said, "Well, you little Zhangzi, what's the matter with you? Why don't you go up?"

"Are you bad eyesight or deaf?"

Eunuch Zhang said with a bitter face: "Brother Ao, it's useless for me to go up, it's just to make people laugh, then Huang Bujue is the envoy of Zhendong, the envoy of Zhenbei Shen Jing and the envoy of Zhennan Venerable Wenti are very good to him. , the three of them often run against me, and I agree with Big Brother Austria's opinion, and the three of them will definitely oppose..."

I'm sorry for the three... Eunuch Zhang silently added in his heart.

Eunuch Ao's face softened a little, and he said angrily: "You little Zhangzi, it's really useless, you actually let the three of them form a group to run against you, won't you form a gang?"

"It's not like Big Brother Ao doesn't know, I'm a eunuch, they look down on me in their hearts, and I can't make friends even if I want to." Eunuch Zhang said with a bitter face.

The three are really sorry... Eunuch Zhang added another sentence.

"Hey, Xiao Zhangzi, it's really hard for you, it's not easy for us to be eunuchs." Eunuch Ao patted Eunuch Zhang on the shoulder and said with sympathy, "That's why we eunuchs have to unite, don't be let down. Those people looked down on it."

"Big Brother Ao is right." Eunuch Zhang twitched the corner of his mouth and forced a smile.

Eunuch Ao let go of Eunuch Zhang~www.readwn.com~ He had a quarrel with Huang Bujue in the meeting room, so he didn't want to stay in Huang Bujue's territory, so he simply left the office and returned to a wealthy family A mansion in Shangfengfang, the three northwest corners of the gathering.

He had just entered the mansion, and a dog-legged man brought from Tianliang City hurried over and said, "Master Zou has already left the customs. He is waiting for his father-in-law in the hall."

Eunuch Ao had a happy expression on his face. Since he came to Gaoxiang City, he went to look for Wrinkle Shenshen as soon as possible, but Wrinkle Shenshen had already retreated, and now he has finally come out.

He wanted to rush into the hall for the first time.

But he quickly stopped and took off one of his boots and threw it at the dog's leg.

The dog leg felt inexplicable, and he was stunned.

But Eunuch Ao didn't explain, he plucked the hosta from his hair again, his hair was disheveled, and he rushed into the hall with a single boot.

"Little wrinkle..." Eunuch Ao's voice was harsh and sharp, as if something terrifying was chasing him.


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