Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 973: General Office Reply

What the consciousness can perceive is danger, but if a thief is walking on the street and wants to steal from Zhou Fan, the consciousness cannot give any feedback.

However, if it is a hidden weapon flying in or a person revealing killing intent towards Zhou Fan, any thing or person that may endanger Zhou Fan, the consciousness can immediately respond.

This is the shortcoming of the sixth sense consciousness.

But for Zhou Fan, as long as his consciousness can sense danger, then these small shortcomings are not a problem.

This is the most important point of consciousness.

When your ear or eye consciousness is activated, you may be able to hear or see the flying hidden weapon, but the danger is not necessarily tangible, and is often invisible. This is something that the other five senses cannot do.

Also because of the shortcomings of consciousness, even if Zhou Fan was wandering around the street, even if the face-to-face cultivator came towards him, as long as the face-to-face cultivator didn't mean to take action against Zhou Fan, Zhou Fan would not be able to know that he was that face. Priest monk.

Zhou Fan pondered the six senses for a while, and after the time was almost up, he packed up, left the residence, and went to the Yiluan Sifu.

When he arrived at the mansion, Zhou Fan went to the meeting room first. At this time, Eunuch Zhang, who was guarding the mansion, had already rested.

Huang Bujue and Wenti were in the meeting room, and Zhou Fan asked about the progress of Nightmare Strange, but unfortunately, Yiluan Si still found nothing.

It didn't take long for Shen Jing to come over, and he also inquired like Zhou Fan, but after hearing that there was no progress, he frowned.

"If so, what should we do tonight?" Shen Jing asked.

Huang Bujue, Wenti and Zhou Fan are all frowning. Now it seems that the day is going to fail again. How should we deal with it tonight?

The Yiluan Sifu has already discussed the problem of nightmares with the Great Buddhist Temple of the Academy. Now the people in both places are trying to find a solution for Yiluan Sifu, but they have not been able to come up with a good solution.

There are too many people in Gaoxiang City. If you want to gather people together and guard them together, there is definitely not such a large area in the city. Even if you go out of the city outside the wilderness, the area is enough, but if a million people gather together, the trouble to deal with is even more. All the officials put their hands in, and they can't handle so many things.

Once people are so concentrated, and they are not well-trained soldiers, if something happens, it will be a terrible disaster.

Therefore, it is not realistic to gather people together to guard them together.

"Let all those who stay in the city not close the doors and windows, and stay in front of the doors and windows whether they are sleeping or not." Zhou Fan suggested.

In this way, when the nightmare of the whole city occurs, the warriors of the Yiluan Division, the police officers of the county government, and the warriors of the patrol team may be able to see the strange appearance when they pass by.

"This method is good." Shen Jing nodded in agreement.

Huang Bujue also said, "Last night's monitoring rune did not detect those strange appearances, so let the rune masters in the city change to a new set of rune arrays to see if it works."

The ineffective measures against last night were announced one by one, but even so, the four people in the meeting room could not guarantee how effective they would be after going through the events of last night.

While everyone was discussing, there was a knock on the door of the meeting room.

"Come in." Huang Bujue said.

The man who came in was Yuan Liwei, the general staff member of the mansion. His face was haggard. Recently, due to the nightmare of the whole city, the rest time of both foreign and internal affairs personnel in the mansion was greatly shortened. Yuan Liwei's appearance was not much of a surprise.

"Sir." Yuan Liwei bowed his hands and said, "It's urgent from the headquarters."

Yuan Liwei took out a letter and gave it to Huang Bujue.

Huang Bujue hurriedly took the letter. He opened it and read it for a while, with an angry expression on his face, and handed the letter to Wen Ho, who was closest to him.

Wen Ti looked displeased and then handed it to Zhou Fan. Zhou Fan took it and looked at it for a while, then handed it to Shen Jing with a calm expression.

After Zhou Fan read the letter, he understood why Huang Bujue was so angry. The dispatch from the head office was in response to the incident of the Masked Man.

The letter said that the General Office never ordered the case of the Masked Man Organization to be submitted to the General Office, but someone in the mansion stole the seal and falsely passed the order. Now that person has been caught and is being interrogated, but the members of the Masked Man Group who were caught before are still in the office. There are files missing.

Shen Jing frowned slightly after reading this.

Huang Bujue waved his hand, Yuan Liwei carefully backed out, and closed the door.

"What do you think?" Huang Bujue asked in a deep voice.

Shen Jing sneered and said, "There is a big problem with this matter. If someone in the manor really stole the seal and gave false orders, then why did it take so long to reply to us? They should give the answer as soon as possible. It's just for the dead."

Huang Bujue said with a sullen face, "No matter what, I will continue to send a letter to ask questions about this matter. If the general government cannot give a good answer, then this matter will be reported to the official's family, and the official family will ask the general government of Yiluan. ,How is this going"

Wen Ti sighed, "Amitabha, the matter has come to this point, I'm afraid the head office can't expect it any more. Regarding the organization of the masked people, we have also read the files from Luoshui Township. Far water cannot save near fire."

When the whole city was searching for Nightmare Monster, Yi Luan Si did not forget to search for the masked, but also found nothing.

After a few quick discussions, the four of them ended the meeting and prepared for the upcoming third night.

Also because it was already in the afternoon, the approaching night made Gaoxiang City a little restless, and many people dragged their families with them and lined up to leave the city for the night.

If you walk in the Gaoxiang City, you will find that every corner is filled with the breath of the wind.

Now it can only be confirmed that the dead person should have happened after the nightmare of the whole city, but because no living person has seen those strange things, no one knows whether it will be fine if they don't sleep.

Even Shi Luan couldn't confirm this.

So it doesn't mean that you will be safe if you don't sleep at night. That's why many people in the city want to escape from Gaoxiang City.

Gaoxiang City may be over. Many people in the city have such thoughts in their minds.

It's just that they can escape to where they can go. Now the eighteen affiliated villages can no longer accommodate too many people. It is said that even the roads of the villages are full of people, which brings a lot of people to the governance of the village and the patrolling of the patrol team. trouble.

Eighteen villages, with the tacit approval of the Gaoxiangcheng county government, generally do not accept people from the city.

There are too many people who come out and can only spend the night in a group outside the wilderness, but this is not a long-term solution. If Yiluan Si still can't solve those terrible strange things after a while, then they have to consider the possibility of relocating the family. .

It's just that long-distance migration is always a dangerous thing in this world, no matter how many people there are.

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