Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 978: Expand the scope

The subordinates all shook their heads and said no.

Zhou Fan's face darkened. They had already deduced that the death of a person should be something that happened shortly after the nightmare.

That is to say, after the nightmare occurs, the later the news is sent back, the greater the probability of an accident.

Zhou Fan waited patiently for a while before the news came back one after another. There was no abnormality in the Southeast Third Square he was in charge of. At present, he quickly confirmed it and found no dead people!

This surprised Zhou Fan.

This kind of confirmation is quickly confirmed by checking the casualties of each household in the city's Wushi system. Generally speaking, it is no problem to confirm this, then there should be no dead people in the Southeast Third Square.

"Contact the other three districts and see how they are doing?" Zhou Fan thought for a while, and he also took out the message sign to send messages to Huang Bujue and the others.

Soon after the news was gathered, in the entire Gaoxiang City, only one household of twelve people died in Shangfengfang, the third northwest of the city, while the rest of the area was fine, and no strange traces were found.

It's not surprising that I didn't find those strange rumors. What's surprising is that the number of deaths is wrong.

After Zhou Fan got the news summary, he muttered to himself: "Outside the city...outside the city..."

Zhou Fan asked his subordinates to stay and continue to be vigilant, and he rushed back to the Yiluan Division with a few people.

As soon as he entered the Sifu, Zhou Fan got the news that there were indeed dead people outside the city!

There were three villages that were attacked by monsters, and they all died from sucking their brains. The current news is that 161 people died.

Hearing this news, Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue from the four towns made their faces look a little ugly. The five of them calmed down and separated three people to lead the team to the three villages to check the situation, and the other two continued to stay. Guard at the government office.

Zhou Fan and Eunuch Zhang were left behind, while Huang Bujue and the three hurried away with the warriors of the Yiluan Division.

Zhou Fan sighed, he understood that Huang Bujue and the others also understood that doing so was just in vain.

The morale of the minister also fell to a low point.

For three nights in a row, I thought of every possible way, but I still couldn't stop the mysterious hunt.

They couldn't even figure out the number of weirdos.

Zhou Fan took care of the follow-up in the city, and arranged for the appropriate number of people to guard.

Even though the nightmare has passed, the number of deaths is almost the same as the previous two nights, but Zhou Fan is afraid to confirm whether those monsters will come back again?

After all, they thought that the scope of those monsters hunting was only within Gaoxiang City, but what happened tonight made them know that they were all wrong. Those monsters didn't have to hunt in the city, they could also go outside the city. affiliated village.

The city couldn't hold it. If it were expanded to 18 villages, the officials would not be able to arrange so many people.

But if you only rely on the patrols of 18 villages and those martial arts sects, I am afraid it will not work... Of course, the defense of the official family has never worked...

It can't be said that it doesn't work. Maybe it's because of the tight defense of the officials tonight, so it's not impossible for those monsters to give up hunting in the city...

Zhou Fan thought for a while, then Eunuch Zhang came over and said: "Zhou Fusi, you go to bed first, I think Mr. Huang and the others won't be back before dawn, if it's all right, you can rest until dawn, and you have to be on duty during the day. "

In Gao Xiangyi Luan Division, even if they are in different camps, at this critical time, they will unite to deal with the strange.

"Thank you, Eunuch Zhang." Zhou Fan thanked him and went back to the room prepared by Yiluan Company to take a break.



Zhou Fan can sleep peacefully, but after the nightmare happened tonight, many people are destined to have trouble falling asleep.

Insect Girl is not affected by nightmares, she has a special talent for deceiving people, and this nightmare can't affect her.

She was awakened by Chen Peipi after a nightmare.

Of course Chen Peipei would not disturb the sleep of the bug lady. She woke up the bug lady, which was also what the bug lady had instructed a long time ago.

After the nightmare happened, the worm girl woke up.

As soon as the insect girl woke up, the room also lit up with a soft white light, which was the light emitted by the beads hanging on the wall.

Zongniang stood in front of the window, listening to the screaming and chaotic voices, she sighed lightly: "Aunt Flay, can't you find out?"

"Liu Sanhuo and the others went to investigate very carefully, but they still don't know what's going on." Chen Bopi, who was standing behind Zongniang, said softly: "Young Master, this matter has not been resolved for a long time. I don't know, why don't we leave Gaoxiang City first and come back after a while."

Chen Bopi is not worried about her own safety. She is worried about the safety of the young master. It is unacceptable to her that the young master has a little loss.

But Li Chungniang shook her head: "Aunt Flaying, you know, normal **** can't hurt me."

Chen Pepi did not persuade him any further.

"As the Minister of Yiluan, he must be very troubled by this incident, right?" Li Chungniang suddenly whispered to herself.

Chen Pepi knew that it wasn't to ask her, but in fact, even if she asked her, she didn't know how to answer. She was never good at this kind of thing.



"I heard that there are also three villages in the Eighteen Villages outside." When he said this, Eunuch Ao's face trembled, and his eyes showed fear.

It's not that he can't sleep, it's that he doesn't dare to sleep.

Since he woke up from a nightmare last time, he hasn't slept for the past two nights.

Because I have nightmares when I sleep at night, and after the nightmares, I may be killed by monsters.

Of course, idlers like Grandpa Ao chose not to sleep at night, and made up for sleep during the day.

Wrinkled Shen was sitting quietly with Eunuch Ao in the hall. His whole body was full of coldness. He was pondering swordsmanship. Hearing Eunuch Ao say this, he said solemnly, "Don't worry, my lord, if those strange things dare to dare Come, even if I die, I will protect the safety of adults."

Ao Gong's behavior is a bit absurd when he is but he cultivated Wrinkle Shen wholeheartedly, and Wu Shen Shen is very grateful to Ao Gong Gong, and will try his best to repay him.

"Small wrinkle is here, our family is naturally at ease." Eunuch Ao's expression eased slightly, but he was still worried: "But it has been three consecutive nights, and some forces such as Yiluan Company, Baixiang Temple, academy, and aristocratic families have all joined In it, I didn't even see those strange shadows."

"This fact is a bit abnormal. Although their abilities are far inferior to ours, they are not all incompetent."

With a deep frown, he raised his eyebrows and said, "The people from the A-type class during the day have also analyzed it and said that it is likely to be some new weirdness that has never appeared in front of people."

"New monsters?" Eunuch Ao suddenly clenched his hands, "If there are new monsters, it will be troublesome."

"Godfather said that new monsters are often more difficult to deal with than monsters of the same level, because no one knows their characteristics."

Eunuch Ao stood up. He paced back and forth a few times before he said to Zou, "No, the scholars in the academy often say that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, let alone our eunuchs?"

Our eunuch... wrinkled deeply, blood stretched out of his forehead: "Sir, I'm not an eunuch."

"Oh, my little wrinkle." Grandpa Ao said in a shrill voice: "Now is not the time to pay attention to such small details, our family said that Gaoxiangcheng can't stay any longer, wait for our family to tell Xiaohezi and let him Hurry up and transfer our family away, your Class A resources are in hand, you can come back and get them later, it's useless to stay now."

"Let's go together then."

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