Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 981: Self-reliance

"One hundred thousand big gray worms plus one possessed and asked to change your "Wuji Dao Gang"." Zhou Fan looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao and said.

Zhou Xiaomao was secretly happy, she nodded and said, "This is your wise choice."

"But..." Zhou Fan said again.

"But what? Don't you want to attach any additional conditions?" Zhou Xiaomao said vigilantly.

"I didn't bargain, but there is a premise, that premise is that the outside world monk has not solved it. You also know that possession can not be possessed every day, but can only be possessed in a month without special circumstances. One time, so I can't just waste this possession opportunity." Zhou Fan said with a serious face.

"I may have to ask you for help with that Taoist cultivator, so the possession of "Wuji Dao Gang" can only be placed after the Taoist cultivator is resolved."

Zhou Xiaomao said dissatisfiedly: "But the question is how to confirm whether the Taoist cultivator will appear? If he doesn't appear, shouldn't I have to wait forever? Will I never wait for this opportunity to possess myself?"

"I can understand if you have such worries." Zhou Fan thought for a while and said, "Then we have a one-month period. If he hasn't shown up within a month, then I will fulfill my promise."

"Then I'll be fine." Zhou Xiaomao thought this was acceptable, and waiting a month was nothing to her.

It was only then that Chu Fu said urgently: "Zhou Fan, will this be too risky?"

Zhou Xiaomao snorted: "Of course there will be risks, but haven't I made a double oath that I won't hurt him? What danger can he have?"

Don't ruin my good deeds, you little girl!

Zhou Fan also smiled and reassured: "Don't worry, I have already thought about it before agreeing to her."

Seeing this, Chufu could only nod her head helplessly. She blamed herself in her heart, or she was too slow to get the big gray worm, otherwise Zhou Fan would not be forced to agree to possess her, her assistant was unqualified , go back and urge your subordinates to work hard to collect them.

Zhou Xiaomao first took all of Zhou Fan's gray worms, but Zhou Fan's glass ball contained only more than 90,000 large gray worms. Enough for 100,000 grey worms.

Zhou Fan saw that his glass ball was empty.

Zhou Xiaomao collected 100,000 large gray worms before catching a wisp of mist, took out a black wooden box, and handed it to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan took the black wooden box, opened it and glanced at it. Inside the wooden box was a black leather classic. The four-character word "Wuji Dao Gang" written in the classic was sharp and could sting people's eyes.

Zhou Fan calmed down and resisted the sharp sword intent. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and opened "The Promise Sword Gang" and read it.

Instead, he wanted to see how powerful the "Wuji Dao Gang", which he had paid a small price for, was?

In general, martial arts and martial arts books will write a general outline at the beginning, introducing the advantages and disadvantages of martial arts and martial arts, but this "Wuji Dao Gang" is different.

It begins with something like a self-narrative!

This made Zhou Fan startled for a moment, and he continued to read it carefully.

"Yu's life is addicted to knives, and he is called a mad swordsman. When Yu's knives play, even Yu himself is afraid!"

"There are so many facts that I have experienced in the rest of my life, but in the end, the famous sword beauty is nothing. When there are only a few decades left in the deadline, there is only one wish left, and that is to create an ancient sword technique."

"But after thinking about it for ten years, I realized that there is a big gap between the predecessors and sages who use knives, so I can only settle for the next best thing and create this knives and knives in the Qi Gang section."

"Yu has always been an arrogant and arrogant person, and it is already very uncomfortable for Yu to take the second place. Yu is determined that even if it is just a swordsmanship, it should be the first swordsmanship in history. Law!"

"In order to achieve this wish, Yu worked hard, traveled all over the mountains, set foot in the waters, and devoted the rest of his life to this matter, and only then has this "Wuji Dao Gang"."

"Yu Xin is so arrogant, Yu is convinced that "Wu Ji Dao Gang" can be regarded as one of the best in the Qi Gang section, and there should be no Dao Gang method that can surpass it."

"The most practical time in Yu's life was during the creation of "Wuji Dao Gang". There were no enemies and no disputes. When this deadline was approaching, Yu Cai felt it, and it was too late to regret it. "Being able to talk about **** is not a mediocre life."

"There is nothing to write about the rest of the matter. I just hope that future generations who have learned this practice can remember that it was created by the Crazy Swordsman, and that he has a lot of heart."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you forget about Yu, but I encountered a huge dilemma when creating this practice. At this critical juncture, it was Senior Long who helped Yu, and this made "Wuji Dao Gang" completed."

"It can be said that without Senior Long, there would be no "Wuji Dao Gang"."

"So the descendants who practice this technique can forget Yu Mad Saber, but they can't forget Senior Long. You must remember the kindness of Senior Long."

"It's not that Yu didn't say the name of Senior Long, but that Yu and Senior Long only got along for a very short Finally, after being awakened by Senior Long, I understood how to create this exercise, but Yu was immersed in it. In the creation of "Wuji Dao Gang", I forgot the name of Senior Wen Long for a while."

"This is what Yu regrets most."

"But Senior Long is the most beautiful man I have ever seen."

"His beauty is like a ray of sunshine through the rhombus window paper in winter, warm and reserved, warm but not scorching. In front of him, he may feel ashamed of his ugliness, but he can't raise the slightest jealousy. I only think in my heart how can there be such a beautiful man in the world?"

"So if you are fortunate enough to see Senior Long, you will definitely recognize that this is Senior Long at a glance."

"There was a chat, Yu said that his "Wuji Dao Gang" was completed, and he should have no regrets in this life. Senior Long showed a regretful expression at that time, saying that he also has a wish that has never been realized."

"Yu originally thought that he would not be able to repay the kindness of Senior Long, but when he saw this opportunity, he hurriedly asked. If he was fortunate enough to realize his wish for Senior Long, he would like to have the head of Yu Xiang, and he would take it away."

"Under Yu's questioning, I learned that Senior Long's wish was that he wanted to ask but dared not ask a question: what kind of experience does it feel to be ugly?"

"Yu had to sigh deeply: Senior Long is too kind!"

When Zhou Fan saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched. He didn't expect to see the deeds of Senior Long here.

He didn't expect "Wuji Dao Gang" to have such a relationship with Senior Long.

He was quite sure that this Senior Long was definitely the Senior Long that Rouge said.

"Zhou Fan, what's wrong?" Seeing that Zhou Fan's expression was wrong, Chu Fu asked quickly.

Could it be that the exercises are different from what Zhou Xiaoxiao said?

But this shouldn't be possible, this is a transaction witnessed by the boat, and even the boat kitten can't lie and deceive people about the practice.

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