Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 989: association

Knowing that the old man of the Bai family was the key person in the case, Shen Jing stood up, and he wanted to take someone to the Bai family.

It's just that whoever spoke up, he said with a smile, "Sir Shen, do you want to go to Bai's house now?"

"Is there a problem?" Shen Jing raised his eyebrows and asked.

"If you go...cough..." He Ren coughed again, and he coughed several times before saying: "If you go now, what will happen if the Bai family doesn't admit it? Even if you have me as a witness, the Bai family will take a bite. If you insist that I'm talking nonsense, what will you do?"

"Do you have any evidence to prove that the Bai family is the mastermind?" Zhou Fan also asked.

Just relying on someone's testimony is not enough.

"Of course there are, and there are quite a few." He Ren smiled and said, "Our He family is originally attached to the Bai family. For the Mengwan incident, I have met with the old master of the Bai family countless times in private. If I need evidence, of course I can show it. If there is not enough evidence, I will not stand up."

"That's it." Shen Jing smiled.

"I don't understand." Zhou Fan said with a condensed expression: "Why are you chatting with us here? Even if it won't take too much time, aren't you afraid of them running away?"

"Lord Zhou." He Ren whispered again: "I asked you to talk with me here, but it was just a delay for a while. The Bai family is so big, where can they escape? I don't expect you to catch that one. The power behind the Bai family is gone, and I hate the Bai family even more, and I hate the old man of the Bai family."

"The old man of the Bai family must already know that I am not dead, cough, cough, cough." He couldn't help coughing again, and the cough echoed in the hall, "The longer it drags on, the more painful he will be, the He family is over, but the Bai family is over. It's also in a dead end, isn't it a bad mood?"

Shen Jing felt a little cold in his heart, who is really ruthless, the Bai family really can't run away, he should have been in torment at this moment, no wonder he is so unhurried.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Zhou Fan asked, "If not, then we have to go to the Bai family. You think the ending of the Bai family is doomed, but I'm still worried that there will be changes, and if we go there, we might be able to catch those who destroy the family. Who's family."

"Have you forgotten Mengmo?" He Ren chuckled: "Tell me one thing you must not know, and it's the last thing, why do you have to secretly touch everything about Mengwan?"

Shen Jing thought about it for a while and said with a stern face: "The side effects of Meng Wan are so great that they can't be withdrawn. What kind of impact will this have on the warriors of the Great Wei Dynasty? Obviously, even in the end, you can control the warriors through this medicine. You won't allow the existence of this kind of medicine pill, don't sneak and touch, do you still want to put it on the table openly?"

"The official's reaction is one reason." He Ren admitted, "But there is another very important reason. They don't want people to know the origin of Meng Mo."

The origin of Mengmo?

Zhou Fan and Shen Jing listened carefully. They really wanted to know what this Mengmo was and why Mengwan was able to occupy all ranks of the warriors. Mengmo should be a very important thing.

"Mengmo actually comes from weirdness. It is a kind of weird spit. It only takes a little bit of spit to make thousands of dream pills. materials." He Ren said calmly.

"What kind of weirdness?" Zhou Fan asked.

He Ren shook his head and said: "I don't know, the Bai family and those people I contacted didn't tell me, but the old master Bai told me that those strange things will be transported to Gaoxiang City for a period of time, so that there is no need for caravans to run back and forth to transport Mengmo. ."

"Why don't you extract a large amount of dream foam at one time?" Zhou Fan asked strangely.

"Of course they want to, but you don't know that if the amount of dream foam is too large, even if the seal is the best, there is a high probability that some monsters will smell the existence of dream foam in the wilderness. If it attracts powerful monsters For them, that would be an unbearable loss."

"Of course, they won't keep such precious monsters in Gaoxiang City. Their plan is to keep those monsters in Gaoxiang City for a while, and then transport those monsters to another city after they have enough dream foam. What I want to do is a constantly changing Yumemaru refining base, so it is very difficult to find the existence of the base."

"When will those weird things arrive?" Shen Jing asked quickly.

Zhou Fan's face suddenly showed a look of astonishment, he looked at Who and asked: "You said that there was a problem with Mengmo's channels, that is, those monsters went wrong, the Bai family will transport the monsters to Gaoxiang City, don't they? The last time the Bai family caravan was attacked in Gaoxiang City..."

He Ren praised: "Master Zhou is really a rare smart person. It was that time when the Bai family caravan was attacked and the monster who produced the dream foam escaped."

"Is this your guess or did you listen to them?" Shen Jing asked in a daze.

"I guess." He Ren said: "The Bai family won't tell me about such an important thing, but I have always been responsible for the refining of Meng Wan, and I will refine Meng Wan in Nanjing Village every once in a while. The foam has been used up long ago. Originally, they had agreed that the monster will arrive soon, and then the refining will But it has not come. The Bai family caravan was attacked last time. I suspected that I had also asked Mrs. Bai, but he was perfunctory, until the He family was destroyed...I didn't want to understand everything. "

"But this is just a guess." Shen Jing doubted: "Maybe they planned to give up on you long ago, so those weird things didn't come..."

"But I have a very important piece of evidence." He Ren smiled.

"What evidence?" Shen Jing asked.

"Is it a nightmare?" Zhou Fan looked at the person and asked in a deep voice: "From the day the Bai family was attacked, Gaoxiang City was attacked by a nightmare, and until today, these nightmares are those who produce dream foam. Weird!"

Shen Jing's eyes narrowed and looked at Who: "Is what Zhou Fusi said true?"

"Master Zhou said exactly what I wanted to say, and this is the evidence." He Ren replied, and he coughed again.

He said too many things, and the fact that the He family was destroyed today was an unbearable blow for him, and there was a look of exhaustion in his eyes.

"How many of those monsters are there? What are their shapes? Where are they hiding?" Shen Jing was startled and shouted sharply.

He is not in a hurry to go over to the Bai family. If he can know the specific information of those strange things, then he can solve those strange things. This is the most important thing to Gaoxiang City.

After all, the method Zhou Fan said before may not necessarily be effective.

Zhou Fan is also staring at who, wanting to know the answer.

"I don't know." He Ren shook his head and said, "They didn't tell me much about those weird information, and I only learned about it from side-by-side. I don't know more about those weird things than you do."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have thought of this episode until now. I should have thought of it as soon as the nightmare attacked Gaoxiang City."

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