Chapter 3: Introduction


Yuu walked to the front of the classroom, took a deep breath and slid the door open. There were several students inside, including himself and Takamaru.


“Um, g-good morning.” When Yuu spoke, some students looked at him, making him feel uneasy.


“Morning!” A girl with long, light pink hair and red eyes, wearing a white long-sleeved top, a blue jacket tied around her waist, black stockings up to her calf and pink canvas sneakers skipped over.

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“Morning,” said another boy with orange-red hair covering his black eyes, wearing a yellow-beige button blazer, a white long-sleeved shirt, a red tie, black school pants and red sneakers with white soles.


Yuu slowly walked in and looked for his seat. It was in the front row which was right in front of the teacher’s desk. He sat in his chair and relaxed. He found that there was a lot of space in the classroom.


“Hey Takamaru.” Yuu greeted Chiko who was sitting next to him. Chiko responded with a smile.


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When it was time for class, the teacher opened the door and the students returned to their seats. There were some students who had just opened the door and entered.

“Hi, everyone! I am Kawamata Shino, your general teacher. ” Mr. Kawamata said as he pushed his glasses up.

“General teacher?” Yuu cocked his head and wondered.

“Okay, let’s do roll call now.” Mr. Kawamata opened the attendance book and read out the names one by one.


“Takamaru Chiko.” “Here!”

“Ushi Hiroshi.” “…”

“Haruyama.” “Here.”

“Chiya.” “Here!”

“Orio Akino.” “Here.”

“Shirasawa Kazuko.” “Here.”

“Nishihara Yukisaku.” “here!”

“Onoe Isamu.” “Here.”

“Enomoto Shibata.” “Here.”

“Hirota Tomoe.” “Here.”

“Yamazaki Yoshida.” “Here!”

“Nagano Kihana.” “Here~”

“Morishita Yuu.” “Here.”

“Akamatsu.” “Here!”


“All right, everyone is here!” Mr. Kawamata closed the attendance book. “Next, let’s introduce ourselves! Start from the left! “


“I am Haruyama,” said the boy with orange-red hair covering his black eyes, wearing a yellow-beige button blazer, a white long-sleeved shirt, a red tie, black school pants and red sneakers with white soles.


“Chiya!” The girl with long, light pink hair and red eyes, wearing a white long-sleeved top, a blue jacket tied around her waist, black stockings up to her calf and pink canvas sneakers said.


“I’m Morishita Yuu.” Yuu had dark grey hair and aquamarine eyes. He was wearing his school uniform–a blue blazer, a white long-sleeved shirt, a red tie, blue-black pants and blue canvas shoes with black soles.


“Takamaru Chiko.” This girl had black hair and pale blue eyes, in her school uniform which was a yellow-beige button blazer, a white long-sleeved shirt, a red bow, a black skirt, black stockings and brown school shoes.


“My name is Nishihara Yukisaku,” said a boy with yellow hair and orange eyes, wearing a grey blazer with black hems, a white long-sleeved shirt, a black tie, grey-black suspenders and black school shoes.


“I’m Enomoto Shibata.” It was a blonde haired boy with dark blue eyes wearing a yellow buttonless blazer, a white long-sleeved shirt, a red tie, grey school pants and leather shoes.


“I-I’m Onoe Isamu,” said a serious looking girl who wore glasses. She had black eyes and her black hair was tied in braids. She wore a grey blazer with black hems, black stockings up to her thighs and brown school shoes.


“Hirota Tomoe.” She had purple hair and eyes and wore a ponytail. Her school uniform was a yellow buttonless blazer, a white short-sleeved shirt, a grey skirt and brown school shoes.


“I am Yamazaki Yoshida!” This boy had a white cloth strip that said “Must win!” tied to his forehead. He had teal colored hair and dark yellow eyes and was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, blue-black pants and dark blue sneakers with gold soles.


“Nagano Kihana.” She had dark green hair and eyes and was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, a grey skirt, a black tie that was pulled up halfway and red canvas shoes with white soles.


“Ushi Hiroshi!” Said a boy with dark red hair and eyes. He wore a white long-sleeved shirt, grey pants and military boots.


“I’m Akamatsu.” The roots of his hair were orange-yellow that gradually faded into a pale color at the ends. This silver eyed boy wore a grey blazer and pants, a white short-sleeved shirt, a black tie and black running shoes.


“Shirasawa Kazuko,” said a girl with long silvery white hair and dark pink eyes. Her school uniform was a yellow-beige button blazer, a white long-sleeved shirt, a red bow, a black skirt, short black stockings and brown school shoes.


“I am Orio Akino.” It was a girl with short, dark orange hair and pale green eyes wearing a blue blazer, white long-sleeved shirt, a black-blue skirt, stockings up to her calves and black school shoes.


“Alright then, we’ll make Takamaru Chiko the class monitor and the assistant monitor will be Nishihara Yukisaku!” The class didn’t have any objections to Mr. Kawamata’s suggestion.


There were only three seats in each row in the classroom, and the first row on the left was: Takamaru Chiko, Morishita Yuu and Nishihara Yukisaku.

The second row on the left was: Enomoto Shibata, Haruyama and Chiya.

The third row on the left was: Hirota Tomoe, Yamazaki Yoshida, and Onoe Isamu.

The fourth row on the left was: Nagano Kihana, Ushi Hiroshi and Akamatsu.

The fifth row on the left was: Shirasawa Kazuko and Orio Akino.

“So…” Mr. Kawamata looked up. “It’s time for class.”

Today’s bell had just rung……

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