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Chapter 1006 Call me Queen!

Xuan Ling left that afternoon...

That's right, Xuan Ling left alone, while Xuan Yao was taken hostage.

This is why Xuan Ling made the decision to go against his ancestors.

Leave Xuanyao as a hostage with Su Bai, and she will go back to solve the problem by herself.

Things here in Dajiang City will definitely not be settled for a while.

But it doesn't matter if you can't get down, as long as you keep occupying the pit and don't let others get down.

Question... Even if there is no result yet, people can still be brought out.

It’s simply a good way to kill two birds with one stone…

The only person who feels more uncomfortable is probably Xuan Yao.

The master ran away and she was left alone as a hostage.

Xuan Yao also knows that the current situation is actually the best way.

Otherwise, lock up Su Bai, a lunatic... But this kind of thing can only be thought about.

If you really had that ability, this matter wouldn't be so troublesome.

Xuan Yao was lying pitifully on the sofa of Su Bai's house at this moment, his eyes were lifeless, as if he had been tortured.

Goudan was still lying on a small stool, watching anime with gusto and eating snacks in his mouth.

He looks like a salted fish.

As for Su Bai...he is not at home now, but has gone to pick up Huahua and Yang Ning.

According to Su Bai's expectation, this matter would not be handled within a few days.

It ended today.

Far beyond expectations.

The most fundamental reason why this situation occurs is because of Bailong.

Bai Long... is indeed an old man. He sensed something was wrong with Su Bai and was unwilling to continue fighting until he died.

If this consumption continues, the final calculated time will be almost the same as Su Bai estimated.

Su Bai was not at home, so Xuan Yao dared to do this.

Xuan Yao lay down for a while, and finally his eyes rested on the little stool like a fat dog egg.

This thing... is so strange.

Xuan Yao has never seen anything like Goudan.

Xuan Yao had just heard part of the conversation between Bai Long, Su Bai and her master, and knew that Goudan's identity seemed to be somewhat special.

Not even living things.

The relationship with Su Bai is also relatively good. It seems that he is still the other party's younger brother?

Xuan Yao has always heard Goudan calling Boss Su Bai...

Suddenly, Xuan Yao was stunned and said:

"Um, are you calling Goudan?"

"You called me Goudan too? If you want to call me Master Goudan, the prisoner must look like a prisoner. If you don't try to get close to me, I won't be fooled!" Goudan said righteously.

Xuanyao: "..."

Xuan Yao didn't expect that Goudan was so intelligent.

Not only is the level of intelligence high, but the offensive power of language is also not low...

What kind of bastard...

He didn't know what was in his mind, but Xuan Yao's eyes finally stayed on the TV.

An anime is playing on the TV, and one of the lines is this.

"Don't call me queen, call me queen!"

Xuanyao: "..."

Now Xuan Yao knew where he heard those strange words from Goudan's mouth.

Are emotions distorted by these weird things on TV?

But it doesn't matter, Xuan Yao's psychological acceptance is still very strong.

Xuan Yao had never been afraid of anyone before. He just ran away if he couldn't beat him...

Now there is only one more Su Bai, and Xuan Yao has learned how to hold his butt.

I’m not so afraid of Su Bai anymore… right?

"How does your boss usually treat you?" Xuan Yao selectively ignored what Goudan said before.

She finally figured out that the weird human skin in front of her was just a bit out-of-touch most of the time, but he was still easy to talk to...

"Why are you asking this? It's none of your business. You're a kid. If you shouldn't pry, don't pry. It's not good for you to know too much."

Goudan looked like a master who was lecturing his juniors, pointing at Xuan Yao.

For a moment, Xuan Yao was stunned.

He asked tentatively: "Um...how old are you?"

Xuan Yao was also guessing in his heart, could the madman's younger brother be an old monster like Bai Long?

The kind that lives for hundreds, or even thousands of years?

Goudan's body began to change, and finally a "five" condensed on the human skin.

"Five hundred years?"

Goudan shook his head.

"Five thousand years? Oh my god..." Xuan Yao opened her mouth wide. She was really frightened.

I didn't expect that Goudan, who looked so out of place, would turn out to be so old?

Another old monster...

"Wrong, it's five months." Goudan said his age with pride on his face.

After all... there aren't many evil spirits who live as long as he does.

Many times, the evil gods have not survived past the first seven days before they are found by the strangers in the Supervisor Tiansi, and then sent to the Western Paradise with a set of combination fists...

"Longevity stars" in the evil world like Goudan are no longer common.

Xuanyao: "..."

Five...five months?

Xuan Yao's mouth twitched, and after looking at Goudan's serious and proud face, he finally dared to confirm that what the other party said was actually true?

Did the other party really only live for five months?

What a joke!

Now Xuan Yao finally knows why Goudan likes to watch these cartoons, and they are the kind of cartoons that are... relatively easy to understand.

Because the other party is simply a child!

Since he is a child, it should be easier to fool him. Soon, Xuan Yao started to ask some other questions.

Of course, before asking other questions, you still need to "lick" the dog's balls to feel comfortable.

In this way, Goudan will get up and tell you something useful.

"Oh my god, I actually lived for five months." Xuan Yao's acting skills were very good, at least Goudan didn't notice anything wrong.

Not only did he not see anything wrong, but after hearing Xuan Yao's "exclamation", Goudan's face became even more confident and arrogant.

If Goudan had a body now, he would probably have an air with the corners of his mouth raised and his hands on his hips.

"After living for so long, you must know a lot of things, right?" Xuan Yao continued.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Is there anything else that I, Mr. Goudan, don't know? If there is anything you don't understand, just ask. I'll treat it as giving you a long experience."

Goudan was very impressed by Xuan Yao's words.

Immediately say that you can ask whatever you need.

An imperceptible smile appeared on Xuan Yao's lips. Goudan was easier to deal with than she had imagined.

This is just a child, right?

Goudan, who was a little happy after being blown away, said all the things he should and shouldn't say, and he was still there looking proud.

But...Xuan Yao discovered a very critical problem.

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