The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

"Xiao Xi!" Hu Fanrou screamed in horror

The Xiao Xi she was talking about should be the dead female player.

The opponent's head was almost copied one by one and appeared on the blood corpse.


In the distance, Su Bai pulled the trigger again, and the bullet hit the blood corpse's head at a speed almost exceeding the speed of sound.

The blood corpse on the head of the elder Xiao Xi exploded again.


Hu Fanrou was frightened by the bloody scene in front of her.

In these short tens of seconds, her former teammate had died twice in a sense.

Su Bai handed the sniper rifle in his hand to Yang Lanlan, and walked towards Hu Fanrou.

"Is this the new blood corpse that Zhang Jun said would stop them?"

Su Bai took a look.

Indeed, it was not of the same level as the blood corpse he had met before.

The other party's terrifying recovery ability alone was not comparable to the previous blood corpse.

Sure enough, even if the other party's head was destroyed again this time, it could still recover quickly.

After recovering again, the tumor-like thing covering the blood corpse seemed to have become much smaller.

Su Bai raised his hand and then dropped it.


Another gunshot.

Yang Lanlan stood behind, holding a gun in her hand.

The gun that had just fired a bullet was still steaming.

Another blood flower appeared on the blood corpse.

The huge recoil caused the blood corpse to stagger and fall to the ground.

Taking this opportunity.

Su Bai's body was quickly covered by a strange force and disappeared on the spot.


Su Bai appeared in front of the blood corpse and looked down at the other party.

The Tang sword in his hand shone.

From bottom to top, the body of the blood corpse was divided into two halves!

The opponent's body did not seem to be as strong as Su Bai imagined.

It was easily cut into two halves by the Tang sword in his hand.

The cut body continued to have new granulations and tentacles, and kept moving towards the other half of the body.

Seeing that the opponent seemed to want to recover again, Su Bai quickly swung the knife in his hand.

While cutting off the tentacles, the body was dismembered again.

But these tentacles seemed endless, and no matter how fast Su Bai's knife was, there was no way to completely eliminate these granulation-like things.

But Su Bai's hand movements did not stop.

The tumor material on the blood corpse shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, a black cell condensed.

Su Bai was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and cut off the body part of the opponent's body where the cell was attached.

"First-order mutant cell?"

Su Bai looked at the cell in his hand.

Then he took out an identical cell from his body.

The two are exactly the same, there is no difference.

Even the information of the items is the same.

After losing the blessing of the black cell, the blood corpse lying in front seemed to have lost its power source.

This time, it did not recover after being dismembered by Su Bai.

Even the tentacles attached to the outside of the body began to disappear.

Finally, it disappeared completely and turned into an ordinary blood corpse.

It seems that all the changes are caused by the black cell in his hand.

"Is this the second stage of the game?"

I just don't know if all the blood corpses have become like this, or some of them have become like this.

He stood still when the other party recovered just now.

He had no intention of attacking the people around him.

"Can't attack when recovering?"

He only encountered a mutated blood corpse, and there was no way to get more useful information for the time being.

He collected both cells.

He turned around and looked at Hu Fanrou, whose spirit was almost completely collapsed.

It has only been a short time, and the two teammates who entered the game with him have died...

And it was still in such a contemptuous way.

One of the players didn't even know how he died.

Seeing this scene, Su Bai felt a little "unbearable"

So he said

"There is still half left, just bury it..."

Looking at the two dead companions, and then seeing Su Bai describing the death of his two companions so lightly.

A strong resentment emerged from Hu Fanrou's heart.

"You could have saved them just now, why, why didn't you save them?"

"But you watched them die before you took action?"

Su Bai did not stop to explain because of the other party's doubts


"That's right, people like you don't care about other players' feelings at all!"

Hu Fanrou didn't know if she had been stimulated too much in a short period of time.

He actually dared to question Su Bai.

If it had been before, even if Su Bai slapped him, she would have just endured it.

Now it seems that the other party is really on the verge of mental collapse.

Even the fantasy beads on his body have moved.

Invisible power flows out of Hu Fanrou's body and flows into the fantasy beads.

The triggering of the charging effect is enough to see the other party's current mental state.

Hu Fanrou didn't even want to explain when she saw Su Bai.

Finally collapsed and left in another direction in the night.

When she left, she also took away the remaining half of her companion's body.

The bodies of two people couldn't make up a complete person.

Seeing Hu Fanrou's lonely departure, Yang Lanlan felt mixed emotions.

Because she just felt that what the other party said made some sense.

Did Su Bai find out something was wrong a long time ago?

This is probably only known to Su Bai himself.

Before the blood corpse attacked a few people, Su Bai was ready.

He took out a sniper rifle from his backpack and waited on the side.

As if he had expected it, he knew that the blood corpse attacked the first player and then shot.

Then he handed the gun to Yang Lanlan and signaled Yang Lanlan to shoot the other party.

Maybe it was just like what Hu Fanrou said.

If Su Bai had taken action earlier, the result might not be like this...

"Brother Guozi, did you notice something wrong a long time ago?"

After hesitating for a while, Yang Lanlan couldn't help but ask.

At this time, with the death of the two players and the departure of Hu Fanrou, Su Bai and Yang Lanlan were the only ones left here again.

There was still a lot of blood on the ground.

At the same time, there was a smell that was hard to explain.

"Almost, I saw it at the same time as the other party saw the blood corpse!"

Just now, when the first person saw the blood corpse coming towards this side, Su Bai also noticed that something was coming.

But the other party moved too fast.

It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

By the time he saw the other party clearly, he had already attacked the first player.

It wasn't that Su Bai didn't help, he just reacted a little slowly.

"The other party was very fast, and by the time he noticed it, it was too late."

"Then why didn't you explain it just now?" Yang Lanlan looked at Su Bai in confusion.

"Why do you need to explain?" This time it was Su Bai's turn to look at Yang Lanlan strangely.

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