The new situation is not a new one.

In Su Bai's view, this is tantamount to acquiescence.

This time, as long as the restricted players participate in this camp battle, they can directly determine the result to a large extent.

New changes were made out of necessity.

This is also what Su Bai discovered later.

The tasks of the extraordinary game are not static, but will change with various sudden situations.

Achieve the ultimate goal.

"I'm almost there, where are you now?"

Su Bai stared at the front not far away.

There is a huge pit in front, and the surrounding area is still emitting residual heat.

It seems that a big battle has just happened here.

"Leng Feng and I may not be able to make it in a short time. The players of the Blood Corpse Camp have begun to besiege us."

Zhang Jun did not expect that the players of the Blood Corpse Camp would dare to take action so quickly.

Are these people not afraid that the players will directly team up to eliminate them?

After all, according to the players who chose the Blood Corpse Camp in the team before.

The majority of players did not choose the Blood Corpse Camp.

In other words, they have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

"Kill you, we are one step closer to the success of the mission!"

A leading blood corpse said.

There are several black tumor-like things attached to the opponent's body.

This is the change after swallowing the mutant cells.

It is different from the changes caused by the players.

The changes of the blood corpse will be directly reflected in the body.

It looks disgusting, but correspondingly, there is almost no harm.

Every time a mutant cell is eaten, there will be almost one more tumor on the body.

Until their bodies can no longer bear it.

Not only that, they also found that they can actually command these blood corpses wandering in the city.

In this way, when facing players from the player camp, there is no need to go on the field in person.

First, use those unconscious blood corpses to consume the strength of these players.

Then, these players who have become blood corpses go on the field to harvest these exhausted players.

"You don't think you can kill so many of our players with just you guys, do you?"

There are many players standing behind Zhang Jun.

They are also heading to the place where the light column was generated before.

They have the same purpose as Zhang Jun and others, all to meet up with their teammates.

Along the way.

It is also for safety, after all, many players from the blood corpse camp are watching them.

"Of course not, we still have teammates..."

As the other party said this, there was a sudden commotion around.

Countless blood corpses crawled out of the ruins under the city.

This is the real trump card of the blood corpse camp players.

Blood corpses can be seen almost everywhere.

The first player who saw the blood corpses was already confused.

Where did all these blood corpses suddenly appear?

Until they became blood corpses, the question was answered.

Under the ruins of the entire city, almost all of them were blood corpses.

At the same time, there was a huge spherical life-like thing beating.

It was this spherical thing that continuously produced blood corpses underground.

Players discovered it when they entered the game.

There was no living person in the entire city, not even a corpse.

There were only blood corpses rushing towards them like crazy.

Whenever someone died, something in the air underground would infect the dead.

Finally, these corpses turned into blood corpses.

And the process of turning into blood corpses was slow.

The huge sphere underground seemed to have consciousness, dragging these corpses that were about to be transformed underground.

After these people were completely transformed into blood corpses, they were slowly released as needed.

The reason why many players who had just become blood corpses kept moving in one direction was the signal sent by this huge spherical life.

The other party did not speak like a human.

Even the only way to notify every player who has turned into a blood corpse is through something like an extremely weird brain wave.

"Protect me, prevent them from approaching me!"

The signal sent by the other party is just such a short sentence.

But it is this sentence that makes almost all the blood corpse players come to protect the other party.

It's very simple, there is an uncontrollable feeling in the body that requires these players who have turned into blood corpses to do this.

In other words, it is an order to the other party.


These players who have become blood corpses have no chance to refuse.

In other words, it is not impossible to let all the blood corpses die.

After all, it is just a matter of one word from the other party.

Fortunately, the other party only issued that one order and then there was no movement.

All the blood corpse players will slowly approach here.

This is the other party's order, and they have no way to refuse.

But the good thing is.

The other party will continuously send blood corpses from the ground up.

In order to help the players in their blood corpse camp.

Soon, one after another, blood corpses crawled out of the soft soil.

Appeared in front of the players.

"What a joke, these people can control blood corpses?" A player stared at the blood corpses emerging from the ground in extreme horror and said.

"I said where these blood corpses came from, but I didn't see any corpses."

"It's like they came out of thin air, and it's really like this?"

"No, the number of these blood corpses is still increasing!"

After a while, the difference in the number of people on both sides narrowed instantly.

In the final reversal, the number of blood corpses was several times that of the players.


Zhang Jun rushed towards the opponent first.

In this situation, the opponent can obviously control the blood corpses.

If the opponent is not quickly dealt with, the number of these blood corpses will only increase.

This is what Zhang Jun does not want to see.

Seeing his captain go up, Leng Feng, who has been following Zhang Jun, also rushed up!

Zhang Jun's body size swelled and the whole person disappeared on the spot.

"Hehe!" The blood corpse player smiled contemptuously.

The next moment, Zhang Jun appeared in front of the opponent and then punched the opponent's head.


Zhang Jun did not expect that the opponent was so vulnerable!

"Uncle, don't underestimate us!"

Soon, the originally exploded head grew at an extremely unscientific speed.

Finally appeared on the opponent's head.

"Damn, these people actually got the power of blood corpses!"

Zhang Jun hurriedly pulled away.

Avoided the tentacles that appeared on the opponent's body.


Several tentacles smashed into the ground, creating several holes.

The tentacles swung and pulled out of the ground.

"Haha, weren't you very fierce just now?"

"You know how to run now?"

Countless tentacles on the opponent rushed towards Zhang Jun.

Countless blood corpses also rushed towards other players around.

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