The more you know about the situation, the more you will understand.

Su Bai has a strong ability to accept.

He quickly accepted something that seemed illusory, such as mental power.

"Mental power should be seen as the blue bar in the game..."

It's just that the concept of blood bar is very vague, and it can't be completely digitized like in the game.

After all, people are alive.

The same knife cuts the head and the thigh and the blood drops differently.

Su Bai put the glass in his hand into his backpack, which was also a matter of thought, very convenient.

Just this technology of quickly releasing and collecting things.

Su Bai can say with certainty that no country in the world can have such technology.

This has exceeded the existing technology of mankind and belongs to extraordinary power.

Now Su Bai still has 800 extraordinary coins and two bottles of recovery potion in his hand.

Su Bai picked up one of the bottles of potion and shook it. The glass bottle contained a light green liquid.

This bottle is [Primary Life Recovery Potion], which looks very healthy with its green color!

There is also a bottle of light blue [Primary Spirit Recovery Potion], which should be more precious than the Life Recovery Potion.

After all, only one bottle was opened, and I don’t know if it is standard for all treasure chests.

Thinking of this, Su Bai found that there are still many things he doesn’t know.

Relying on the website that Zhang Jun told him in the previous copy, Su Bai came to the computer.

By the way, he put on a black hood for himself.

This is to prevent this website from hacking Su Bai’s camera and monitoring himself in some way. It is always better to be cautious.

Turning on the computer, Su Bai’s fingers jumped quickly on the keyboard, and soon a website appeared in Su Bai’s field of vision.


"Is this the world's largest website for superhumans?"

Pink layout, cute style, this...

Su Bai looked at the website in front of him, which was no different from that made by a three-year-old child, and fell into deep thought.

"No, this should be a trick to prevent others from entering casually!" Su Bai quickly reacted.

Zhang Jun should not use this matter to deceive himself.

This is no different from offending himself.

Finally, with a try-it mentality, Su Bai clicked on the conspicuous entry in the middle of the website.

"It was detected that the player's identity information was checked. Do you want to respond?"

At this time, the system prompt sound came to Su Bai's mind.

This is a unique prompt sound in [Superhuman Game], and there is no way to fake it.

"Is that so?"

"It's interesting!" Su Bai didn't expect that the creator of this website would actually pass the game review.


The next moment, all kinds of information appeared on the website that was originally blank in Su Bai's eyes.

"【Want to buy】: A large amount of recovery potions, no level limit! Interested parties come quickly!!!"

"【Want to buy】: [Primary mental recovery potion] The price is negotiable, the more the better!"

"【Reward】: Someone come and kill this guy, he stole the equipment from our team before!"

When Su Bai saw this, he clicked in and saw that the other party's reward price was as high as 15,000 extraordinary coins!

It is conceivable what the other party had done that he was willing to kill the other party at such a high price.

"【Reward】: A novice who has just come into contact with the [Extraordinary Game], wearing a Pleasant Goat mask, about 1.8 meters tall!"

There are many messages below.

"How much is the price?"

"1000 extraordinary coins!"

"It's so difficult to do with such a small amount of money..."

"The other party is just a novice who has just started playing the game. How difficult do you think this task will be?"

"That's right. 1000 extraordinary coins are given to me for free. I won't miss it!"

Many people asked other questions below, such as whether the other party has any other characteristics?

How is the voice?

Pleasant Goat Mask, a newcomer?

Isn't this Su Bai himself?

It's not long since someone put me on the wanted list?

It should be one of the two women. I didn't expect that she would come out alive.

In this case, why not tease the other party, so Su Bai also left a message below

"How did the other party provoke you?" After Su Bai posted the comment, he went to see other information.

After all, the other party would not respond to him immediately. It would be best to get the other party's identity information, which would also be convenient

Su Bai will do it later.

In addition to people leaving messages here, more people are discussing dungeons and games!

Someone even uploaded a video, and Su Bai clicked on it.

In the video, a person is holding a camera and shuttling through the battlefield.

The environment where the other party is located is very chaotic, and there are still uncertain gunshots around, but the protagonist in the video easily avoids various attacks.

A random jump is several meters, which is no longer something a normal person can do.

The other party is also a superhuman!

"Hahahaha, it's really easy to make money from ordinary people!"

"Look at how I kill these guys who are not just so-called!"

The other party spoke with a strong aura of F continent, and he was not from Su Bai's side.

I have never seen Longguo so chaotic, with gunshots and screams everywhere.

These things can only happen in those war-torn places.

It is almost impossible in a place like Longguo.

Su Bai continued to watch, and the recorder of the video finally killed many guards with guns and knives and finally came to a luxurious manor.

In front of everyone, he killed a wealthy man in the manor.

Even the women and children in the manor were not spared.

Even though the other party kept begging for mercy, he still had no intention of being soft-hearted.

In the end, he slaughtered everyone in a brutal way.

"Hahaha..." The video ended here, and the protagonist's cruel laughter was heard until the end.

This is the powerlessness of ordinary people in the face of extraordinary people.

Even the gun is useless, and the other party can easily dodge it.

The so-called hot weapons are completely useless.

Su Bai watched the video with a calm expression, and then clicked on the comments below.

"How much money did the employer pay? He actually asked you to go to continent F to kill people!"

"Aren't you afraid of attracting official attention with such a big fuss?"

And the following is the comment of the video author.

"When those shitty officials come, I'll have already run away, hahaha!"

"I won't reveal the employer's information, so just give up on it. But if you want to kill someone, you can contact us!"

At the top of the last video, a black skull logo was left.

[Skull Mercenary Group]

The other party is from a mercenary group, but it should not be an ordinary mercenary group, but a place where extraordinary people gather.

Su Bai thought about it, and the purpose of the other party posting the video was also very simple.

Increase their popularity, so that more people will ask them to help kill people.

Sure enough, many people have already started to contact the author of the video.

How much money it costs to kill a person, you can settle it in real currency or extraordinary coins.

The exchange rate between the two is 1:10000

And some tasks that are too difficult must be paid with extraordinary coins!

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