After Yang Ning and Wen Qian jumped down, the tentacles passed by the place where they stood before. The huge tentacles deformed the surrounding metal. It seemed that it did not notice that there was a hole under its ground. Instead, it continued to move forward. It seemed to be looking for the next target. ………… A tall woman walked in the laboratory with strange shoes. Her hair was long and fell to her waist. A green hairpin was inserted in her head. She held a silver sword in her hand, and her eyes seemed to be looking for something. "Is there no way again?" Then the woman turned around, and suddenly the laboratory began to shake. A huge tentacle rushed towards the other party like a runaway train. But there was no fear in the woman's eyes.

She was just calm.

The long sword cut through the air, and sonic booms continued to be heard.

The huge tentacle was cut off in the blink of an eye, and then blood scattered all over the sky.

But when the blood was about to fall on the woman, it seemed to be blocked by an invisible shield.

No drop of blood fell on the other party.

The tentacle felt pain and began to shrink back in a hurry.

The woman's eyes lit up.

"Maybe we can find the destruction device by following the tentacles!"

The woman tapped the ground with one foot and her body disappeared on the spot.

Chased after the tentacles that were escaping quickly.


On the other side, the laboratory was almost reaching the deepest position.

A group of people wearing black nun costumes were holding heavy weapons around them and constantly cleaning up the blood corpses around them.

"Saint, it should be here."

The tallest person in the group, who was also wearing nun clothes, nodded.

A huge iron door appeared in front of the few people.

They have been here for a while.

They received the task before and activated the destruction device.

Then they came to the laboratory and kept moving towards the deepest part.

There were many people in their team before.

But they died under the sudden tentacles during the period.

If it weren't for the person called the saint.

There are not many people who can survive until now.

In the end, only the saint received the special task.

The rest of the people came to help the other party complete the task.

As for their tasks, they are completely insignificant compared to the other party.

Even if they fail, the church will give corresponding things as compensation in the end.

"Haven't you found the key yet?" said the tall nun in the lead.

They have tried almost all the methods they can think of.

But they still can't open the door in front of them.

With their current strength.

There is no way to open it by brute force.

Unless it is the madman who came in from the Holy Knights.

But unfortunately, this is impossible.

Don't say that Mike and their church are enemies. Even if they are not enemies, they can't help them for no reason.



If there is no other way in the end, I can only do it myself.

A miniature silver cross hangs in front of the saint's high chest!

Suddenly it flickered.

Among these people, only the madman Mike would not follow any steps but go directly to the monster behind.

Hearing the movement around, the saint closed her eyes and clasped her hands together, as if she was praying.


"When will this end..."

Su Bai's body was covered with blood, and the bones all over his body kept jumping back and forth between repair and breakage.

Now Su Bai is almost numb to the pain in his body.

The energy in the fantasy bead is almost gone.

But after so long, not only is there no hope of getting out.

The pressure around is getting bigger and bigger.

"Take a gamble!"

Su Bai glanced at the cells in his hand.

He had brought all of them along the way, not to mention the first-order cells.

Even the second-order cells were almost full on Su Bai.

If Kayako wasn't difficult to control, Su Bai would have just fed all of his cells to her.

Kayako's strength would have exploded by then.

Only one second-order mutant cell was left to complete the task.

Su Bai hesitated for a while, and finally chose a second-order mutant cell and ate it in one gulp.

Su Bai swallowed it before he even had time to refuse.

The strange taste was like eating a piece of raw meat.

Boom, boom, boom...

Su Bai seemed to hear his own heartbeat.

The sound became louder and louder, not only the heart.

Even the blood flow in the body was accelerated.

It was obvious that something seemed to be coming out of the body.

The tissues in the body began to grow uncontrollably.

Su Bai's body swelled like a huge fat man.

"No, it's going to explode!"

It seemed that there was no way to withstand the mutation brought by the cells, and Su Bai's body began to feel all kinds of discomfort.

"Distortion effect triggered!"

"Cells began to fuse!"

"Cells began to deform!"

Soon, three lines of red characters appeared in Su Bai's field of vision.

Su Bai put down the knife he had just raised.

The body seemed to be heating up?

Even the expansion effect slowly slowed down.

It seemed to be under control?

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene and put down the dagger in his hand.

"No need to cut yourself!"

If he had been swelling just now, Su Bai would have cut off the extra flesh on his body without hesitation.

Then save his life.

Even at the cost of hollowing out some of his organs.

But things didn't seem as bad as he imagined.

"Inspection of distortion effect?"

Su Bai thought about it, and the only thing that could explain this situation was the skill book he had learned before.

"Change the body structure at will!"

"Greatly improve cell activity and vitality!"

The introductions on these equipments are really not just talk...

Su Bai's whole body exuded bursts of heat, and the air around him became distorted.

As if he was put in boiling water, Su Bai's body was red.

But the originally swollen body began to gradually subside.

After a while, Su Bai returned to his normal body shape again.

The body showed clearer muscles and vest lines.

Su Bai's body became more perfect!

Even the pressure around him felt much smaller.

But it was not enough.

Su Bai still had a lot of cells in his hand.

He took a look...

Then he ate them in one gulp.

He didn't need to consider whether he could consume them completely.

What if they couldn't be consumed and grew extra bodies or deformed?

It's very simple, just cut them off, and then use [Deformation] to readjust his body.

This was not a difficult task for Su Bai.

Su Bai swallowed a large number of cells in one gulp, leaving nothing behind.

Su Bai's body became bloated again!

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