After they confirmed that Su Bai was from the player camp, they were relieved.

After all, players and blood corpses are now in the enemy camp.

If their teammates are from two different camps.

The result is really hard to say.

"Why are you two here?"

Su Bai looked them up and down.

There was still one sentence left.

You two are just here to serve food, which is no different from dying.

Why do you want to come in?

Wen Qian and Yang Ning also heard the implication of Su Bai's words.

Their faces were a little embarrassed.

Indeed, in front of these perverted players, their strength is really not enough.

But this is not why they want to come in.

There was no way out. There were blood corpses and tentacles outside.

There was also a player floating in the air fighting a huge tentacle emerging from the ground.

The waves produced by the battle between the two sides were unbearable for others.

Not only them, but also many players in the blood corpse camp could not stand it.

They also hid in the laboratory.

However, more players were not as lucky as Yang Ning and Wen Qian.

They either encountered the huge tentacles piled up in the passage and were finally crushed into meat paste and eaten.

Even if they encountered the mutant blood corpse attack, the final result was also being eaten.

No matter which one, it was not very friendly to all players.

Whether it was the player camp or the blood corpse camp.

Things gradually developed towards the worst place.

The source of all these weird changes was the sudden earthquake before.

That was when the huge tentacle appeared!

Everything was changing in a weird direction.

And Su Bai didn't know all this outside.

He only knew that earthquakes and sudden temperature rises were heard from time to time in the laboratory.

After a brief conversation with Yang Ning, I learned that the strangeness in the laboratory was caused by the players.

"There are such terrifying players?"

Su Bai seemed to be thinking about something.

"It shines like a second sun, and the temperature around it rises rapidly and even soars to several thousand degrees..."

"Purple props?"

It is absolutely impossible for a simple player to achieve this level.

It is even more impossible for the player to have his own power, and he must borrow props.

This level of improvement can only be a purple prop!

It can raise the temperature around it by several thousand degrees in an instant...

Su Bai thought about it, and even if he met the other party, he would have to run away.

This is not a joke.

If it is really as terrifying as the two described, the other party is undoubtedly the strongest in this mission!

There will be no controversy.

After all, the series of changes that followed were caused by the other party.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time!"

Su Bai exhaled. This time he came just to see what good things are in the laboratory.

According to the nature of the system, the more dangerous the place, the lower the probability of good things appearing.

Just like now, the two people he met were rare materials that Su Bai had never seen before.

Although it was a pity that one of them ran away...

"What are you two going to do?"

"Leave or go deeper?"

Su Bai would not say anything about protecting the two.

They were both players, and he was also a player, but they were just teammates.

What's more, Su Bai didn't really want them to stay here.

After all, there were restrictions in the contract.

One of them was that he couldn't stand by and watch them die!

That is to say, if the two were in danger, Su Bai had to take action if he didn't want to be punished.

Just like before.

Su Bai hugged, and if there was such a thing again in the future, he would definitely see it clearly before signing.

This is not a contract...

It's completely an invisible shackle, which is undoubtedly painful for Su Bai, who has always been free.

"If we could go out, we would have gone out a long time ago. The road has been blocked!"

"Also, this laboratory is full of giant tentacles. Where can we go now!"

Wen Qian complained.

It's not that she has to rely on Su Bai.

If they could leave here earlier, they would have left long ago.

Who would want to stay in this damn place?

Compared to here, those bloody corpses outside are like angels!

They have no killing power at all.

At least they can run away when they can't win.

But here

, they didn't even have a place to escape...

"Whatever, just make sure you're safe."

Su Bai packed up his helmet.

Then he took it off.

Yang Ning and Wen Qian, who were standing by, saw Su Bai's appearance with curious eyes.

How to say it...

Nothing special...

Eyes are not too big or too small, and so is the mouth. In short, it's the kind of ordinary person's appearance that you'll forget as soon as you look back.

No matter where it is, it looks very even.

"Something's wrong. The other party must have used some props to change his appearance!"

Soon, Yang Ning reacted.

The Su Bai they saw now was definitely not the other party's true appearance.

Not to mention that exposing your appearance for no reason is a very stupid thing.

Yang Ning was not afraid because he had covered himself up when he came in.

Ordinary people can't tell at all.

Unless they also use props or special skills to check themselves.

As for Wen Qian, she has no worries in this regard.

After all, she is a military person.

So far, I haven't heard that the people of the supernatural organization dare to openly threaten the army.

This is courting death.

Even the stupidest people would not think so hard.

Su Bai knew what the two were thinking after a glance.

Are you kidding?

When Su Bai learned that [Distortion] could change the body structure, the first thing he changed was his appearance.

Then his body was transformed.

Even if Su Bai didn't change his appearance, he would be more than the original appearance under the effect of mutant cells.

He was not afraid that the two would find something wrong with him.

"What are you looking at? Let's go!"

Su Bai took a look and felt that the roads around were similar, so he randomly found a direction and walked over.

But the goal was indeed clear, and it was still a place with a lot of blood.

The bloodier the location, the more people there are.

Not to mention the tentacles, even if Su Bai met two blood corpses, he would be happy for a while.

As he said that, Su Bai took out a black first-order mutant cell and ate it directly.

In the shocked eyes of the two, there was another one.

Su Bai's body also began to emit waves of heat.

Even though the two were following behind, they could still feel it clearly.

"Could it be that he ate... mutant cells?"

Wen Qian asked uncertainly.

"It should be..."

Yang Ning frowned at this moment. It was the first time she saw such a horrible way of eating.

Even a blood corpse would not dare to eat cells as snacks like Su Bai did...

"What a freak..."

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