The captain got the flag of the camp.

"Faction flag?"

"Ningning, the captain got the flag of the camp!"

Wen Qian said excitedly.


Yang Ning seemed a little surprised.

Although she had never met Zhang Jun, through Wen Qian's description, although she had not really met him, it was almost the same.

Zhang Jun can only be regarded as an average and relatively powerful player.

That is only among ordinary players.

After a preliminary estimate, the opponent is likely to be less powerful than himself.

How could the opponent get the flag of the camp so quickly?

"Captain, how did you get the flag? Didn't you and Leng Feng say you were injured?"

"Uh... This is not important. The important thing is that you are there now, and Leng Feng and I can't handle it alone."

Zhang Jun refused to answer this question.

But the clever Wen Qian saw it at once.

Zhang Jun refused to answer. This was the biggest problem.

"I know, Captain, you are lucky. You can also encounter such things."

"Why don't I understand what you are saying..."

Zhang Jun felt a little embarrassed. It was indeed not by strength that he got the camp flag.

It was pure luck, without skills.

But soon Zhang Jun was relieved.

As the saying goes, luck is also part of strength.

"We are in the laboratory now, and we can't get out for a while..."

Wen Qian began to briefly describe their current situation here to Zhang Jun.

After listening, Zhang Jun's face was not very good.

If it is really as Wen Qian said.

Now we can only rely on Zhang Jun and Leng Feng.

The other three people are in the so-called laboratory.

The laboratory has been closed, and it is still a problem for them to get out.

Not to mention coming to help Zhang Jun, this is obviously unrealistic.

"These are bad..."

Zhang Jun exhaled.

Looking at the players rushing towards this side in the distance, they fell into silence.

Next is a fierce battle!


On the other side

On the battlefield, more and more players are fighting each other.

Whether it is the players of the Blood Corpse Camp or the players' camp, they are all killing each other.

The light on the battlefield changes one after another.

Blue and red are constantly intertwined.


A lucky player gathered the red flag and blue flag of the Blood Corpse Camp.

"Mission completed!"

"Do you want to teleport?"


When the message popped up, several players were so excited that they almost cried.

Hurry and clicked to teleport.

Then, several people who were originally in the battlefield suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Only the people who were confused were left.

And the flag used to complete the task also disappeared.

Sure enough

After each player completes the task, the chances of the following players completing the task become slimmer.

Now they don't expect to complete the task smoothly.

Just hope to leave here as soon as possible.

Leave this place of trouble, but if you want to leave here and get the qualification to teleport, you must complete the task.

Otherwise, you will die here.

"You bastard, hand over the flag!!!"

"It's just a blood food..."

With the appearance of the first player, more and more players began to riot.

I don't want to stay here for a moment.

I want to leave the game as soon as possible.


The earth began to shake, as if something was coming out.

Then, one after another tentacles rushed into the sky and rose from the ground!

The huge tentacles were full of eyes.

Almost every eye contained what these players had been rushing to before.

Cells, mutant cells.

And they were all second-order mutant cells.

The cells acted as pupils, giving the tentacles powerful power.

Waving, it suddenly hit the player who was still fighting there.

Then it turned into a pile of minced meat.

The tentacles swept past, and the original minced meat disappeared.

Only a mess was left.

"What a joke, what kind of monster is this!!"


A player swallowed his saliva, then looked up at the tentacle in despair.

"No, it's impossible, I will definitely die!"

"This is not something I can deal with at all, I want to leave here!"


The tentacle seemed to have heard the other party's cry and rushed towards the other party.

Then the body exploded and turned into nutrients in the other party's body.

Despair, helplessness, fear!

At that time, extremely strong emotions appeared.

"Why, why can't you just hand over the flag, or you'll die if you don't hurry up!!!"

A player roared angrily.

The blood corpse on the opposite side was obviously also intimidated by the other side.

"Then why don't you give me the flag so that I can leave!"

"Wait, why can't the two of us join together, so that there will be two of us?"

After a period of fighting.

Some players finally reacted.

It is not necessary for players in the same camp to collect tasks and leave.

Even if players from different camps collect flags, they can leave without any restrictions.

In other words, a player with the flag of the blood corpse camp.

and a player with the flag of the player camp can complete the task directly as long as they join forces.

Although only five people can still leave.

But this undoubtedly speeds up the completion process.

"No more fighting, we just want to leave alive, so both of us take out the flag and complete the task together?"

A player with blood on his face said.

A large part of the blood on his body was not his own but the blood of the player in the Blood Corpse Camp in front of him.

"You should have said it earlier, I don't want to fight anymore!"

The player in the Blood Corpse Camp almost cried when he heard the other party say that.

Then the two of them discussed and put the flags together.

"Mission accomplished!"

The two disappeared in the battlefield one after another.

Seeing this scene, everyone's mentality collapsed again.

"Fuck, shameless!"

"Everyone pay attention, don't let the two colors of flags get close!"

In order to prevent this from happening.

Suddenly, there was no one in the fight.

People from both camps began to restrict the person with the flag from approaching the other person with the flag.

If everyone was like the two people before.

What's the point?

The two pretended to fight first, and then merged themselves without paying attention, and then left.

This practice of backstabbing both camps was unbearable for everyone except the parties involved.

The battlefield became chaotic again.

The tentacles intensified the competition between players.

If they don't complete the mission and leave here quickly, they will only face the slaughter of tentacles.

If they fight, they will die, and if they don't fight, they will die too!

It's better to fight, so that there may be a chance to survive.

As long as they complete the mission, they will be safe.


"Hand over the flag..."


Deep in the laboratory.


Su Bai looked at the blue flag that kept glowing in his hand.

"It's good to use it as a light bulb!"

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