Only the power of evil can be suppressed by angels.

Otherwise, ordinary creatures, even if they are deformed, will not have this problem.

"Is there an evil god's power invading here?"

Anger is not very clear about which evil god this is.

He has not even seen it with his own eyes.

He has only seen some descriptions of evil gods in the Bible in the church.

"Weird, twisted, indescribable..."

Don't look directly at it, otherwise the body will be affected to varying degrees.

The nausea that Anger felt before and something seemed to be coming out of his body were affected by the power of the evil god.

But it's not right.

The strength doesn't match.

If the other party is really an evil god, then Anger's spirit will be completely destroyed the moment he saw him.

There are only two results that will randomly greet Anger.

One is to become a monster like the other.

It can be seen as a distortion, but there is no thought at all.

Another is to be influenced and become a believer of the evil god.

This second one is much more terrifying to Ange than the first one.

She doesn't want to believe in any evil god.

If it really comes to that, she would rather die than not.

The evil god described in the church's Bible is somewhat similar to the other party.

But it is certain that it should not be.

The evil god is indescribable...

And now the one-eyed monster in front of him is very scary and weird.

It is full of weirdness and confusion everywhere.

But it is still not qualified, and it has not even reached the incarnation of the evil god.

So Ange concluded that the big-eyed monster in front of him is at most a ghost thing affected by the power of the evil god.

In addition, the mutation of the blood corpse finally became this ghost.

The funniest thing is that he only knew such an important thing now.

"Are the guys in the Holy Knights trash?"

Such an important thing was not discovered?

If all the players were found earlier, the other party might have a way.

Now it seems that the other party has already reached a certain scale.

There is no way for Ang to deal with it alone.

Stepping on the big-eyed monster, the angel behind Ang became more and more holy.

But only Ang knew that this state could not last long.

"Damn, how long will this destruction device last!"

After starting the destruction device, Ang did not receive the message that the task was completed.

That means they still have something to complete.

Or maybe they need to wait until the destruction device is completely started.



Ang suddenly thought of a terrifying thing.

Could this destruction device be used to destroy the existence of this big-eyed monster?

And the laboratory is a cell used to restrict the big-eyed monster?

It is really possible.

In other words, if they want to leave here, they must kill the big-eyed monster in front of them,

but it is impossible to do it with his own strength.

"I must ask that guy for help..."

Ang began to shift his attention to the ground.

Looking for Mike.

Mike's ability fluctuations are very strong, so it's relatively easy to find him.

"What on earth is this guy doing?"

Anger looked at the distance, Mike seemed to be checking something in front of a group of players?

What on earth is the other party doing.

Didn't the other party notice the big commotion here?

Of course

Mike certainly noticed it.

After all, the commotion did arrive at this moment.

Not only Mike, but all the players who participated in this mission saw it.

A huge one-eyed monster.

Distorted, weird, deformed...

Many people have different degrees of deformation on their bodies.

Something seems to be coming out of the body.

Finally, the first player who was completely assimilated by seeing the other party appeared.

Tentacles continued to emerge from the player's body.

The tentacles tightly wrapped the player's head until the player stopped moving.

After a while, the player who had been unable to stand up began to move.

The other party's actions were a little sluggish at first, and slowly became more and more flexible.

Just like a baby who has just learned to walk.

It was still babbling one second, and it was walking the next.

It didn't just walk, it ran back immediately.

A crack appeared on the tentacle.

A terrifying eye was spying on every move around.

It seemed

After locking the target, it rushed towards a player.

It seemed that it also used the skills that the player had when he was alive.

All the things that the player had before he died were inherited by the other party at this moment.

"What kind of monster is this!"

"Oh no, it's coming at me!"

"Get out of the way..."


A player was pounced on by the other party and had no power to fight back.

The body was already very uncomfortable.

Especially after the other party locked himself, for some reason, he became very timid.

He didn't even have the courage to look directly at the other party.

"Negative effect!"


"Don't look directly. Once the player makes direct eye contact, he will be affected by the evil god."

"The body will give birth to the evil god seed, devour all kinds of negative emotions and grow rapidly, and finally be reborn!"

"The reborn evil god seed will occupy the player's body."

"The occupied player is considered dead!"

At this moment, all players received a new system prompt.

It's just a bad prompt.

Everyone has a negative effect.

And it was a negative effect that could take his life at any time.

"What the hell is this thing? Why am I afraid when I see it?"

"Did you notice that the system just said the word evil god?"

"What is this evil god? Could it be this big-eyed monster?"

"Don't look at it, it will deepen the negative effect..."

After a while, some players staring at the octopus head appeared.

These players were the players who were successfully reborn by the evil god seed.

In other words, although these players can still move, they are already dead.

"Evil god?"

Mike put away the coin in his hand.

Somewhat surprised.

Why was he also affected by this thing?

Mike lowered his head and looked at his arm. It seemed that something was about to come out.


Mike's eyes lit up, and the temperature of his body began to rise rapidly.

Soon it reached thousands of degrees, and the air around him began to distort.

The player in front of Mike hurriedly dodged.

Fearing that he would be affected by the other party.

After Mike raised his temperature, the abnormality of his body disappeared.

"Evil God... that's it?"

The tone was full of disdain.

I thought the other party was so powerful, but it turned out to be just this?

Mike was not afraid of the other party when he fought with him before.

Now that the other party has the identity of an evil god, he is still not afraid.

But Mike doesn't want to take care of this mess.

After all, there is still that guy Ange fighting with the big-eyed monster up there.

"How long are you going to see!" Ange finally couldn't help it.

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