"What is that?" Frowning, Su Bai gently scratched his skin with his fingernails. He found nothing inside. It was just that his muscles became uncontrollable. "No!" Then, in Su Bai's surprised eyes, the original flesh and blood turned into tentacles. Black tentacles. These tentacles were not under Su Bai's control. "Huh?" How could it be, why did these tentacles suddenly appear in his body? Su Bai cleared the tentacles from his body. The situation began to improve. Before he could figure out why, a strange sound suddenly came from his body again. This time, Su Bai directly removed one of his arms. Put it in front of him. "I want to see what you can become!"

Without Su Bai's restraint, the removed arm quickly deformed.

Finally, it turned into a twisted mass of flesh and blood.

A tentacle floated up, and finally an eye split open on the tentacle.

"What are you looking at?"

Su Bai grabbed the tentacle and then crushed its eyes.

"What the hell is this thing?"

Su Bai's expression also began to become serious.

If it was just a simple deformation, Su Bai could understand it.

But this is obviously beyond the limit.

Creating something out of nothing is.

The arm that was cut off seemed to have life and independent consciousness.

Looking up at the big-eyed monster.

The body felt uncomfortable again.

"【Original Cell】 is on the other party!!!"

Su Bai's mind suddenly opened up.

Before, only the first-order mutant cells could create something as terrifying as a blood corpse.

As the source of everything, the birth of this big-eyed monster seems very reasonable.

"Is there a fight on top of the big-eyed monster?"

The distance was too far, and Su Bai couldn't see clearly.

The next moment, his eyes turned light gold, and his vision became clear.

This time Su Bai saw the two people clearly.

Both of them were foreign faces.

Anger, whom Su Bai had seen before, had completely changed at this moment.

If Su Bai hadn't looked carefully, he really couldn't tell that it was the same person.

Anger at this moment was like an angel.

The wings spread out behind him, extremely white, holy, and the giant sword in his hand was waving.

The other person Su Bai had never seen.

But the opponent's strength seemed even more outrageous than Anger.

Feeling the temperature rise around him, Su Bai reacted.

The other party was the culprit who caused the changes in the laboratory before.

The two seemed to be working together to deal with the big-eyed monster.

In addition, Su Bai also saw Lilith, who had escaped from his hands not long ago.

The other party was hiding in the distance and had no intention of joining the battle.

It seems that the other party also failed to complete the task and could not leave here.

All we can do is wait for the dust to settle.

Su Bai controlled the tentacles and flew towards Zhang Jun's position.

He locked Zhang Jun in the crowd and then dragged him away.

"Damn, I'm being targeted!" Zhang Jun was shocked and hurriedly used all his strength to break the tentacles.

"How can you be so strong?"

Before he had time to be thankful that the tentacle that attacked this time was much smaller than that of others before.

But he found that the power of this tentacle was unexpectedly large.

Even if he used all his strength, he could not break free from the opponent's restraints.


Leng Feng was anxious when he saw Zhang Jun being dragged away.

He rushed over directly, dragged Zhang Jun's feet, and stabbed the ground with a dagger in one hand.

But even so, the two were still dragged underground by the tentacles controlled by Su Bai.

"Are you going to die?" Zhang Jun felt a little regretful.

He did not expect that this mission would be so difficult.

The camp flag in his hand was also taken away by a foreign player.

If he didn't have so much money on him, Zhang Jun would have paid to buy his stolen flag.

Unexpectedly, he was now regarded as a blood corpse of a monster.


Then, in despair, Zhang Jun saw a huge monster appear in front of him.

Zhang Jun is not a timid person, but he couldn't help shivering when he saw such a monster for the first time.

Zhang Jun has never seen Su Bai before.

And Su Bai's iconic special combat uniform is gone, so naturally he doesn't recognize him.

"Zhang Jun, why are you so miserable?"

Su Bai said

"You are... little brother

Brother, how come you are here. "

"And it has become like this?"

"Damn monster, let go of the captain!"

Then, Zhang Jun heard Leng Feng's voice.

"Kill people like this?" Su Bai's voice came.

Zhang Jun heard Su Bai intend to kill Leng Feng and spoke hurriedly.

"No, no, no, this is our teammate, we can't kill him, we are our own people!"

"Oh, okay, let's talk business!"

Su Bai's tentacles also let Leng Feng down.

Only Leng Feng was left in a daze.

What's going on? His captain seems to know the monster in front of him.

Is there any shameful relationship between the captain and these monsters?

The more Leng Feng thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible.

"The captain didn't expect you to be such a person, but I like it!"

"What the hell are you thinking about! "

Zhang Jun slapped Leng Feng.

Seeing this guy's look, Zhang Jun knew that he was thinking nonsense again.

After this slap, Zhang Jun felt much better.

"The flag in my hand was snatched away."

"A foreign player, I have some impression of him, he seems to be a member of some foreign knight group."

"The other party robbed all the players, and then sold the flag to the remaining players at a high price."

"The players used money in exchange for the opportunity to complete the task. "

After hearing this, Su Bai wanted to scold the other party for being shameless.

A person with such strong strength actually did such a thing!

If the other party did this, how could he do it?

As he was talking, Zhang Jun found that Su Bai's eyes were a little strange.

What Zhang Jun didn't know was that while he was talking, Su Bai had already controlled his tentacles to start wandering around the battlefield.

The purpose was very simple.

It was also collecting flags, but the person selling them was not Zhang Jun but himself.

"That's probably it. The other party stopped after the big-eyed monster appeared and went to deal with the big-eyed monster."

"What are you going to do next, little brother?"

Zhang Jun actually wanted Su Bai to stay and help him get the flags to complete the task.

Now there are fewer and fewer flags left in the game.

Finally, failing to complete the task is a small matter, but not being able to open the game is really over.

Then, the tentacle on the side suddenly handed over a blue flag.

After a while, there was another red flag.


"Do you want to do business? "Su Bai smiled.

But his smile was malicious.

More and more tentacles suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

The goal was very clear, to attack those who had flags.

"Save me..."

A player was dragged into the soil by Su Bai before he could finish his words.

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