The sound of metal collisions came.

Then the strong tear gas began to spread in the narrow passage.

Everything around began to turn white.

"Damn, it's these tear gases again!"

Buck couldn't open his eyes normally because of the tear gas.

It greatly limited his own strength.

The bullets hit Buck and the werewolves, and stopped first, and then one after another, the werewolves fell to the ground in pain.

"The bullets are poisonous!"

Seeing their companions foaming at the mouth, many werewolves who were already feeling unwell reacted.

In the process of confronting the government.

Not only are their strengths getting stronger, but even the government's equipment is also constantly improving.

From the beginning, ordinary bullets could not even penetrate their bodies.

Now the special bullets can easily cut through their werewolf bodies.

Not only that, the equipment used was coated with drugs that have special anesthetic effects on werewolves.

Soon, werewolves fell one after another.

The fallen werewolves were quickly shot by the surrounding troops.

The body began to break continuously, and there were wounds everywhere that had not yet healed.

Strangely, the werewolf corpse lying on the ground kept trying to remove the bullets from the body, and finally got stuck by something.

It stayed in the body and then began to turn black...

The local muscles began to necrotize...


A commander wearing a special combat uniform and holding a rifle made a simple move and the team began to shrink.

When the smoke cleared, only some densely packed werewolf corpses were left.

"Collect the team!"

The other party took out a black mobile phone and started pressing it.

"Report, those guys have a backup plan, a small part of them escaped..."

Looking at the huge hole in the ground in front of him, the other party reported quickly.

Buck's body was not seen among the remaining werewolves.

The other party was very lucky to survive the sudden encirclement of the government this time.

On the contrary, the teammates who were waiting outside this time were not so lucky.

One after another, the werewolf bodies were transported out of the sewer.

The final use of these werewolves was to be used to study new extraordinary powers.

In this situation, the extraordinary game is no longer a secret in any government in the world.

It's just that due to the horror of the extraordinary game, the government has no way to intervene directly.

Although this is the case, it is still easy to deal with players.

Just like now, once they are in the real world, they will definitely have a place to stay.

In today's society, there are almost no secrets.

Otherwise, every move is carried out under the surveillance of the government.

Unless it is also relying on the power of the extraordinary game...

No matter it is a high-tech product, it seems so inferior in front of the extraordinary power.

Unfortunately, there are no players who can hide among these werewolves.

This is why they are exposed.

This situation happens every day, but even the government, which is the most powerful, dare not be too ostentatious.

After all, there are more than just extraordinary games in this world.

Players are a minority, and what this world needs is more ordinary people!

But these players cannot be allowed to develop at will, otherwise irreversible situations will occur.

Nowadays, many countries in the world are balancing between extraordinary games and players.

In order to handle the relationship between the two.

After all, not all players are as honest as Su Bai, and they will not cause trouble under normal circumstances.

More often, the existence of players will only bring danger...


Dajing City

In a certain experimental base, Xuan Yao's body suddenly appeared in front.

After a short period of adaptation, Xuan Yao finally got rid of the fear and shock in his eyes.

What she saw in this mission was beyond what she had seen before.

In other words, she had never been so close to death!

Especially when the black hole was about to swallow everything.

After Su Bai left, the black hole, which was already on the verge of collapse, began to expand unscrupulously.

Soon, all the cities that appeared in the field of vision were swallowed up.

One after another, the players died in front of Xuan Yao.

But he had no way to do it, as she could not protect herself at that time.

Even though there were many Dragon Country players she knew.

But the final outcome of these people was that they could only stay in there forever.

"Return to the sect quickly!"

All that was left for Xuan Yao was a few short words from her master.

Finally, she looked around at the empty seats for players who had not come out.

Xuan Yao knew that these people would never be able to come out.

This seemed to be a place in Dragon Country specifically for players to complete tasks.

The surroundings were uniformly equipped, and there were even many medical personnel on standby at all times.

Others here seemed to have noticed Xuan Yao's appearance.

They hurriedly surrounded him.

After all, this was their main job, to treat and protect the health of these players.

As long as they were still alive, they had the possibility of carrying out the next mission.

Even for the current Dragon Country, the number of players was still not very impressive.

Especially the players who can be controlled...

Xuan Yao's player position is almost in the center. It is obvious that even here, Xuan Yao's status is still very special.

"I'm fine..."

Xuan Yao waved his hand, signaling the medical staff around to leave.

He hurriedly took out a white pill from his small purse and swallowed it.

The blood and energy on his body instantly recovered a lot.

The medical staff around also looked at Xuan Yao with an incredible look.

But soon they seemed to accept the weird scene in front of them.

It is very likely that before, they already knew that Xuan Yao's origin seemed to be different from them.

It seems that someone in the surrounding player cabin has returned alive.

As the cabin door opened, a player whose body almost completely disappeared fell to the ground.

"Stop the bleeding!!"

"Come and stop the bleeding!!"

Seeing this horrible scene, the medical staff hurriedly took out a can of green syringes from the special medical box.

Then all of them were injected into the other party's body.

You can see that in the medical box, in addition to the green syringes, there are even recovery potions.

Those potions are neatly placed in the box.

It is to provide emergency treatment to players who come back from the mission at any time.

"Let me do it!"

In the end, Xuan Yao couldn't bear it anymore, and then took out a pill from his small purse.

He gave it to the other party...

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