The box was so big that it was not as good as the last one.

This box was far inferior in both quality and quantity.

Su Bai had no way to accept it for a while.

"Give me back my perfume!!!" Su Bai had used up most of her perfume in order to open the box.

On the table, a half-used bottle of "Six Gods" was placed, and the room was filled with the strong fragrance of floral water...

"What the hell is going on? Didn't it flash?" Su Bai quickly calmed down.

He started looking for the cause of the problem, logged into the website of the extraordinary, and began to search for information about the game boxes issued by the system.

"【Opening Box Theory】" One of the posts named Opening Box Theory attracted Su Bai's attention.

"Hello everyone, I am..." Su Bai saw this and chose to skip it directly.

"What the hell!" Skip the boring introduction until the video screen shows new movement, and the main text begins!

"Many players who have just started playing games may not know how pitiful the treasure drop rate of [Super Game] is. Today, I will explain it to you!"

"If you say that other games open boxes, there will be at least a probability problem, which guarantees that you will get good things after investing enough materials and money."

"Well, you don't have to worry about this problem at all in [Super Game]!"

"You don't have to worry about what to do if you can't use the good things you open or people envy you?"

"Look, look, you start to imagine again. What kind of box is likely to only open things of what quality."

"I'll give you an example here, a white quality treasure box!"

"Huh? This is..." After seeing the second half of the video, Su Bai found that the other party actually took out a box for the purpose of shooting a video!

Perhaps it is the intuition of a player, who is very sensitive to the things issued by the system.

At a glance, you can see that it is not a disguise, but a box issued after completing the task in the game!

"Do you see the box in my hand?"

"Remember what I said before? A box of a certain quality will most likely only contain things of a certain quality. Now let me show you how!"

The person in the video clicked to open it, but nothing happened.

Not to mention the flash or anything, it was like opening a box that couldn't be more ordinary.

They couldn't even see the items inside, but they went directly into the backpack of the opener!

"Now I'll report to you what I just opened in the box!"

"[Primary Life Recovery Potion] *3"

"[Primary Mental Recovery Potion] *1"

"[Draggy Short Revolver] (White)"

"[Super Coin] *500"

"Okay, that's all the stuff, everyone has seen it, it's all rubbish that can't be rubbish anymore."

When the video got to this point, Su Bai could clearly feel that even the person who filmed the video was speechless.

What the hell did this game come up with to deal with them...

"I won't say much about the rest. No matter what quality the box is, there are a few fixed things."

"First, the recovery potion. Don't underestimate these two inconspicuous things. The game must have its reasons for placing the recovery potion in a fixed position. I am not a specialist in this, so I won't explain too much here to avoid misleading everyone."

"The next is the extraordinary coin. This thing is much simpler, and it is the same as the currency in our real world!"

"The last one is the item!"

"I believe this is also the thing that all players care about the most. The item is undoubtedly the most precious thing in the box!"

"It's not the real world. The technological products in the world can be compared!"

"Remember what I said before?"

"I just opened a white box, so the items I opened are also white!"

"As for your curiosity about whether you can get other higher quality items, my answer is yes!"

"But I advise you not to daydream, the probability of this happening is no less than that you are sleeping at home and suddenly travel through time!"

"Okay, the video time is limited, so I will stop here today. If you still don't understand anything, you can watch my next video."

"Finally, I hope that if you think what I said can help you, please donate some extraordinary coins, which can be regarded as the money for today's box.

Earned money back..."

Then there were some very polite words, the video ended, and an option to reward or not popped up.

The amount was not high, only one extraordinary coin was needed!

Su Bai was not the creator of the video, so he had no way of seeing how many rewards the other party's backstage had received.

But judging from the millions of views of the video, it must not be a small amount.

Finally, Su Bai also clicked [Reward], and one extraordinary coin was deducted from Su Bai's account.

"Sure enough, there is something about this website..."

Su Bai was not just rewarding, but for experiment.

I want to see what this website is like How do people realize their wealth? I didn't expect that there would be system involvement.

In this way, the enthusiasm of website creators will be greatly improved.

The participation of the system means that there is no shady business, which symbolizes absolute fairness! ! !

Even Su Bai has plans to shoot his own video, but this matter needs to be put aside for later.

Now there are other things to be solved!

Su Bai clicked on the other party's homepage. In addition to the most played [Unboxing Theory], there are many other videos.

It's just that none of them have as high a playback volume as this video.

"What will the green quality treasure box open?"

"Precious blue treasure box, in the end, opened this thing!!!"

"Guess, is there a purple quality treasure box now?"

"Are there other qualities above purple? ”

These are the subtitles at the beginning of the other party’s video. It must be said that the other party is very good at attracting attention.

Even a "pure passerby" like Su Bai wants to click in to take a look!

However, Su Bai also knows a lot of useful information, such as there is no purple quality treasure chest on the market now!!

Su Bai glanced at the [Lucky Coin] in his hand

The quality of this coin is purple, but the problem now is that there is no purple treasure chest at all.

But Su Bai opened a purple quality item!

"It seems that my luck is not bad..."

Su Bai put the small coin in his hand He took the coin in his hand and played with it at will. Now he knew the value of the coin in his hand.

Before, he was still complaining about the garbage he got from the box.

But when he went online, he found that everyone else's things were so rubbish, and some were even more rubbish than what he got.

Instantly, Su Bai felt balanced.

If Su Bai told others that he had opened the box twice, and both times he got a flash,

I don't know if anyone would believe it...

It is very likely that they would think Su Bai was bragging.

"Sure enough, my box opening method is still useful, hahahaha!" Su Bai took the "Six Gods" on the table in his hand and kissed it hard!

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