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Chapter 322 A safe method, a pillar of light rising into the sky

As for what Fang Qiang mentioned repeatedly in Liang Yuan's mouth, he was not interested at all.

He is just a waste. Even if he becomes a giant, he is still a waste.

Logically speaking, the player's physique will be stronger than that of ordinary people after becoming a giant, but Fang Qiang seems to be just like that...

Not only that but a player slot was wasted.

There was no information about being killed by Liang Ping, which means that Fang Qiang was finally taken away by Su Bai!

Players are already on guard against people from both countries.

One of the most important reasons is to expose the existence of players.

Not only Supervisor Tiansi, but also the people from Liang Kingdom want the qualification of players!

It’s just that there are too few players.

Some of it was digested by some unknown channels!

What is an unknown channel is that during the war, a player died inexplicably in the giant's mouth.

Then the giant gained player qualifications and escaped from the control of the ancestor giant!

Yes, anyone who obtains the player qualification will have the opportunity to escape the control of the ancestor giant. This is not just talk.

After all, the power of the ancestor giant only comes from the giant bug in Liang Ping's body!

The ancestor giant insect!

There is such a terrifying power in the body of a bug. It is conceivable that this is not a simple bug!

The ancestor giant insect contains the power of rules of this world!

It conforms to the rules of this world, which is why the giant will be greeted by thunder and lightning when he transforms!

It also comes from some rules carried in this bug!

Not getting the news he wanted to hear, Liang Ping was in a bad mood. He stood up and kicked Liang Yuan!

This unsatisfactory piece of shit!

After taking a look at the other party, Liang Ping felt that he would be really pissed off if this guy was the last person to inherit the power of the ancestor giant!

I really want to kick this unsatisfactory thing to death in one fell swoop!

"Tell your other brothers and sisters, I don't want to see anything like this again!"


"Go away!"

Liang Ping said impatiently.

After hearing these words, Liang Yuan felt relaxed all over. He had never felt so relaxed before.

It's great that I can finally leave here. If I continue to stay here, I feel like I'm going crazy.

Liang Yuan left in a hurry, as if fleeing.

"Evil God..." Liang Ping frowned.

This thing is not completely solved, and he has a bad feeling.

If there is no way to completely eliminate the other party while he is here, it is very likely that his descendants will not know the harm of the evil god.

Or even not caring at all.

Even if you tell them, they probably won't take it seriously.

After all, this is something they have never seen before. For them, the evil god is still a little too far away.

Not only them, but also something very far away from Liang Ping.

How could a player...a low-level player be related to the evil god at this time?

And judging from the other party's appearance, it seems that the connection is not shallow...

If he had been given more time, he would have found Su Bai and the others by any means necessary.

But it can’t be done now, time doesn’t allow it!

Yuan Tian thinks they are coming!

Liang Ping walked out of the tent and looked in the direction of Datang. The lights were brightly lit.

Waves of powerful mental power fluctuations came one after another.

"Has that old guy Yuan Tian finally taken action?" Liang Ping asked.

Liang Ping didn't take anyone else seriously. Only Yuan Tiansuan didn't know what this old guy was doing now.

But Liang Ping just felt very uneasy in his heart.

"Rejected the extraordinary game, player qualifications..." Liang Ping's eyes were a little deep.

Yuan Tiansuan is not even a player, so where does the opponent's power come from?

It should also be an extraordinary game, but what Liang Ping can be sure of is that the opponent must not be a player!

When Yuan Tiansuan appeared, the extraordinary game had not yet been launched in this era...

This is also where Liang Ping is confused. What is the source of Yuan Tiansuan's power?

There may not be an answer to this question...


"Brother Bai, what do you mean is that we can just keep waiting like this?" Qingwu said with some uncertainty.

Su Bai took the bug in his hand and started to study it, and nodded after hearing Qing Qing's words.

"It can be said that our best way now is to wait! This is also the way with the least risk!

Liang Guo and Tang Dynasty are at war, and from the looks of it, it should be a fight to the death. We only need to take advantage of the chaos to kill a king.

It's much easier than in peaceful times when a few of us sneaked in secretly and killed a king! "

What Su Bai said made sense, and several people nodded.

Su Bai saw it very clearly. In normal times, even higher-ranking officers might not be able to see it, let alone being crowned king.

There are two ways, one is to be direct, force your way in, and then kill King Feng!

This method works very quickly, whether it succeeds or fails very quickly.

If you succeed, leave here immediately and get the mission reward!

If you fail, you will die immediately!

There is another safer way, which is to slowly kill monsters and level up, then get the opponent's reward, and kill the opponent when everyone is off guard!

This is also very feasible, but it takes a long time!

Both are good ways, and Su Bai is thinking of the second one.

If there is no such thing as Jiantiansi, Su Bai would think of the first one.

But the existence of Yuan Tiansuan directly dispelled Su Bai's idea.

Level 40 players...

Su Bai silently glanced at his level...

Still in single digits, wouldn't it be a gift in the past?

Although it is said that the higher the level of the player, the more powerful he will be.

For example, a player of about level 15 now, if the basic value is not blessed by special props, it is definitely not as high as Su Bai!

Su Bai's body is no longer in the state of props blessing, but has been completely transformed and become his own thing.

Just like a skill book!

The kind that no one can take away!

This is just the kind with a relatively small level gap, like Yuan Tiansuan, people on the website have already made an assessment.

The total number of stats alone is dozens of ruthless people...

Su Bai definitely doesn't want to go head-on.

Su Bai still remembers Xuan Yao's methods, and even summoned gods to possess him. What's the point of playing this?

So it's better to wait for the two countries to fight.

I just don't know when it will start, but if you calculate it, the time is almost up!


A beam of light shot up into the sky, heading towards the Tang Dynasty!

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