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Chapter 346 Still alive

The result has not come out yet, and the soldiers of the two countries have already started to curse.

While they are talking nonsense, their hands are also not slacking off.

As long as there is any chance, they will kill each other immediately.

Su Bai and others have escaped.

Speaking of which, Su Bai is the last one to see the news.

"Brother Bai, how are you, are you still alive?" Wuqing said this.

Now only Wuqing always talks to Su Bai in this tone.

I don't know if the other two are out of fear of Su Bai or some other reason, anyway, they are not as open as Wuqing.

"Bai, how are you?" Jiang Man also sent a message to Su Bai.

Su Bai saw the message, it seems that these people have come out alive.

If Yuan Tiansuan had not been the other party just now, but turned around to catch Wuqing and a few others, it is estimated that no one would have survived.

"I'm fine now, you are right, Yuan Tiansuan, this old guy is really scary!"

Su Bai narrowed his eyes and saw the two people, Liang Wang and Yuan Tiansuan, who seemed like projections on the battlefield.

This was also the first time that Su Bai had seen this method.

You can see it, but you can't touch it.

It completely isolates everything around it, as if it were an independent little world.

"The plan has changed. You wait for me behind, I'll be there soon!"

After saying this, Su Bai's face changed, and the space around him began to distort.

The whole person gradually disappeared in the battlefield.

There was nothing special about the giant. In terms of mental power, it was almost the same as that of ordinary people.

It was just a huge size, and there was no way to deal with this kind of mental power illusion.

However, the aliens on the Tang side were blessed by the Azure Dragon and could see through Su Bai's illusion.

But it didn't matter. After all, there were only a few aliens on the battlefield.

And these aliens also had to deal with the soldiers of Liang.

There was no time to pay attention to Su Bai.

Especially after seeing Su Bai's terrifying strength just now, few people would ask for trouble.

It was no different from seeking death to go and fight Su Bai.

Su Bai came to the rear of Liang State very easily. During this time, some players who were mixed in the Liang State army also discovered the movement here.

When he looked over here, he felt a threat of death.

He turned his head quickly, and the feeling of death disappeared again.

"What was that just now? It was so scary!"

A player looked in the direction where Su Bai had just passed.

Even though Su Bai had left, the feeling of lingering fear still existed.

He had a hunch that if he looked at it for a while longer, there would be problems immediately.

"Affected by negative effects..."

At this time, the player received a prompt from the system.

"What a joke, when did I get affected by negative effects?"

"Wait, it couldn't be just now%..."

Thinking of this, the player who was mixed in the Liang State army also felt a little scared.

Such a problem appeared just by looking at it for a while.


Wuqing and his friends were still panting and hiding in the back to rest.

Those who were mixed here were those who had already gone through the first batch of battles.

Barely survived the attack of the Tang army.

Naturally, they would not go to the battlefield so soon, so this place naturally became the best place for Wuqing and his friends to slack off.

Not only can they slack off, but they can also wait for Su Bai here, which is simply killing two birds with one stone!

"Miss Jiang, where did you find Brother Bai?"

Wuqing did not speak, but chose to chat with Jiang Man in the player interface.

Although Wuqing has a way to convey his meaning directly to the other party's head without speaking.

But the problem is that this thing can only output unilaterally.

Even if Jiang Man knows the consciousness, he has no way to respond to himself.

Instead of doing this, it is better to directly save this troublesome step in the middle.

Jiang Man frowned, "It's a coincidence that I met him directly on the website."

As for how he met Su Bai, Jiang Man just gave a brief overview.

He didn't say anything about what Su Bai bought from him here.

It's not that he didn't want to, but he was afraid that Su Bai would suggest it.

After all, this thing no longer belongs to him, and telling it out may cause some unnecessary trouble to Su Bai.

Obviously, Su Bai is now the thigh of the whole team.

"There is such a thing?"

"Why can't I get such a good thing?" Wuqing was a little annoyed.

He thought that if he had known Su Bai earlier, he might have received more benefits and help.

Wuqing got a lot of good things just from Su Bai's actions.

As for the little things that Wuqing had tinkered with before, they looked like child's play in front of Su Bai.

Indistinctly, Wuqing had the intention of taking Su Bai as an example.

"Someone is coming!"

Suddenly, Wuqing's face darkened and he spoke.

The air around him twisted, and a figure slowly appeared in front of several people.

Su Bai!

The three people were relieved to see that the person coming was Su Bai.

Su Bai appeared in this incredible way every time.

If they hadn't seen him before, they might have taken action now.

"Brother Bai, you're here, great, you don't know how much I miss you!" Wuqing ran over like a lackey.

He asked Su Bai about his well-being.

Su Bai glanced at Wuqing and said nothing.

"Things are getting a little troublesome, Yuan Tiansuan has figured it out!"

Yuan Tiansuan's sudden appearance completely disrupted all of Su Bai's previous plans.

Even if he failed before, there would be no loss, and he could just leave.

These people couldn't keep him anyway.

But now it's different, if Yuan Tiansuan takes action, it means he wants to kill someone!

Su Bai could feel that when Yuan Tiansuan came over just now, he actually wanted to attack him.

But for some reason, he gave up in the end.

Maybe it was to save Di Yun...

Su Bai noticed, and finally Yuan Tiansuan actually went in the direction of Di Yun.

Could it be that the other party really has a way to resurrect a dead person?

Eliminating some unnecessary thoughts in his head, Su Bai began to explain his latest plan:

"We only have two options next, and the risks of both options are extremely high, so you should be mentally prepared!"

Wuqing and the others looked at each other

"It's okay, Brother Bai, just say it directly. It's come to this point, and it's not realistic to say that you want to give up!"

The other two also nodded in cooperation.

Don't say that they don't have any ideas now, even if they have any ideas, it would be difficult to complete them without Su Bai's support.

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