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Chapter 404 Ending, Eaten in One Bite

"Is it an illusion?" Gao Hua looked doubtfully in the direction where Su Bai disappeared before.

As a result, this time I actually saw the old blind man who just passed by again.

Gao Hua immediately stopped his horse and held the sword at his waist.

Always be wary of the old blind man who suddenly appears in front of you.

That thing just now was definitely not his illusion, the old blind man in front of him suddenly appeared.

Either a stranger or an evil spirit!

No matter which one it was, Gao Hua had to step forward to see the situation.

"Old man, it's so late, why are you still here?" Gao Hua jumped off the horse.

"Old man, I'm so miserable. Aren't you lost? It's so late at night, and there's not even a single person on the street asking for directions. Poor old blind man, I'm a long time old..."

Su Bai muttered something, but there was nothing unusual about it.

For a moment, Gao Hua wondered if he had thought wrong.

Is the other party just a poor old man?

Gao Hua raised his head and glanced at the moon hanging in the sky. It was getting late. Logically speaking, he should go back earlier.

But now I see such a poor old man groping alone on the street, and I feel an indescribable feeling in my heart.

He is also a child who came from a poor family.

Naturally, I can't bear to see this situation. The parents in my family are almost the same age.

If you see someone who can help, try to help as much as possible.

"Old man, where is your home? Do you have any children?"

Gao Hua asked, but Su Bai shook his head:


"Whatever family I came from is gone a long time ago. Didn't His Majesty and Liang's army start a fight? My family lives nearby..."

Su Bai began to speak slowly, and the more Gao Hua listened, the more he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

It turns out that this old man lived on the border where Datang and Liang were at war.

Although it is very remote, there are still many people living there.

It would have been okay if there was no war. Once the war started in the Tang Dynasty, the aborigines there would naturally have no way to survive.

The only option is to flee to other places.

"I want to escape to the capital now. I heard that there are rich people there. Maybe my old man can have a good meal there..."

As he spoke, Su Bai actually licked his mouth.

"Old man, I have something to do and can't stay here for a long time. Here is my little money, take it!"

Gao Hua kept only a small part of the silver he carried for tea money.

Everything else was handed into Su Bai's hand.

"Sir, how can this be done? Take it back quickly. My old man is not asking you for money!"

Su Bai pretended to be angry and insisted on returning the money in his hand.

Seeing this scene strengthened Gao Hua's thoughts.

What a kind old man!

Even though he himself was on the run, he was actually unwilling to accept help from others for no reason.

At this moment, Gao Hua was completely wary of Su Bai.


Su Bai "didn't stand firm on his feet" and threw himself forward.

Gao Hua saw this scene and hurriedly caught Su Bai.

Su Bai's hand also touched Gao Hua's neck at this opportunity.

Perhaps even Gao Hua himself did not expect that he would be tricked so inadvertently.

A crack appeared on the back of the neck, and a brainworm quickly disappeared into Su Bai's hand.

Entered Gao Hua's body.

Finally it stayed in the brain.

To be honest, Su Bai didn't expect to meet Gao Hua here!

And this was when there was no one around.

If he were in the military camp, maybe Su Bai wouldn't have this opportunity.

After all, there were many people in the military camp, including the strangers from Jian Tiansi.

It was inevitable to see Su Bai's methods.

Gao Hua's position is not low, how could no one pay attention to his situation?

So we can only take action at this time.

What surprised Su Bai was that Gao Hua actually seemed to see him at the beginning?

The other party should also have something given by those in Jian Tiansi.

Su Bai simply took this opportunity to show up.

"Hey, General, are you okay?"

"Look at me... I can't even walk well..." Su Bai began to "speak with self-blame"

But these words of self-blame sounded different to Gao Hua.

"It's okay, old man. I have something to do, so I'll leave first!"

Gao Hua finally forced the money into Su Bai's hand, got on his horse, and left at full speed.

Although Su Bai is blind now, he still "watches" this good general leave...

"That's great, he is really a good person..."

Su Bai said, tears flashing in his eyes, until Gao Hua completely disappeared, his originally bent waist straightened up.

The tears on his face before disappeared, and some were just indifferent.

"Boss, who was that just now? He's so full of energy!"

Goudan still hasn't said a word. With such a good opportunity, why not just eat him?

Of course, this was his evil idea.

This boss of his is still a person, it is not good to say it so openly.

Goudan is very good at reading people's faces.

Although the expression on Su Bai's face can't tell anything.

But as an evil spirit who has lived for more than a month, these things are still clear!

Otherwise, it would be a waste of life for such a long time.

Su Bai's figure disappeared on the street and left in one direction.



The originally prosperous streets have now become devastated, with traces of fighting everywhere.

Everything around will be wiped out.

A young man looks miserable, and there is no place on his body that is intact.

Raised one hand, trying to start giantization again and summon lightning.

Liang Chao stepped on the other's hand with one foot:

"Haha, are you still struggling? It's a pity that I don't have time to play with you anymore!"

Liang Chao slammed the boy's head with one hand.

It exploded instantly, and there was no miracle this time.

The boy died just like that!

Even though his eyes were filled with reluctance, there was no chance. The matter was already doomed.

But he didn't understand why, why did his plan fail?

Also, what was the player Liang Chao was talking about.

Why could he find his position? He was unwilling...

After the boy died, a strange-looking insect appeared, with many limbs,

crawled out of the boy's body, and finally died outside.

Liang Chao witnessed all of this.

He grabbed the adult body of the ancestral larva and swallowed it in one gulp!

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