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Chapter 438 Give Datang a chance to survive!

Fortunately, Wuqing was not very stupid and understood what Su Bai meant.

Being caught by Li Chungang, Su Bai had no confidence in robbing him.

And Su Bai would not do this. The chance of success was too small, and he might be caught.

Not worth it!

He asked Li Chungang to rescue Qing Qing before taking action against Tang Kuan, in order to let Qing Qing use the extraordinary game to leave.

Even if Li Chungang is very powerful, he can't just ignore the extraordinary game, right?

If the other party could really do that, then Su Bai wouldn't have to struggle.

Just wait for death.

Su Bai casually threw Tang Kuan's head on the ground, "What are you doing... isn't it obvious?"

Li Chungang was shaking with anger. After living for so many years, he must teach this kid a lesson today.

Let the other party know what it means to respect the elderly and cherish the young!

"Tiangan!" Li Chungang finally couldn't help but take action.

This was the first time in so many years that he was so angry.

"The equipment effect is triggered! The charging effect is triggered!"

Su Bai didn't dare to be lazy at all, and started the charging effect directly. There was obviously nothing around him.

However, the charging power is declining rapidly, at an extremely terrifying speed.

Without the protection of the shield, Su Bai would have been directly attacked by this inexplicable force.

Su Bai's eyes turned pale gold and he looked at the inexplicable power around him.

As a result, I found that something like gas was surrounding me.

It was these things that were constantly attacking Su Bai.

If Zhao Qian were here, he would definitely be able to recognize what these methods are.

Li Chungang's current method is what the other party has been pursuing for so many years.

It's just that his talent is so low that he can't even reach the threshold.

"Can you see it?"

Li Chungang was also a little surprised. Judging from Su Bai's performance, the other party seemed to have seen the energy around him!

These qi are what Yuan Tiansuan and he are practicing in their practice.

But the requirements for talent are really too high.

Many people live their entire lives without the ability to see it, let alone feel it and grasp it.

In the end it was just a failure.

If Su Bai was not the one who kidnapped Emperor Wu, then Li Chungang felt that his only disciple should be Su Bai.

Although Di Yun was also very talented, he just didn't like it.

It's still far from what I want.

How can I get out of here...

Su Bai can now directly use the power of extraordinary games to forcefully leave here, just like the situation is ruthless.

However, Su Bai didn't want to leave like this.

Especially before getting the power of the Ancestral Titan.

I'm not sure about anything else, but if Liang Guo's unique giant power can be defined as a prop, it will at least start in blue.

In a short period of time, all aspects of the player's abilities will be improved.

And there is no limit on the number of uses.

If the body strength is high, there will be almost no side effects.

The issue of strength is even simpler. For Su Bai, this is almost not a problem.

To put it bluntly, as long as there are living things, there will be no shortage of energy.

What is the huge energy these giants rely on on the battlefield?

Aren't they just those soldiers on the battlefield?

"If I die here, Gao Hua outside will take action immediately! At that time, Emperor Wu will also die with me!"

Su Bai threatened.

"Little bastard, what tricks do you want to play again?" Li Chungang asked.

Su Bai's brain was working rapidly, but he felt that the pressure and energy around him disappeared.

"Isn't your mission completed? Why are you still here?"

Li Chungang's words made Su Bai feel terrified.

The other party actually knows everything!

Li Chungang exhaled, "I'm not interested in your players' affairs, and I don't intend to interfere."

"If you hadn't gone too far this time, my old man wouldn't bully the small."

Li Chungang waved his hand, and the surrounding space was quickly disappearing.

"There must be nothing wrong with Emperor Wu. Although I don't like her very much, if the Tang Dynasty does not have her now, it will probably fall."

"So I hope you, little brat, won't be so cruel in doing things."

"Give Emperor Wu a way to survive, give Datang a way to survive, and give thousands of displaced people of Tang Dynasty a way to survive!"

Su Bai stood there without speaking.

A terrifying thought appeared, as if there was a big hand controlling it behind my back.

It seems that the old man in front of me already knew what was going to happen here.

This...how is this possible!

Su Bai arched his hands towards Li Chungang, "Senior, please tell me, did you already know what would happen here?"

"Otherwise, do you think you can kill Tang Kuan in front of my eyes? I'm not an old fool yet!"

Li Chungang said without any politeness.

After getting the answer, Su Bai felt turbulent in his heart.

Since the other party had known about it for a long time, they finally let Tang Kuan come over and let them complete the task.

For the first time, Su Bai felt the terror from head to toe.

Since you can predict it, why not stop yourself in advance?

"Are you asking first why I knew so many things in advance, but it still happened in the end?"

Li Chungang couldn't help but get interested when he saw Su Bai thinking. This kid was really to his liking.

Su Bai nodded, but he was still ready to run away at any time.

Who knows if this old man will suddenly do something to him when he completely relaxes his vigilance?

"Everything is destined by fate. Even if I know what is going to happen and try to stop it, I can't change the result in the end."

"Even if the result is changed, it will be returned in another way in the near future."

"Do you know what I saw in you?"

Li Chungang suddenly stopped, feeling a little weird.

"Boy, I don't know!"

Su Bai lowered his posture.

The other party said so many things now, obviously wanting to tell him something.

And, I don't know why...

Su Bai had a strange feeling that the old man in front of him seemed to be begging to discuss with him.

If he ran away now, Su Bai doubted whether the old man would catch him back and talk to him.

"Darkness, abyss, no light and hope, dead silence!"

Su Bai nodded, but this time it was Li Chungang's turn to be unwilling.

"What do you mean, are you not surprised at all, or do you want to ask me something?"

Li Chungang's beard was crooked with anger.

Why is this kid always like this, with an indifferent look.

"If you want to tell me, you will tell me. If you don't want to tell me, you won't tell me even if you ask, right?"

Su Bai spread his hands.

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