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Chapter 466: Brink of Collapse

Realizing that Su Bai and Li Chungang may have cooperated.

Liang Feng's face began to look ugly.

The relationship between the two should not be a simple cooperation.

Instead, they want to completely wipe out Daliang from this world!

This battle!

If she loses, if nothing unexpected happens...

Daliang will be destroyed!

"In this case, don't blame me!"

Liang Feng waved her hand and summoned all the giants to rush here.

Liang Feng turned into a terrifying super giant with a height of 400 meters.

It was a little worse than Liang Ping's.

And this seemed to be the first time that a female ancestor giant appeared.

But even so, the power displayed by Liang Feng was still terrifying.

In addition to Li Chungang, there were Su Bai's Zerg.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, and the strange people in the Jiantian Division.

Facing the giants that surged like a tide, countless Tang soldiers were trampled to death like ants.

There was no suspense at all.

These people were not the opponents of the giants before.

It is still the same now!

Moreover, these people were only facing giants that were temporarily summoned by ordinary soldiers.

The real elites have not appeared here yet.

All of them gathered in the world that was set up by Li Chungang.

Unlike Yuan Tiansuan's method.

In order to avoid affecting the outside world, he directly chose to isolate the world, and even used the power of props and magic tools.

Li Chungang was much simpler and more brutal.

He chose to end the opponent in this world.

In this battle, Su Bai also directly felt the horror from the ancestor giant.

A casual blow was enough to destroy the world.

As strong as Liang Chao before, the giant he summoned.

Su Bai had no way to deal with it, and it could only be said that it was very reluctant.

Liang Chao appeared in front of Liang Feng in the state of the ancestor giant.

Not even a fart.

Liang Chao before was at most an elite monster.

Liang Feng is the real boss!

It's just that the person who solved the boss was not Su Bai, but Li Chungang!

Compared with the behemoth in front, Li Chungang seemed incomparably small.

To call him an ant is to praise Li Chungang.

However, it is this Li Chungang who is like an ant that has caused a devastating blow to Liang Feng.

"The universe is boundless, the world is reversed!"

Two Bagua plates appeared in Li Chungang's hands.

One is his own, and the other is taken from Di Yun.

How could Yuan Tiansuan's thing be a simple magic weapon?

This thing is really a waste in Di Yun's hands.

There is no way to bring out the full power of the thing.

Still need Li Chungang, the old hand!

Something strange happened.

Liang Feng's body began to shrink, and on the contrary, Li Chungang's body began to grow.

Not only did it grow in the physical sense, but even the attributes of all aspects were undergoing drastic changes.

Together with the giants and insects in the world, they were transformed together.

The big ones became small, and the small ones became big.

This is at most an ordinary Taoist method.

However, when facing so many people, so many giants, and such a strong Liang Feng.

The difficulty of casting this Taoist method is infinitely increased.

Even Li Chungang needed the help of another mirror left by Yuan Tiansuan to do it.

And the duration was extremely short.

Even less than ten seconds.


These ten seconds were enough!

After the dense Zergs grew bigger, they ate all the giants one by one.

In addition, the number of Zergs was originally greater than that of giants.

Under this circumstance, the giants were ruthlessly crushed.

Liang Feng, who was reversed by Li Chungang, was still extremely terrifying.

The two could only barely be on the same level.

Li Chungang raised his feet and came in front of Liang Feng, facing Liang Feng, whose bones were exposed and exuded extremely terrifying heat.

Li Chungang clenched his fist for the first time.

The strange fist fell on Liang Feng without any reaction.

Until the time was over, everything around returned to its original state.

Liang Feng reacted.

Just now, she seemed to have experienced a century.

Looking at Li Chungang in front of her walking towards her.

Then he kept attacking her.

When he saw the other party again, Li Chungang became as small as an ant.

This level of attack is too...


At the place where Li Chungang first touched, it was like a huge fist hitting Liang Feng.

Then he fell down with a bang.

"What a joke!" Liang Feng was shocked.

And after Li Chungang finished this set of punches.

He also looked extremely exhausted.

Huge sounds kept coming.

Each hit meant that Liang Feng, who had become the ancestor giant, had broken bones.

Even if she could recover in a very short time.

But it was not as good as the power consumed.

She could only turn her eyes to the giant army that was constantly advancing.

Take back all the power given out by those giants.

Not only take it back!

We also need to extract all the power from these people by force.

As for what the consequences will be?

Liang Feng will no longer think about this consequence now.

At the same time

Su Bai was on the verge of collapse, and his body was deformed uncontrollably!

Various negative emotions wrapped Su Bai in it.

Originally, they were the thoughts from the Zerg.

Thoughts that could protect Su Bai.

Because just now, after Li Chungang reversed everything around him in a short period of time, the evil god power in Su Bai was also magnified countless times.

The body began to absorb the surrounding negative energy uncontrollably.

So that in a short period of time, almost all the negative energy on the battlefield was absorbed.

Even the fantasy bead seemed insignificant in the face of such a huge negative emotion.

It was just

when it came to a boundary value.

The fantasy bead, which originally emitted blue light, emitted purple light at this time.

However, Su Bai at this time had no time and energy to pay attention to these things.

Various parts began to be reversed randomly.

Various voices appeared in Su Bai's mind.

The voices from the soldiers.

"Great, I will definitely marry you after this battle!"

Then a picture of a soldier being cut in half by the Zerg came into Su Bai's mind.


In the end, he could only watch himself die.

Even his body was dragged away!

"Mom, if I can come back alive this time, I will listen to you and never mess around again."

Then a huge footprint fell.

The soldier was trampled to death by the giant of Liang State.

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