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Chapter 523 Mission completed, do you want to transfer the current copy?

The other party can't see any clues now.

Even Su Bai standing here can't see anything wrong.

But Su Bai has learned the art of evolution and can sense the breath of life to a certain extent.

The stepmother who is still talking to him is a living person.

But... the old man pushed by the other party... has long been an empty shell.

"Go!" Su Bai said to the puppet.

Then the puppet began to move, a pair of terrifying wings grew on its back, and it jumped high and came to the stepmother upstairs.

"Kill her!" Su Bai's indifferent voice came.

There was no emotion.

There was fear in the stepmother's eyes.

Why didn't the other party play according to the routine?

Although I know that the other party may have noticed something, it's not so decisive, right?

There is really no hesitation at all!

The stepmother jumped away and flew to the wall.

Like a huge spider, she looked at Su Bai in great surprise.

At this moment, the old man who was incapable of moving and sitting in a wheelchair was directly blown up by the puppet!

The corpse was scattered all over the ground!

It was called a corpse, but in fact it was just a puppet with more flesh and blood.

Just as Su Bai expected, the other party's body had been hollowed out long ago.

There were brackets everywhere!

Even the other party's smile was just controlled by the stepmother.

The stepmother originally wanted to use this puppet to delay time, but...

She still underestimated Su Bai's ruthless means!

Just come and let someone do it!

"There is no need to do this, friend?" The woman said.

Su Bai glanced at the other party.

Sure enough, the other party was also a player!

With a wave of his hand, countless spirit spears began to gather and surround the other party, without any intention of defending himself.

The stepmother's pupils shrank!

She never thought that the player who came over was so cruel.

This time she was unlucky.

She happened to play the role of stepmother...

Strictly speaking, she was in the same group as the three sisters before.

Although there is no clear goal, it can be roughly inferred that it should be to kill the male protagonist of this world.

And this time the male protagonist is Su Bai.

And Su Bai's ally, strictly speaking, is only the policeman.

After all, the other party came to investigate all this because of the death of his girlfriend.

But there is no substantial conflict with Su Bai himself.

Unlike the three sisters before and the current stepmother...

They all stood on the opposite side of Su Bai and were with Marilyn.

The stepmother is very confused now and can't feel Marilyn's existence...

When she came to this mission world, she felt the connection between Marilyn and them...

Now she... is like one of the perfect puppets in the hands of the other party.

As for the other one... is a lunatic!

She has been locked up in the basement!

Although it is Marilyn's perfect puppet, it will not be controlled by Marilyn, but will be blessed by the other party to a certain extent.

When she first knew this, she was also shocked.

When did the extraordinary game become so kind?

Even the most terrifying forces in this movie are standing with them.

She really can't do it. What's the reason for her to lose!

But now after seeing Su Bai, she understands...

Damn the extraordinary game!

Where's the fairness?

The strength between the two of them is not equal at all, right?

There is no need to fight at all. A trace of heartache flashed in the stepmother's eyes.

A scroll-like thing appeared in her hand, and then she used it, and the opponent's body was wrapped in green light.

The puppet came in front of the opponent and punched him!

This punch hit, but the opponent also disappeared!

But Su Bai still didn't receive the prompt sound from the extraordinary game...

"And..." Su Bai's eyes narrowed.

Although the man just escaped...

But Su Bai took a look and found that it was not a transfer scroll, but a scroll for forcibly leaving the task.

Su Bai now has another one in his hand!

This is the escape scroll given by Master Xuan Yao before, and it is of blue quality.

It is one level higher than the green quality that the opponent just used!

Since the opponent has left the current task, it can be regarded as the opponent is dead.

Su Bai's mental power began to spread, and he began to search the entire castle!

Soon, he found a crazy woman locked up in the basement!

The other party should be the last problem.

It's just that the other party's mental state seems to be a little wrong...

But it doesn't matter!

Since nothing can be asked from the other party, let's try another way.

Su Bai gestured to Goudan, and Goudan understood immediately!

Then the skin attached to his body began to fall off, and finally turned into a palm-sized human skin.

Finally, he came in front of the crazy woman and stuck to her body. Soon, the other party screamed in pain!

The sound didn't last long!

The other party finally died completely without any movement.

Then, Goudan said in a tone: "Boss... this woman has been brainwashed!"

Goudan's face was very ugly, and he said to Su Bai with a look of trepidation.

After devouring the other party's memory, he did not receive anything useful.

Instead, a lot of brainwashing things appeared in his mind.

Almost all of them came from a woman with a dark perspective... That person looked very similar to Marilyn.

But no matter how he looked, he could not see the other party's face clearly.

But Goudan still had his own intolerance!

Finally, he determined who the brainwashing people were!

It was the puppet!

It was just that Marilyn's voice came out of the puppet's mouth. At this moment, Goudan didn't know whether the other party was brainwashed by Marilyn.

Or, the other party was another embodiment of Marilyn's survival.

"Okay, the mission has been completed, let's leave here!" Su Bai said lightly.

Su Bai didn't care about what happened later, or even what Marilyn had in the future.


He had just received the voice of mission completion.

But the prompt of mission completion received this time seemed different.

"Do you want to transfer the current mission copy?"

Su Bai grabbed Goudan and took the puppet back.

Clicked to confirm and disappeared in the huge castle.

Only the confused policeman was left.

At this moment, he was very confused. He didn't know why he completed the mission after killing a crazy woman with no attack power.

Are the previous players not the main influencing factors?

There are many things that he couldn't think about for a while.

But Su Bai had already left at this time. After hesitating for a while, he finally chose to leave and go to the next copy mission.

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