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Chapter 660 The difference between a dog and

If Su Bai had known that this reversed alchemy would cause such shock to the other party, he would never show it.

The reason why he just showed it was because he thought it was very simple.

As a result, he saw the other party's reaction and realized that it was not the case.

What seemed very simple to him was not the case to others.

Su Bai knew at a very young age that there would be differences between people, whether it was background, family, or IQ.

Complaining was useless, some things were destined to be good.

Just like now, Su Bai realized that he seemed to have a good talent in alchemy.

Otherwise, the old man in front of him who looked a little strong would not be like this.

"No... This is not alchemy, alchemy does not have such a black magic circle!" Qiao tried several times and ended in failure.

It was so difficult on his side, but it was completely different on Su Bai's side.

Not to mention the difficulty, he didn't even feel the threshold.

The magic circle operated by Su Bai was extremely simple, and there was no difficulty at all.

Qiao couldn't help but start to doubt his life.

What kind of freak did I encounter tonight?

Originally, Qiao wanted Su Bai to perform a few more times so that he could study it, but at this moment, there was a sound of explosion at the end.

Not only was there a sound of explosion, but there was also the sound of someone talking.

Qiao's face changed. He was actually discovered here?

This is impossible!

Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even those warlocks can't find it... unless... the two legendary alchemists of the same level as him!

Being able to find this place means that at least one alchemist followed here.

Qiao hurriedly said to Su Bai: "Leave here quickly, someone is coming, I will destroy this passage immediately, you leave quickly!"

Seeing the other party like this, Su Bai's concerns and speculations about Qiao were dispelled to a certain extent.

Does the other party really seem to be just for the alchemy to be passed down?

In such a comparison, Su Bai seems to be a bit of a villain.

But Su Bai doesn't care. After all... Su Bai has never thought of himself as a gentleman!

There seems to be nothing wrong with being a villain.

Su Bai jumped into the tunnel, but left a message to Qiao before leaving, "I will help you pass on alchemy, even if you are gone!"

Su Bai didn't know why, but he always had a hunch that he might not see him again after this separation.

Although it was just a hunch, Su Bai's hunch was always quite accurate.

In other words, the other party would be in danger this time?

The reason why he didn't ask the other party to leave together was because the other party had never thought about leaving here.

After all...according to the other party's strength.

It was so easy to send Su Bai and Goudan out of the kingdom, wouldn't it be easier for the other party to leave the kingdom?

If he didn't leave, it must be because the other party had his own concerns.

Whether the other party was ready to die or something, Su Bai respected the other party's choice.

Even if the other party chose to die!

That's why Su Bai left such a message.

When Qiao heard Su Bai's words, he was obviously stunned.

I never thought that the other party would leave such a message for me, and it would be fine if he passed on alchemy.

Why did he say it as if he was going to die?

But in the end, Qiao still smiled with relief. At least Su Bai promised to help him pass on alchemy.

Pass it to their world!

In this way... even if their world is destroyed, alchemy will not completely disappear from this world!

As for his own safety, it seems that Qiao has never worried about it.

Soon, after the explosion, dense footsteps came from outside, very neat, as if they were professionally trained.

Qiao knew that those people from the royal family came to find him.

Originally, I thought they came for Su Bai, but looking at the current pomp, I guess Su Bai is not qualified.

Since they are not looking for Su Bai, then they are looking for me.

Qiao just quietly picked up a book of alchemy and sat on the chair that he had just transformed, waiting for his former "old friend" to arrive.

Soon, an old man with long golden hair in gorgeous clothes came over.

It formed a sharp contrast with the old man.

At this moment, Qiao still looked like a tramp, and even his clothes had not changed.

It seems that it has been like this for so many years.

The old man opposite did not seem to be very happy to see his "old friend".

But he still smiled and said, "Long time no see, old friend, why are you here, do you like it so much?"

"I like it there, that's my business, I won't bother you with that, you should take care of your own business." Qiao said calmly.

"I am just taking care of what I should be taking care of now, I won't keep you in suspense this time, how can you give me the space ring?"

The ring that the golden-haired old man was talking about was the one that Qiao had just given to Su Bai.

It's just that... the golden-haired old man didn't know that at this moment, the ring had been given to Su Bai by Qiao.

And now Su Bai has left the kingdom, taking the ring he had been thinking about with him.

Qiao suddenly laughed after hearing about the ring and said:

"Look at how you look now, where do you look like a warlock?"

Qiao's words seemed to anger the golden-haired old man opposite.

The veins on the other's forehead bulged, but disappeared the next moment, and he just said with a disdainful tone: "Compared to my current appearance, it's better to see what you look like. Who of us doesn't look like a warlock?"

"I don't remember that warlocks would become running dogs of the royal family." Qiao still said indifferently.

This sentence seemed to poke the sore spot of the golden-haired old man opposite.

You know, his identity is one of the only three alchemists in the world, but how did he become a running dog of the royal family in the mouth of the other party?

He was just doing things for the royal family.

Is it possible that helping others do things is also considered a running dog?

Although the golden-haired old man convinced himself in this way, the veins on his forehead just now exposed the truth.

In fact, he also agreed with the fact that Qiao just said.

Warlocks are proud of themselves, let alone warlocks of their level, who will work hard for the things they hold fast in their hearts.

Instead of being like now, being waved around and called away by others, what is the difference between them and a dog?

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