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Chapter 677 Where is the little flower man?

If it were before, Xiaohua would definitely be very interested in listening to Goudan's bragging.

However, Xiaohua is a little depressed now.

After standing for a while, he squatted on the ground, drawing circles with one hand and tapping on the ground with the other.

Goudan could tell at a glance that the other party was worried. Not only was he worried, but he was also unhappy.

"Little one, you seem to have something on your mind, don't you? Come on, tell me about your brother Dan if you have anything to do. Maybe I can find a solution." Goudan looked confident.

"Brother Dan, do you think the boss doesn't like me?" Xiaohua said.

"Huh?" Goudan had a question mark on his face.

What is the other party's problem? Is his thinking a bit too big?

Originally Goudan thought Xiaohua was asking whether there would be any bad impression after her body suddenly became bigger.

This is a question suitable for primary school students...

After all, Goudan still has a lot of knowledge about infants and elementary school students in his mind.

Zhengchou had no place to cast it, and when he tried to cast it on Xiao Hua before, it failed.

Goudan attributed the previous failure to Xiaohua not playing according to the routine, but it was different now.

Now that Xiaohua is in a low mood, this is the time when her head just comes in handy.

It’s just that the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny.

When Xiaohua opened her mouth now, all she could see on Goudan's head were question marks.

"Brother Dan, does the boss ask you to come over and accompany me? Do you not believe me and don't want me to hear it? Even that woman can..." The inexplicable shadow of the witch began to appear around Xiaohua.

But this scene was not discovered by anyone.

It disappeared the moment it appeared and merged into Xiaohua's body again.

Goudan also realized who the woman Xiaohua was talking about.

It was Yang Ning. Speaking of which, this was also the first time Goudan saw Yang Ning.

But looking at the look of his boss and the other party, it seems that this is not the first time they have met.

The other party has known his boss even longer than he has.

"It shouldn't be right?" Goudan touched his chin and looked towards Yang Ning.

"Should it? That means it's still very likely to be like this, right? Brother Dan, I don't like that woman..." Xiaohua expressed her attitude towards Yang Ning without reservation in front of Goudan.

She just doesn't like the other person.

There is no specific reason, maybe there is, but at this time, Xiaohua doesn't know why she hates the other party so much.

"To be honest, Brother Dan, I don't like her very much either." Goudan's dislike of Yang Ning is simply because Yang Ning knew Su Bai earlier than he did.

Hearing Goudan's answer, Xiaohua, who was still a little depressed, suddenly brightened up.

He didn't expect Brother Dan to be on the same front as him.

They also don't like that woman.

Very good!

"Brother Dan, let's find a chance to kill her, shall we?"

When she said this, Xiaohua seemed to have thought of something, so she began to activate the magic power in her body, and fire balls appeared around her.

This is Xiaohua proving to Goudan that she will not hold back, and that she is strong now!

Goudan: "..."

Is there something wrong with this child?

Why are you so willing to kill people?

From Goudan's point of view, killing someone is not a big deal, but... that's because he is evil...

Xiaohua is a human being, how could she be like this?

"Little thing, your idea is very dangerous, can't you know it like this?" Goudan said with a serious look, trying to educate Xiaohua who had gone down the wrong path.

As a result, Xiaohua was happy at this time.

"Brother Dan, don't you like that woman too?" Xiaohua asked.

Goudan coughed twice in embarrassment.

Although that was indeed what he said just now, it was just a talk, and he did not really do it.

Besides, you can't just kill someone if you don't like them, right?

This is obviously wrong!

Goudan is also highly educated in a sense... evil, okay.

Although I have never gone to school, I have met many high-level intellectuals who have gone to school.

From another perspective, Goudan can be regarded as an advanced person who has read a lot of books.

"Are you going to kill me if you don't like me? Little thing, you are wrong to think this way. Besides, this woman is the boss's friend. If we kill her, the boss will probably peel off our skins directly. You know Already?"

Only then did Goudan reveal the reason why he was really unwilling to attack Yang Ning.

Whether you can beat it or not is not the first question that needs to be considered.

The first question to consider is whether Su Bai will be unhappy after killing Yang Ning.

This is what the two of them need to consider.

When she heard that Su Bai would be unhappy after killing Yang Ning, Xiaohua gave up the idea.

"Then forget it..." Xiaohua pouted and said.

When Xiaohua looked towards Su Bai, she suddenly realized that Su Bai was really looking at her with a very strange look.

Unable to help, Xiaohua panicked in her heart.

Su Bai heard what Goudan and Xiaohua had just talked about, and heard it through the brainworm attached to Goudan.

Xiaohua, as the person involved, didn't know that Su Bai had such a trick.

Even though he had set up a sound-isolating formation around him when he was talking to Goudan, he still couldn't isolate the connection between the brainworm and Su Bai.

When Yang Ning just said that Xiaohua had an inexplicable hostility towards her, Su Bai still maintained a neutral attitude.

But now it seems...

Xiaohua's problem is a bit serious.

She had already reached the point where she wanted to kill Yang Ning, but for some reason, the other party suddenly gave up.

Xiaohua couldn't help but panic when she saw Su Bai walking towards her.

It was obvious that Su Bai had just heard what she said...

"Xiaohua, come here, I have something to tell you." Su Bai said, and Goudan went aside very tactfully.

Xiaohua gritted her teeth and followed him.

When they arrived at an open place, they couldn't even see Yang Ning and Goudan behind them.

"Who are you?" Su Bai said lightly.

Xiaohua trembled all over, and now Su Bai's tone was very strange, so strange that she felt scared.

"Brother, I am Xiaohua. I was wrong just now. Please don't be angry, okay?" Xiaohua's tears flowed down her cheeks.

But Su Bai in front of him remained unmoved.

He just looked at Xiaohua's every move indifferently.

"I'll ask again, where is Xiaohua?" At this moment, a huge aura has emerged around Su Bai.

The surroundings began to become blurred, and the aura from Su Bai continued to rise.

It exceeded any time since Su Bai came to this world.

Su Bai pinched Xiaohua's neck with one hand, his eyes emitting golden light, and the surrounding spiritual spears gathered together, the target was Xiaohua!

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