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Chapter 686 Equipment effect triggered, acquaintance

"Don't take down the things that protect you, otherwise you will be attacked." Su Bai said lightly.

Yang Ning didn't explain much about the Zerg.

After all... Yang Ning will see the terror from the Zerg later.

"Okay..." Yang Ning just watched as the brainworm entered her arm and then disappeared.

You can't even feel the other person's presence.

If Su Bai could not be trusted, Yang Ning would never let such a terrifying insect enter his body.

This is simply gambling with your own life.

Being attacked?

Yang Ning didn't know very well what she would be attacked by, were they the poisonous insects around her?

If this is the case, Yang Ning now knows what the weird-looking bug was used for.

Just to drive away the poisonous insects around them who want to sneak attack on them.

However, the sharp-eyed Yang Ning quickly discovered something was wrong.

I don't know when there were a lot of white bugs around. They looked extremely terrifying, and they were devouring the surrounding trees crazily.

They ate whatever they had, even the roots of the trees on the ground.

Yang Ning was so frightened that he took a big step back, "Bai!"

As he spoke, Yang Ning raised his hand and a fireball appeared in his hand, and he was about to smash it towards the scary white bugs he saw.

But at the moment when the fireball was about to fall, Su Bai stopped it.

"I released these bugs to protect us," Su Bai said.

When Yang Ning heard that these weird bugs were caused by the other party, for some reason, Yang Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

From this point of view, the terrifying and ferocious insect that just entered his body seemed to make sense.

"Great, there is a witch here." A voice came, and then a bullet flew over.

This bullet has a very strange pattern engraved on it, which flashes continuously during flight.

Every flash of light would come closer faster, as if jumping. In just one breath, the bullet was in front of Su Bai.


The bullet hit Su Bai's hand, making a sound of metal colliding, and fire appeared.

Su Bai's skin had a metallic luster, it was extremely dark, and a large dent appeared on his hand.

However, the power of the final bullet was limited and could not penetrate Su Bai's arm.

The player who was shooting in the distance shrank when he saw this scene.

"Are you kidding me? You blocked it with your hands?"

After realizing that Su Bai was a tough guy, he chose to run away without any hesitation.

Just before escaping, he fired several shots at Su Bai again, and also threw several grenade-like things at him.

Obviously, these grenade-like things really just look like grenades.

I don't know how much more powerful it is than a grenade.

There were also weird runes on the grenade, and every time it flickered, it would swallow up part of the distance. In just a blink of an eye, it was in front of it.

"Wind wall!" Yang Ning raised his hand, and the protective effect on his body appeared, acting on the bullets and grenades together with the magic, trying to weaken the flying bullets.

Yang Ning did not expect that these players would act so decisively.

Even if there are no unnecessary words after meeting, meeting is the killer move.

If the bullet that suddenly flew over just now had been directed towards Yang Ning instead of Su Bai, there would be no doubt that it would have been hit.

The player's props are outrageous and cannot be thought of in ordinary terms.

The bullet just now gave the two of them too little time to react. Su Bai finally reacted, but he couldn't dodge it.

If Su Bai had not been weakened before, he would have been able to avoid it.

But after being weakened, Su Bai's body couldn't keep up.

Finally carried it down.

Su Bai, on the other hand, overestimated the power of this bullet and originally thought there would be some subsequent damage.

Now it seems...that it can eat up part of the space and continuously accelerate has some extraordinary properties.

As for attack power, it's very average...

Of course, this kind of general attack power is only for Su Bai. If it were other players, it would be uncomfortable even if they were not killed by this shot.

Especially in the case of a sneak attack.

There are only a few people like Su Bai who can react immediately.


After attacking Su Bai, he still thought about leaving. This was obviously unrealistic.

It's just that what the person who attacked Su Bai imagined didn't happen. When he looked back, he found that Su Bai was not chasing him.

He couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, thinking that Su Bai was being restrained by him.

As long as they don't run into each other again later, that's fine. What's more, since this place is so big, it can't be unlucky to meet these two people again, right?

"What are you doing?" The player who attacked Su Bai looked confused.

It was discovered that Su Bai at this moment was not only not angry because of being attacked, but also chasing her.

Instead, a diary appeared out of thin air in his hand.

An old diary.

Su Bai opened the diary, and the next moment, a figure appeared in the originally dark forest.

"The equipment effect is triggered, summoning Kayako!"


A ball of highly corrosive saliva dripped on the body of the sneak attack player, making corrosive sounds one after another.

"What?" The player looked up, and felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and then his entire head was bitten off.

The body fell to the ground like garbage.


The headless body fell to the ground and soon the surrounding poisonous insects came forward and tried to eat the body.

The unlucky player died in Kayako's mouth without any preparation.

He didn't even react to what happened, and died in the mission.

Perhaps, he would have thought of many ways to die before he died, but he didn't expect that he would die so suddenly.

Many times, players are like this.

Even his own way of death cannot be decided.

Maybe he thought about his own death, and even wondered under what circumstances he would die.

Even Su Bai thought about this question, but after seeing himself in an unknown time and space, Su Bai suddenly didn't wonder how he would die.

You can live well, why do you have to wonder how you will die?

As long as you become stronger and stronger, and surpass all the uncertain factors around you, then death can't catch up with you!

Su Bai will not die here, and the extraordinary game has no way to judge him!

Su Bai looked in the direction where Kayako appeared. Kayako, who was lying on the ground and seemed to be ready to eat the other's body, stopped after noticing Su Bai's gaze.

Finally, he changed from a monster to a human.

"What is this place?" Kayako asked, licking the blood off his mouth.

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