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Chapter 688 Mutated Witch Factor

"You can kill people at will... That's really a good place..." Kayako said with a half-smile.

She never thought that she would have this day.

In the real world, you can't kill people at will.

It conflicted with her instincts, not to mention how uncomfortable it was. Now, finally, you can kill people at will.

However, Kayako soon noticed that Su Bai's strength seemed to have weakened.

She walked forward, as if she wanted to confirm what Su Bai's current situation was.

Half a minute later, Kayako dared to confirm that Su Bai was really weaker.

And he was much weaker than before!

"Is there something wrong with your body?" Kayako said.

"Well, now is a good opportunity for you to kill me. Do you want to try?" Su Bai said lightly, with a very calm tone.

"That's a good suggestion..."

Kayako disappeared instantly, Yang Ning's pupils shrank, and Kayako appeared behind Su Bai.

The whole person hugged Su Bai from behind, and Yang Ning seemed to think of something bad.

Just now, Kayako seemed to have killed the fleeing player in this way.

"Behind!" Yang Ning wanted to remind Su Bai.

But as soon as she said it, Yang Ning regretted it a little. A red thread connected to her body.

Feeling that her body seemed to be out of control, Yang Ning's pupils trembled violently.

Not only was the witch factor in her body decreasing, but the more terrifying thing was that the protection effect on her body was also disappearing rapidly.

How could this be possible!

The protection effect is a gain effect in this world. How could it be taken away so easily by the other party?

Everything happened too fast. The moment Yang Ning's body was controlled, she looked at Kayako and raised her hand... and slapped Su Bai's butt.

Slap... on Su Bai's butt?


What the hell?

Yang Ning was stunned in place. Things didn't seem to be what he imagined.

The terrifying woman in front of him didn't seem to want to kill Su Bai, but to tease him.

After slapping Su Bai's butt, Kayako seemed to feel that it was still a little unsatisfactory, so she did it again.

This was a revenge for Su Bai's previous slapping of her butt in the real world.

At that time, a few hooligans wanted to tease Kayako.

Su Bai didn't want to watch Kayako kill people in the real world, so he slapped the other person's butt.

In the end, Su Bai succeeded, and Kayako's hatred shifted from those people to Su Bai.

It's just that Kayako couldn't beat Su Bai at that time, and now she finally has a chance.

"Not bad..." Kayako said in a frivolous tone.

Su Bai: "..."

Although I don't quite understand the other party's motive for doing this.

Originally, Su Bai thought Kayako wanted to take this opportunity to kill him.

For Kayako, Su Bai has always been neutral, unlike Goudan, who is now a trustworthy person in Su Bai's judgment.

But Kayako is different, too difficult to control.

Although the two seemed to have reached some kind of agreement before, if the other party doesn't abide by it, Su Bai will have no way to deal with it.

Before, he could suppress the other party directly by force, but now it's not possible.

To put it bluntly, Su Bai is still gambling, betting that Kayako will not fight with him.

Even if he fails, Su Bai will not die. Su Bai still has a backup plan, but it will cost a lot.

After all... Kayako is no longer a soft bone like he was at the beginning.

With Kayako's current strength, Su Bai estimates that it should be no problem for one person to eat more than 80% of the players here.

It's just that it's unknown whether those families will unite when they know that there is a monster like Kayako.

Therefore, in order to avoid such an unfavorable situation, the best way is to be sneaky.

Eat those players one by one.

I just don't know whether the players eaten by Kayako will decompose the witch factor in their bodies.

The player who just died was a male player, not a witch, and naturally there was no witch factor in his body...


After the player died, a large number of witch factors began to appear around him, flying into the sky, and finally disappeared.

The speed was very fast, and those witch factors did not appear at the first time, but a period of time after the complete death.

As if waiting for something to call her.

Once the time is right, she will appear immediately. This may be one of the steps in the summoning ceremony of the witch of original sin in this space.

This situation of this player is not just happening to Su Bai.

Whenever a player dies, whether or not they are witches, witch factors will emerge in their bodies.

However... after the witch dies, the witch factors that emerge are several times more than those of non-witches.

What's even more strange is that the witch factors here seem to have colors.

Orange, and gold!

Orange represents anger, and gold represents gluttony!

The colors of the witch factors outside are very uniform, all black.

But inside, the witch factors have other colors.

In the outside world, the witch factors have seven colors, representing the seven witches of original sin.

It will not be separated separately, just like the emotions that people produce cannot have only one kind every time they produce emotions.

When angry, there are other negative emotions, such as jealousy, or gluttony.

Arrogance will bring laziness...

The original sin witches are not independent of each other, they are all related.

The corresponding witch factors of the last few witches merged together, and finally turned black!

That's because they were not separated. Now they are separated, revealing the original sin color that the witch factor originally corresponded to!

However, there are only two colors of witch factors here, gluttony and anger, which is also what all players who enter here are competing for this time.

After patting Su Bai's buttocks, Kayako didn't seem to let go.

It seems that she is still savoring the feeling just now and wants to do it again.

It's just that after meeting Su Bai's eyes, she felt a little guilty for some reason.

"This is what you owed me before, and I'm paying it back now." Kayako seemed to be afraid that Su Bai would retaliate against her later.

Owe me?

Su Bai really couldn't remember such a thing for a while. What did he owe?

Fortunately, Su Bai had an extraordinary memory and quickly remembered what happened.

It should be the last time when he was in a gang.

Soon, the corners of Su Bai's mouth twitched...

"As long as you are happy." Su Bai said lightly, without any intention of settling the score.

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