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Chapter 707: Cracks, Devouring

The players and witches in various places only saw some changes from the lake.

And the huge magic circle pattern representing the gluttonous witch.

"What's going on? What kind of ritual has started? Gluttony or anger?"

"Such a terrifying power, how could someone start the ritual so quickly?"

"No way, I haven't even figured out what the ritual is yet and someone is almost clearing the level here?"

"Wait, did you hear any movement?"

"What's the movement... on the ground!!!"

Suddenly, while the group was still studying and thinking about who had the ability to start the ritual, the ground shook.

There were many directions of vibration, but it was certain that they seemed to be locked.

A group of players who felt that they were about to be attacked hurriedly took out their props to resist.

Mental power began to spread, exploring what caused the vibration, but all the players were subconsciously stunned when they saw the huge and terrifying cracks on the ground.

At the same time, a doubt appeared in their hearts.

What is this?

There were so many of them, and it was certain that they seemed to be some red bugs?

It was impossible to determine how big they were, but it was certain that all the places swallowed by the red bugs disappeared.

Whether it was the trees on the edge or the stones around, anything swallowed by the cracks would disappear.

At this time, some players finally reacted.

What on earth was rushing towards them!

What kind of monster were they facing?

They thought they had provoked something and started to run away.

But soon they found desperately that no matter where they ran, these bugs would follow them.


"Hurry, save me, they are eating my body!!!"

A player who ran slower was swallowed by the cracks, and only half of his body was left.

At the beginning, he could still hear the other party's screams, but after less than half a minute, the other party's screams stopped.

The body was gradually hollowed out, and finally the whole person completely disappeared in the cracks.

Completely transformed into nutrients for the Zerg.

Seeing this scene, the players who had not been devoured dared not stay, and all ran in one direction desperately.

There was no crack and the opposite direction of the Zerg.

If someone flew to a high place now, they would be surprised to find that the cracks seemed to be interestingly converging in one direction.

That direction was the lake in the center.

In addition to devouring the players and witches here, the mermaids in the middle of the lake were also needed for help.

This would speed up the transformation of anger.

As for how many players died during this period... this was not something Su Bai needed to care about.

All Su Bai needed was the witch ritual to proceed.

At the same time.

Seeing Kayako being eaten by the huge and terrifying fish head, Goudan was completely dumbfounded.

He was stunned in place, but soon realized that Kayako would not die, and even if she died, she would be summoned out by the diary again.

But he was different. If he died, he would really be gone.

Thinking of this, Goudan dared not stay, and wanted to leave here.

Just when he raised his legs, he saw the waterspout appearing again in the lake, and the familiar singing voice.

Gradually, Goudan's body began to move towards the lake, and his eyes became a little blurry.

The pupils reflected the appearance of the long-haired female mermaid in the lake.

The female mermaid also looked at Goudan, her mouth opened and closed, as if she was singing.

However, it was difficult to connect such a beautiful singing voice that attracted Goudan with the extremely ugly mermaid in front of him.

Goudan was conscious and knew that he could not go over.

But his legs just wouldn't listen.

Goudan was cursing in his heart at this moment, "Damn it, don't go over, I beg you!"

Goudan kept slapping his thighs... No, Goudan now strictly speaking, he didn't even have thighs.

The scene of Kayako being eaten by the other party just now was still vivid.

Goudan had already imagined that if he went over, he would also be eaten by the monster he just saw below.

At this time, the ground around them vibrated to varying degrees.

At first, Goudan thought it was the monster above the lake and underground that made the noise, but after a while, he found something wrong.

The various places around him, the snow-capped mountains, the desert, or the swamp he just ran out of.

Many players ran towards the middle of the lake desperately.

It seemed that they were driven by something.

Those players who were driven here were also stunned when they saw the huge lake in the middle.

It seemed that they did not expect that there would be such a huge lake in this place.

In particular, they were even more stunned when they saw the waterspouts in the lake.

It seemed that there was something in it...

"What are those things floating above the lake?"

"It seems to be the corpses of players?"

"Are you kidding, how can there be so many corpses of players?"

Although the huge fish head had eaten many of the players' bodies that were originally floating in the lake.

But there were still many left.

Even these bodies that were left behind were still piled up like mountains, reaching a terrifying level.

Goudan suddenly found that his body seemed to have regained some control.

But correspondingly, many unlucky people appeared around him, just like when Goudan first heard this inexplicable song, he was obsessed.

As if he saw something good.

More and more players were attracted by the inexplicable song, and even the spinal needles that attacked them around them were not noticed.


Pierced into the bodies of those players, even if their bodies had begun to turn black, those players were still unmoved.

Passed towards the middle of the lake like crazy.

Most of the body was submerged, and finally disappeared, as if after entering the lake, it would be dragged down by invisible things inside.

Goudan never completely dived into the lake, because he knew there were more dangerous things inside.

Just floating on the lake, you can feel the danger. You can imagine what will happen next.

I don’t know if it’s because there are too many players, so the singing has become a little quiet.

In the end, it’s almost inaudible. Even if you can hear it, the control effect is very limited.

Finally, at a certain moment, Goudan regained control of his body.


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