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Chapter 718 The beginning of anger!

Even the petite mermaid was frightened, staring at the big knife that was about to fall.

Pain came from her body one after another.

And the trembling from her soul.

At this time, the pain that came from her body before miraculously disappeared.

Su Bai had controlled the brain worm to temporarily eliminate the other party's pain. The moment the other party stopped the storm, Su Bai had already won.

Su Bai wanted to see how much weight the mermaid in her hand had.

Can it support them to complete the ritual? If not, don't waste time and chop it directly.

If it is very important...then of course you need to make good use of it.

The gluttonous witch was already scared out of her body in a cold sweat at this moment. She didn't dare to anger Su Bai again. Seeing that her sister was still alive, she hurriedly said: "I promise you, I promise you!"

She said it twice in a row because she was afraid that Su Bai didn't hear it clearly, or that her hand would suddenly shake.

Her sister is gone...

Su Bai took the big knife in his hand and put it back into his backpack, but still did not let go of the mermaid, and said: "Is your sister very special?"

Hearing Su Bai's words, the gluttonous witch broke out in a cold sweat.

Indeed, her sister is indeed very special.

Just like Xiao Ba, who was brought here this time, is her sister's pet, not her pet.

In other words, if it weren't for her sister, Xiao Ba would not have been summoned here at all, and would not have listened to her.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of her sister's ability.

Among the mermaids, she is not the most talented one, but her sister is.

Even if the other party does not become a player, he can still become a king with his own talent.

If her sister has an accident, she will definitely feel bad when she goes back this time.

Maybe their race will be swallowed up by other races around them after losing her sister's ability.

In order to survive and not be swallowed up by the surrounding races, they have to become players and bring so many people here.

The reason is very simple. Not only can they become players, but other races on the planet can also become players.

Although the mermaids seem to be very powerful, this is only compared to ordinary humans like Su Bai.

There are more terrifying and perverted beings on their planet, and all they can do is survive in the cracks.

And her sister is also known as the last person who hopes to lead their tribe to survive in other places.

She has many brothers and sisters, but the most important one is her current sister.

Originally, other people in the tribe did not agree to let her bring her sister here for this mission.

But if her sister is not brought here, there is no way to bring so many tribesmen here quietly, let alone order Xiao Ba.

It can even be... The first gluttonous witch should be inherited by her sister.

But for some reason, this first gluttonous witch is still inherited by her.

Now, her sister is about to die, and after weighing the power of a witch of original sin and the power brought by her sister...

The two are quickly compared, and her sister is still more important.

Although the power of the witch of original sin is very strong, it is only in this world.

This world is protected by the world consciousness, but after leaving this world, although the protection will not disappear completely, the effect will be greatly reduced.

But her sister is different. After leaving here, the power that originally belonged to her will not only not decay, but will be strengthened.

Unless she is sure to get the power of two witches of original sin.

In this way, she can replace the power brought by her sister...

But... she is not sure that she can get the power of the last witch of original sin from Su Bai.

Especially before Su Bai really started to act, she couldn't see Su Bai's trump card.

Those bugs?

Although the power is a bit single, it is undeniable that it is terrifying!

Tick, tick...

The green liquid kept flowing out of her sister's body. At this moment, her sister was also looking at her with a look of horror and helplessness.

Soon, the gluttonous witch made a decision, especially thinking of what Su Bai said just now, "Is your sister special?"

If this continues, maybe she won't let her go later, and there will be no chance to discuss.

Thinking of this, the Gluttonous Witch said to Su Bai: "What do you want me to do?"

The more time is now, the more time cannot be delayed, especially when her sister has been chopped to pieces. If she delays like this, her life may be in danger.

The petite mermaid made a humming sound, but it seemed that her throat was blocked by something.

She couldn't even make a weird cry, and it was impossible for the two to communicate in front of Su Bai.

In order to avoid such a situation, Su Bai controlled the brainworm to interrupt the other party's language system, causing confusion, even if the other party wanted to communicate, there was no way.

What he said was completely messed up.

The Gluttonous Witch's face sank. She never thought that Su Bai would do such a ruthless thing.

Every aspect has been thought of.

Su Bai calmly glanced at the lake and said: "Call all your tribesmen out. I want to see how many there are."

The Gluttonous Witch was silent for a moment, but finally did as she was told, singing again.

The other party's singing seemed to be very penetrating, and soon passed through the lake and finally fell into the ears of every mermaid.

All the mermaids hiding in the lake were sealed in bubbles one after another.

These bubbles seemed to have other uses, but after hearing the singing of the Gluttonous Witch, the bubbles began to burst, and the mermaids began to wake up one after another.

After confirming the source of the sound, they swarmed towards the lake.

Densely packed, black and dense, Goudan felt a little scalp numb when he saw so many mermaids emerging from the lake.

"Wow, there are so many of these guys, more than those who just chased me?" Goudan took a breath of cold air.

Wow wow wow...

One after another, the mermaids appeared from the lake, showing their heads and looking over here.

On the hillside, in the swamp, or in other players and witches hiding in the dark, they all survived by chance.

Perhaps this was also because Su Bai deliberately let them go and did not let the Zerg continue to drive away these survivors.

At this moment, these survivors could not see clearly the horror hidden in the lake.

"What a joke, there are so many mermaids, I remember there were only a few in the witch kingdom before?"

"We were all deceived, these mermaids had planned it from the beginning!"

"I¥ # ……%"

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