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Chapter 730: Desperate Space

The horror of these insects even made her feel that they were more terrible than the powerful races that attacked them on their planet.

This terrifying regeneration ability far exceeded any race she had ever seen.

Without hesitation, the Gluttonous Witch began to sing, and through a special way, the message of retreat was conveyed to the minds of all the remaining surviving tribesmen.

"The plan has changed. We are no match for these insects. Retreat!"

The message was accurately conveyed to the minds of all the mermaids, but only some of them followed the words of the Gluttonous Witch and moved towards the huge waterspout in the center, ready to leave.

The rest of the mermaids did not move, and they all looked at the Gluttonous Witch angrily.

The Gluttonous Witch lowered her head and gritted her teeth and said, "She is dead, I am the leader!"

After saying this, another part of the mermaids began to move and moved towards the opened space door.

Twice, most of the mermaids left, leaving only a small number of mermaids still staying in place, soaking in the lake.

The eyes of the Gluttonous Witch showed coldness: "I'll say it again for the last time, I am the new leader!"

But there was still no action. The mermaids who stayed behind only recognized her sister as their leader.

The smarter ones, or those who saw the situation clearly, were the two groups of mermaids who had just left. The rest were stubborn.

She didn't need disobedient tribesmen. No... Those who didn't obey her as the leader were already traitors.

The Gluttonous Witch began to exude a threatening aura, and golden witch factors appeared around her.

The sound of chewing came, and this sound appeared countless times. It appeared on Goudan before, and then on the dead players and the Zerg.

Now, she finally pointed the spearhead at her own tribesmen.

One after another, the mermaids died in her hands until there was no one left.

There were no more of her tribesmen around, not even the corpses.

Originally, it had changed into a human form, and now after devouring a large number of mermaids, it once again changed back to its previous form.

But now she looked even weirder. Not only did she have scales and mucus, but she also had something like red scale armor on her body, like a huge monster.

Finally, the Gluttonous Witch focused her sight on the body of her sister in her hand.

After a long time...

Baji Baji...

There were only the sounds of rain and swallowing around. The headless body disappeared, and there seemed to be something more on the body of the Gluttonous Witch.

The Gluttonous Witch touched her lips, and the originally painful look was gradually replaced by excitement: "Sister, you don't know how to use these things in your body at all. Sister will help you."

The Gluttonous Witch looked a little crazy, but she came back to her senses after all.

The surrounding lake water has turned red, scarlet!

The scarlet around is not the blood of the players, but the color of the Zerg armor, which constantly invades the lake water.

The world seemed to be cleansed by something, and everything around became bare. All that could be seen were some rocks, and the soil seemed to have been eaten by these terrifying insects.

It was already difficult to see the shadow of the players.

But even so, there are still some players or witches who are struggling to shuttle in the red wave.

But it seems that death is just a matter of time before they fall on their heads.

They are very anxious, but there is nothing they can do.

The gluttonous witch in the center of the lake has not left here yet. If they go there now, they will still be killed by the other party in the end.

They can only wait. When they really can't hold on, it will be the time for the players to go crazy!

Even rabbits will bite when they are anxious. The players who are at the end of their ropes first point their spears at the Zerg.

They think that at least compared with the gluttonous witch, these weird bugs can at least be bullied and resisted.

But as time goes by, they find that they are wrong!

It's true that these bugs can be bullied... but the problem is that it's better to face the gluttonous witch.

The red wave has swept across most of the world, and even the lakes that are the territory of the gluttonous witch have been invaded.

The lake is the last pure land in this world, but looking at the current situation, it's only a matter of time before it is swallowed up.

Even the terrifying Gluttonous Witch couldn't deal with these terrifying swarms of insects, so you can imagine what their fate would be.

The moment the red wave formed by the swarm of insects was about to swallow the Gluttonous Witch, the huge waterspout in the lake changed.

The originally scattered small water flows that fell on the ground and the surroundings were just rain. At this moment, under the control of the Gluttonous Witch, they turned into cones one after another and fell on the swarm of insects.

But the imagined things did not happen. The cones formed by these water flows fell on the swarm of insects and only made a huge and crisp impact sound.

They were not directly penetrated, and the movement speed of the swarm of insects did not slow down at all.

The terrifying wave finally swallowed the Gluttonous Witch!

The players who survived around didn't know whether to be thankful or sad after seeing that the strongest Gluttonous Witch here was also swallowed by those insects.

They no longer had the possibility of leaving here...


A huge waterspout exploded in the lake, sweeping everything around it. The red wave was finally pushed away, and a huge hole appeared in the middle.

The Gluttonous Witch looked at the bugs underground with some lingering fear, her eyes full of fear: "Bai?"

She just heard that the Wrathful Witch called that man like this.

At this moment, Su Bai's name was also engraved in her mind.

The huge waterspout disappeared. Although it briefly exploded those crazy bugs, it was only for a short time. After recovering, those bugs pounced on her again.

A trace of fear appeared in the eyes of the Gluttonous Witch, and then she flew into the space gate and disappeared.

Following closely behind were several players who had been hiding. After seeing the Gluttonous Witch leave, they hurriedly followed behind.

Using props, a huge hole was briefly opened in the insect tide, and she rushed towards the location of the space gate frantically.

However, when she was about to arrive, the space gate floating in the lake disappeared instantly.


"It's over, we're dead..."

"I...¥ # %¥ # "

After a few curses, the surrounding Zergs had already pounced on them, and in the desperate eyes of several players, they were devoured by the Zerg swarm!

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