The wound was so severe that the wound was not serious.

In less than a minute, Su Bai had become the same as Kayako who had come out before.

Like a monster, his body was twisted.

He was no longer the way a human should be.

Sweat appeared on Su Bai's forehead.

Although it was mentioned in the previous equipment introduction that it would be a little painful.

Su Bai did not take it seriously. It was just a little pain, which was nothing to him.

But what Su Bai did not expect was that it was not a little pain at all.

It was not an exaggeration to say that it was a broken hand or foot.

Su Bai could fully feel the whole process of deformation.

The arm was twisted, the bones were dislocated, and some key bones were directly twisted or even destroyed.

The large amount of pain added up was no less than being suddenly hit by a large truck.

The whole body was smashed to pieces.

But the weird thing happened again.

The body that was damaged by the distortion began to gradually repair.

Su Bai's body once again made various crisp sounds, which were different from before.

The first time was to destroy the bones and body structure, and this time was to repair and stabilize the body.

The distorted form was reinforced and stabilized for the second time.

This change lasted for a short time, and the speed was even accelerating.

Finally, the sound disappeared, and cold sweat flowed down Su Bai's cheeks.

"The body has been repaired."

Su Bai began to move his deformed body.

He did not feel any discomfort, as if he was born with it.

Su Bai raised his stretched arms and slowly crawled towards the wall.

A weird scene appeared, and Su Bai attached to the wall like a spider.

After a simple crawl around the house, Su Bai returned to the living room.

A long sword appeared in his hand.

Swinging the sword, blood splattered.

Su Bai cut a hideous bloody wound on his weirdly twisted arm.

The severe pain from his arm did not cause Su Bai's expression to change.

The cut began to wriggle.

Even the flesh inside began to close in an extremely weird way.

In the blink of an eye, more than half of the wound disappeared.

Su Bai continued to control the exposed flesh in his arm.

"The recovery ability has become stronger, and it's not just a little bit..."

Even if Su Bai is a player, it is impossible to achieve this level at this stage.

This is no longer considered a human.

This powerful recovery ability is comparable to the state of drinking a recovery potion.

Soon, the body felt strange, and a strong sense of hunger came.

Su Bai controlled his body to recover to its original normal state.

With the experience of the first time, this time the speed was much faster.

"Cell activity..." Su Bai's eyes lit up, as if he thought of something.

Then he looked at the incubator that he had abandoned before.

The earthworm family had already died.

The fusion of cells has failed, but now the appearance of a new skill book has given Su Bai new hope.

"Maybe there is still a chance."

Su Bai simply treated his wound.

The horrible wound caused by the sword has basically disappeared, leaving only a shallow mark.

If I don't know, I would have thought it was a mark left many years ago.

He took out a test tube at home and collected some of his blood.

Then he put it in a culture dish and froze it.

So that Su Bai can take it out and use it when he needs to do experiments later. Temperature may also be a reference factor.

Hunger forced Su Bai to stop eating first.

Otherwise, if he continued to experiment in this state, the results would likely be seriously biased.

Even fainting is not impossible.

It seems that fainting from hunger is not just talk.

While eating, Su Bai once again opened the website of the extraordinary.

See if there is anything big happening around today.

One of the news caught Su Bai's attention.

It is not quite accurate to call it news, after all, the news that appears on the website is unlikely to appear in the public eye.

These are all collected and produced by the players themselves.

Similarly, there will be certain benefits when getting clicks.

And the benefits are still considerable.

"The identity of a player in Dajiang City has been exposed, ready for the local officials to take him away!"

Su Bai clicked in, and Su Bai might have just watched other news for fun.

But this incident actually happened in their Dajiang City.

"Just today, a player appeared at a comic exhibition in Dajiang City and was exposed to ordinary people!"

"The other party disappeared out of thin air, attracted the attention of ordinary people, and finally called the police..."

"Do you want to continue reading?"

"Hmm?" Su Bai frowned, and suddenly had a bad feeling when he saw this.

Then he saw the unlocking price that popped up.

"Unlock with 10 extraordinary coins!"

Just this one piece of information dared to sell it for 100,000?

The price of ten extraordinary coins is still very scary.

Originally, Su Bai thought that he would charge at most one or two yuan.

After all, it was only 10,000 or 20,000 yuan, but who knew that the other party would ask for 100,000 yuan at the beginning.

It seems that the other party has found the target group...

And the other party's target group is players like Su Bai who are active in Dajiang City, and even officials.

The number of views of this post is not high.

I don't know if it is a coincidence or something else, but Su Bai saw it.

Players are always worried about their safety.

The other party also took advantage of this and set the price higher.


10 extraordinary coins were deducted from Su Bai's backpack.

Sure enough, just as the other party expected, players like Su Bai who live in Dajiang City will eventually pay.

Anyone who has a little money on hand will not be stingy with this little money.

Su Bai also wanted to see how the other party was exposed.

10 extraordinary coins are just a pain for Su Bai now.

"At the end of the Dajiang City Comic Exhibition, a fat otaku dressed in cartoons appeared in front of the haunted house..."

The more Su Bai looked at it, the stranger his eyes became.

It seems that the only comic exhibition held in Dajiang City today is the one that Su Bai and Wang Yunshan went to today?

It's right next to him?

There is even a video at the bottom of the news.

Click on the video!

A surveillance perspective starts playing.

In the picture, the fat otaku appears, followed by the staff who clean up the haunted house.

The two sides seemed to have a dispute, and there was a vague intention to fight.

However, the video was too far away, and it was unclear what the other party was saying.

In the end, the two sides started fighting, and the fat man was beaten by the two.

"Isn't this the fat man in the toilet today?"

Su Bai suddenly remembered that the first person he saw when he came out of the toilet was the other person when he saw the other person dressed like this.

The extraordinary person was one of the three people!

A violent white light flashed, and the fat man disappeared on the spot!

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