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Chapter 772 Body Fragments

The consumption of opening the space door in a short time is instantly compensated and is almost negligible.

In the huge explosion, the connection between the replicating puppet and Su Bai was finally severed, but at the moment of being severed, Su Bai arrived.

The terrifying residual warmth around him still hadn't completely disappeared, but as soon as it fell, Su Bai was keenly aware that something was wrong.

There's something wrong with the temperature, it's dropping a little too fast.

The peripheral vision faded.

Goudan was caught in the hand of the Jealous Witch, and the hand that held Goudan was extremely pale.

Having his severed hand frozen for many years did not affect him at all, and he adapted to his new body extremely well.

The Jealous Witch smiled with rare joy. After so many years, she finally made some substantial progress.

Logically speaking, this severed hand has existed many years ago, but for some unknown reason, it was only sensed now, otherwise it would not have been delayed until now.

A joke appeared on Louislin's face: "Don't come over, just stand there honestly like this, or I will...what are you going to do!"

Su Bai and Yang Ning raised their hands at the same time, and two space doors appeared on the left and right sides of the Jealous Witch. At this time, you need to guess which one is the Jealous Witch's space door.

If you guess wrong... Haha, sorry, the same result as the lust witch will start the next reincarnation directly.

But what surprised the Jealous Witch was that the man in front of her didn't care at all about the life or death of her companion?

No matter what, even if the person in my hands is an idiot, it's not worthless at all, right?

Are you so decisive in taking action because you are afraid that this guy can survive from your hands?

A huge force came from the hands of the Jealous Witch, and she broke the neck of the cloned puppet. At the same time, a huge amount of energy came from her hand, destroying all the organs in the cloned puppet's body.

The sound of bones breaking was heard, and blood continued to spit out from the mouth of the replica puppet.

The replica puppet in the hands of the Jealous Witch was like a dead fish. For some unknown reason, Goudan had stopped moving for a long time.

I don’t know whether I will live or die!

Even when he saw the Jealous Witch taking action, the movements in Su Bai's hands were still unsettled.

Lifting his feet, shrinking down to an inch, and passing through the space door, he came to the space door where the puppet was copied. Yang Ning also punched towards the space door at this time.

The jealous witch let go and stepped back. The space behind her shook, and her whole body began to become a witch.

Only the hand that the opponent had just obtained seemed to be an entity, and the rest looked extremely illusory, as if it did not exist in this world.

The space gates face each other on the left and right. Since the witch is no longer the target of attack, Yang Ning's attack target naturally becomes the space gate opposite, which is Su Bai.

Stopping hastily, Su Bai dragged the replica puppet into the space door. When he came back again, he had arrived at the position where the space door originally opened.

Yang Ning's punch was empty.

At the same time, Yang Ning also breathed a sigh of relief. If this punch had hit Su Bai, the consequences would be disastrous.

Fortunately, the punch ultimately missed.

Yang Ning looked at the replica puppet with its muscles and veins broken, and his expression was a little complicated. No matter what, this was a teammate of Su Bai.

It's just that, looking at the current situation, I probably won't survive... Sigh...

Just when Yang Ning was feeling a little nervous, Goudan, who was pretending to be dead, suddenly opened his eyes, coughed twice, and spat out the scraps of meat in his mouth.

"It was so dangerous. That bitch was so cruel. She almost died." Although Goudan said this, he could not tell that there was anything wrong with the other party's body.

Even the bright red sticky substance that just spat out of his mouth didn't seem to be his own.

What the hell is going on?

At this time, Yang Ning discovered that not only was Su Bai weird, but Goudan who was following Su Bai was also very weird, not only in his behavior but also in his body.

Compared with Goudan, the jealous witch just now seemed quite normal, and Yang Ning couldn't help but have such weird thoughts in her mind.

"Boss, you can't blame me. That girl's strength is too great. I don't even have a chance to fight back. By the way, why is this girl the only one here? Where's Xiaohua?"

Goudan looked around, but didn't find his little brother, and couldn't help but feel a little concerned.

If his younger brother were here at this time, he would definitely stand up and say a few words to help him.

Who knows that woman's strength suddenly became so great.

When Su Bai controlled the replicating puppet just now and fought against Louislin who was controlled by the Jealous Witch, Goudan could also get all the data.

After feeling it, even though Louisline was very powerful at that time, she was at most similar to a replica puppet. However, after the explosion, the opponent's power increased by leaps and bounds, overwhelmingly catching her.

In fact, Goudan can also use Jin Chan to escape from the shell and directly give up on copying the puppet, and then escape by himself.

But when I thought about it, if the madman chasing me would not even care about the cloned puppet and come directly to chase my own body, I would beg for it at that time.

At least there is a copy puppet as a buffer when the Jealous Witch attacks her current self.

But once you leave the copy puppet, the buffer is gone, and every attack from the opponent will cause real damage to Goudan!

After weighing the pros and cons, Goudan decisively crashed into the replica puppet and died.

Anyway, the replica puppet was made of special materials, so it would be difficult for the other party to destroy it, not to mention that the boss had already come.

If he didn't pretend to be dead at this time and wait for his boss to come and save him, would he have to fight with the other party to the death?

A few thousand yuan a month, why would he risk his life? Besides, he hadn't finished watching the anime yet...

Now that he saw that fierce woman was gone, he naturally wouldn't pretend to be dead anymore. Su Bai knew everything about the replica puppet's body.

Pretending to be dead could fool that stupid woman just now, but forget about his boss.

Su Bai threw Goudan a few recovery potions, and then ignored them, but reviewed the battle just now, and what link had gone wrong.

Goudan also seemed to be fine. He drank the recovery potion in a few gulps and started chatting with Yang Ning beside him.

"Did you see Xiaohua?" Goudan asked.

Yang Ning thought for a while, and said truthfully: "I saw it."

"Then why didn't she come with you? Was she afraid that I would punish her? Don't worry, I'm not such a petty person. Call her over and we can have a good chat. Of course, don't call the boss for this kind of thing."

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