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Chapter 784 Going home, home

Psychedelic Forest

A beautiful woman with white hair and a proud figure walked alone in it.

The Desire Witch still held the Book of Truth in her hand. She seemed to be very familiar with the road under her feet. Even without looking, she knew there was a pit and a bulge.

In this way, she stepped on the strange steps and continued to move forward towards the depths of this strange forest that everyone avoided.

Finally, in front of a huge open space, the Desire Witch finally stopped her steps.

Looking at the huge open space in front of her, the Desire Witch frowned: "Who made these damn bugs?"

This strange forest was created by her. Although she didn't monitor everything in it, she knew a lot of things.

Not long ago, some small red bugs suddenly came to her forest, but she didn't care.

After all, the forest is too big and there are many things in it.

You know, it's not just people who get lost in the psychedelic forest, but also the surrounding animals. Once they enter, the final possible outcome is to stay in it forever.

After all, in a place where no one knows the end, who knows when they can get out, or how they can get out?

It’s just that there is no clear way to leave easily now.

Even before, Su Bai and Goudan and his group left by relying on Xiaohua, which is the original memory of the Greedy Witch, and left in a specific way.

If there is no specific way to leave, then it is estimated that they will have to stay here forever.

As for the destruction of the psychedelic forest...

Hehe, the Greedy Witch has never worried about this problem.

After all, she also wants to destroy this forest and then take out the world consciousness in it.

This place is really special!

You know, only the original sin witches have world consciousness, and the body is world consciousness.

But this forest does not have any special carriers, and the world consciousness exists here.

When the Greedy Witch discovered it before, she did not notice that there was such a thing as world consciousness here. It was only later, when the psychedelic forest gradually formed a scale, that she slowly sensed that there was actually a world consciousness in it.

At the beginning, the Greedy Witch found only a strange sapling.

There is not much difference from the surrounding saplings.

If you insist on saying that there is something special, it is probably only she who does not recognize it.

That's right, she does not recognize the small sapling she found at the beginning. It was at this time that she caught her attention and finally evolved into the scale of the current psychedelic forest.

Because of the special way of cultivation, the Greedy Witch can sense the changes here.

For many years, such changes are very fixed, that is, some unlucky people will accidentally enter it.

When the Greedy Witch is in a good mood, she will let those people out.

That is the origin of the saying "I don't know how I came out while walking" in the mouths of those outside.

In fact, if the Greedy Witch does not let those who accidentally enter here leave, they will never be able to leave here in their lifetime.

This can be said to be the most dangerous place, this is for those people outside, for the Greedy Witch, this is now the safest place.

Xiaohua has no intention of waking up until now, sleeping in her body, as if she has fallen into hibernation, just like the hibernation state of several witches lying in the coffin.

The only change was that Xiaohua in the spiritual space had turned snow-white.

The Greedy Witch found a more comfortable place, and then released a spell. Soon, a house appeared out of thin air, located in this open space in the forest.

Although the insects that suddenly appeared were really annoying, she had no choice.

It was impossible to spend a lot of effort to deal with those insects, right?

Forget it, she just wanted to have a good rest now. As for those insects... they were still far away from here.

If they really came to her, she would plan to deal with those dishonest insects.

Let them know who is the real owner of this place.


The Greedy Witch, who had prepared everything, walked into the house with her book. A familiar scene appeared, a cup of black liquid, a comfortable chair, and silence all around.

However, this tranquility did not last long.

On the outskirts of the psychedelic forest, Louislin and the Jealous Witch stopped.

Luyilin had read books before, so she knew what kind of a hellhole this place was.

It was said that once you entered, it was up to luck to get out.

If you were unlucky, you would probably spend your whole life in there.

"Are you sure the Greedy Witch is in here?" Luyilin asked the Jealous Witch uncertainly.

The Jealous Witch nodded and said, "Are you doubting me? Little Linlin, I will be very sad if you do this."

"You know, this place was created by the Greedy guy. This place is very dangerous for others, but for the Greedy guy, it is no different from returning to his own home."

What's more, there is a mysterious connection between the witches, although they cannot know each other's location accurately.

But it’s okay to know an approximate location.

In the kingdom of witches, there are two auras of the original sin witches. It doesn’t take much to think about it, they are the arrogance witch and the gluttony witch. The other ones are Su Bai and Yang Ning.

The two breaths seemed to be getting closer, and it was only a matter of time before they met.

There are already four original sin witches there, two of them are dead, and the last breath appears here. Who else could it be if it wasn't lust?

Louislin naturally knew that the Jealousy Witch would not act recklessly, and she must have come here only when she was sure.

However, what she is more worried about is that according to what she just said, the lust witch feels like she is back home here.

So in other words, isn't this their territory?

Isn't it easy to deal with them?

But Louisline didn't see any other expressions on the face of the Jealous Witch. She looked silly and sweet, and she swore and said why the Desire Witch was here.

"Xiao Linlin, are you listening to me? If you don't listen to me, I will be angry later, and I will ignore you in the future."

The Jealousy Witch couldn't help but feel a little annoyed when she saw that Louisline seemed a little distracted.

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