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Chapter 805: Full of holes

This player actually did not reveal anything special, and the task to be completed had nothing to do with the Witch of Original Sin.

He just entered the Witch world and looked for some extraordinary powers.

But these two people who had no intersection, the player and the Witch of Original Sin, collided with each other.

There is no doubt that the player died in the hands of the Witch of Jealousy without any ability to fight back.

It was not until the player in front of her was completely killed that the Witch of Jealousy reacted to what she had done.

In her mind, the prompt sound of the extraordinary game came, the cold system prompt sound, without any emotion.

Something beyond the cognition of the Witch of Jealousy appeared in front of her.

Soon, the Witch of Jealousy adapted and accepted the novelty of the extraordinary game.

But the Witch of Jealousy was not thinking about why she became a player, but what was her motive when she killed the player just now?

That's right, even the Witch of Jealousy herself didn't know why she attacked the player just now, and she didn't even have a motive for the attack.

The other party was obviously just an ordinary person in the crowd.

At least it was like this before the extraordinary power was exposed. Even after the extraordinary power was exposed, the player died in the hands of the Witch of Jealousy without struggling for long.

The power of the Witch of Original Sin is not something that an ordinary player can touch.

And it was when the opponent was attacked without any defense.

Nothing is forever. There is an instinctive malice towards the player, that is, not wanting the other party to live in this world.

At that moment, the Witch of Jealousy felt that she had become extremely strange, not herself at all, and became a puppet...

From that moment on, the Witch of Jealousy knew some inexplicable connections between the world consciousness and them.

It turned out that... when necessary, the world consciousness can affect the Witch of Original Sin.

Then what are they?

The Witch of Jealousy had never thought about this question before, and the other Witches of Original Sin did not seem to have thought about it either. Only the Witch of Greed seemed to have this intention.

So the scene behind appeared, the communication between the Witch of Jealousy and the Witch of Greed.

What the Witch of Greed did not know was that the person standing in front of her at that time was not the Witch of Jealousy, no, it should be said that it was not just the Witch of Jealousy.

Similarly, the other party has another identity, a player, a player active in the extraordinary game.

Later, after becoming a player, the Jealous Witch also began to complete the tasks assigned by the extraordinary game, and the result was obvious.

For a player like the Jealous Witch who is born with advantages, even if she has just come into contact with the extraordinary game, it is quite terrifying.

Almost all the way through, the strength is also rapidly improved.

It is at this point that the strength of the Jealous Witch and the other witches slowly widened.

Finally, after coming into contact with the rules, the Jealous Witch began to attack several original sin witches.

The reason is very simple. There are shadows of rule fragments on the bodies of several original sin witches. If it is difficult to understand, in other words, world consciousness!

The Greedy Witch is not very clear about what the specific rule fragments are now, and she will know only when they are gathered.

What she needs to do is to collect the remaining fragments and get rid of the influence of world consciousness.

In fact, since the Jealous Witch became a player, the influence of world consciousness on the Jealous Witch has begun to weaken. Later, the Jealous Witch even turned the tables and ate the world consciousness in turn.

This is the beginning of the war many years ago!

It's just... except for the Jealous Witch herself, no one knows what caused things to become what they are now.

It's all because of the intervention of the extraordinary game, the intervention of the players, and the transformation of identity.

The Jealous Witch doesn't want to become a puppet of the world consciousness.

If the Jealous Witch had not controlled the world consciousness after the first invasion of the extraordinary game, perhaps the following things would not have happened.

But when the Jealous Witch knew that she would be controlled by the world consciousness of this world, things began to become uncontrollable.

Unfortunately, she failed in the end. It was not that she underestimated a few witches of original sin, but that she underestimated the world consciousness of their world.

According to the power of the last war, the Jealous Witch alone was enough to eat the remaining witches.

Unfortunately, she still failed in the end.

The Jealous Witch ignored the most important thing from the beginning, that is, herself!

She herself is also the composition of this world consciousness, which can be regarded as a whole. How can she eat herself?

At that time, she realized that there was no possibility of success, at least the Witch of Jealousy had no possibility of success.

This was already stipulated from the beginning...

If you want to completely break away from the world consciousness of this world, you can only completely give up the identity of the Witch of Jealousy.

Use the body of another player!

And the person chosen by the Witch of Jealousy is now Louislin!

After so many years of running-in, the bodies of the two can be said to be exactly the same, but Louislin obviously doesn't know this.

Just think that the two of them are inexplicably compatible?

Such a fit is just a coincidence in Louislin's view, but only the Witch of Jealousy, who is the person involved, knows that everything is just planned.

The most critical step of this plan is not her power effect, but the power effect of the Gluttony Witch.


The power effect of the Jealous Witch can be regarded as absorbing energy, but it must be the energy released by others.

There is no limit to the size of this energy. As long as enough time is given, there will be a day when it is absorbed.

Just like the natural disaster that swept the continent many years ago released by the Greedy Witch before, it is only a matter of time for the Jealous Witch to absorb it.

In the hands of the Jealous Witch, it became her own thing and was finally released.

It evolved into the current huge water tornado, and the terrifying attraction made it impossible for everyone here to leave.

The Jealous Witch did not seem very strange about the reaction of the Gluttony Witch:

"Aren't you also a player? This world has long been invaded by the extraordinary game and is riddled with holes. The only valuable thing is the power effect of a few witches of original sin."

"Don't you know it very well?" The Jealous Witch's tone was terrifyingly calm at this moment.

Fear appeared in the eyes of the Gluttony Witch. She felt that the pale hand in front of her chest was constantly devouring her vitality and the world consciousness within her body.

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