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Chapter 824 Space Freeze

Yang Ning and the others also came back to their senses from the freezing.

But when they came back to their senses again, they found that everything around them was not what they had seen before.

The most obvious change was that the Witch of Jealousy disappeared, and the Witch of Greed seemed to be injured, looking at Goudan and Su Bai with a strange expression.

Yang Ning turned his head and looked at Su Bai, and found that Su Bai's mental state was not ordinary.

Except for a huge scar on his chest, which seemed to be burned by something, it looked a bit scary.

Apart from that, there was nothing abnormal.

Now, Su Bai gave Yang Ning the feeling that he was even stronger than when the two first met.

"What happened?" Yang Ning felt that something must have happened just now, but she didn't know why and had no memory of it just now.

It was like she had lost her memory, or... the space around her was frozen?

She was in a frozen space, and she didn't have enough strength to get rid of the freeze, so she didn't know what happened just now.

Yang Ning was the Wrath Witch, and inherited a lot of her memories, including advanced magic.

This includes the magic of freezing space, but the range that can be frozen is really limited.

And the consumption is huge, like opponents of the same level, it has no substantial effect at all.

Not only that, the power consumed by freezing is also an astronomical figure.

Such terrible consumption and effort, but the gains in return are not proportional, so no one will use the original few witches of original sin.

As for other ordinary witches except them, they are not qualified.

It’s not that they look down on those witches, but they are really not qualified. The reason is very simple, they need to use world consciousness.

But you have to know that in this world, except for them, who else can have world consciousness?

Without world consciousness, how to perform the spell of freezing space?

Silently, without any sign of release, even when the spell ends, the frozen person will not know when he was hit.

Yang Ning is in such a situation now.

If she hadn’t known a lot as a witch of original sin, she would not have known that she was hit.

Just looking at Su Bai’s appearance, the other party didn’t seem to be frozen.

Why is this?

It would be fine if the Greedy Witch was not frozen, Yang Ning knew that the Greedy Witch's foundation was terrifying.

But Su Bai was different.

Although Su Bai was very strong, she had just seen where Su Bai's limit was.

Even compared to her who had the power of the Wrath Witch, she felt that she was still a little worse.

What's more, Su Bai was still injured. In this case, she was hit, how could Su Bai not be hit.

Only then did Yang Ning realize that Su Bai had more cards than she thought.

Su Bai must have other props on his body, and he avoided freezing with the power of the props. Only in this way can the scene in front of him be explained.

On the other side, Su Bai opened his eyes, and he had absorbed all the memories that Goudan had just transmitted.

He also knew why his body had such changes.

Why, when there were no people around, the Untouchable Hand could still devour such terrifying energy.

The problem lies with Kayako.

Su Bai glanced at the damaged diary in his hand. The purple light was still there, but it was dim and scary.

It was not the dimness of the dark purple props, but the dimness that was about to disappear.

Goudan's eyes also stayed on the diary in Su Bai's hand, but he just watched quietly from the side, rarely saying much.

Su Bai threw the diary in his hand to Goudan: "If you force it out, it will return to the original state if it happens again."

Goudan naturally knew what Su Bai meant by return, and turned it back to a blue quality prop.

Goudan got the diary, and his face was full of excitement. He opened the diary and tried to summon Kayako.

But this time Goudan looked around, left and right, and couldn't find any trace of Kayako.

Thinking that the thing was broken, Goudan repeated it several times.

Finally, it seemed that Kayako couldn't stand it anymore. A pair of pale hands grabbed Goudan's hands that were still turning over and over, and a cold and sinister voice came:

"Can't you be more quiet?"

After being caught, Goudan became honest. He looked up and down and found that Kayako seemed to be fine.

It was not like what his boss had just said.

But Goudan also knew that the boss would not lie to him, so he asked: "Gossip, you won't be in trouble, right?"


"Really? Just now the boss said that you are likely to change back."

"Yeah." Kayako did not deny Su Bai's words.

"How about I check you?" As he said that, Goudan seemed to want to feel up and down Kayako's body to check how the other person was injured.

Goudan's movements were very fast. As soon as the voice fell, his hand had already fallen on Kayako's body.

And it was not just one hand, but many hands, and tentacles were also hands.

Goudan was afraid that the inspection was not thorough enough, so he sent out a lot of tentacles from his body to feel up and down together.

You won’t know until you touch it.

"Well, as expected, this body is as cold as a dead person... Hmm? What are you doing, gossip? Ah——" Goudan was bitten by Kayako.

Su Bai ignored the two of them, but was a little surprised that Kayako had inexplicably turned into a reserve food.

Kayako is also an energy body, a strange energy body.

She can also be eaten by the untouchable hand.

But from the memory just sent back by Goudan, the real target of those untouchable hands is not Kayako, but Goudan who is protected by Kayako.

If it weren't for Kayako's transfer of damage, the person who was eaten should be Goudan.

The power of the evil god is really too weird.

And... the witch of jealousy obviously knows more.

Just now, when she saw the evil god's power spreading out from the original cells, the witch of jealousy showed panic on her face.

The reason why she was in a hurry to leave must be because she was frightened by the evil god's power, but it is definitely not because of fear of Su Bai.

The Jealous Witch was so frightened that Su Bai naturally didn't believe that she didn't know the evil god.

If Su Bai wanted to completely solve the evil god, he had to know more information. The Jealous Witch was a very suitable candidate, but...

Now let alone asking the Jealous Witch to answer questions, it would be good enough to survive from her.

The blue card appeared in Su Bai's hand again.

The information on the blue card emerged, and the gray font behind the card still existed.

"Cannot be used!"

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