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Chapter 834 No Weakness

Su Bai was not sure whether the Lustful Witch had left a backup plan for him.

He could only ask Goudan to go down and take a look. If there was a way to survive, he would surely die if he fell into the abyss sea for a long time without rescue.

Qiao followed Goudan.

The two of them did not have world consciousness, so they would not be locked by the Jealous Witch.

As long as they were out of the other party's field of vision and perception, Goudan and Qiao would not be locked.

But Su Bai and Yang Ning were not like that. Su Bai devoured the world consciousness of the Lustful Witch, even though it was very likely that it had been digested by the larvae in his body.

It merged with himself, but he still could not get rid of the other party's perception.

It should still take some time to completely erase the world mark belonging to this world and completely turn it into the larvae's own thing.

In this way, he can get rid of the Jealous Witch's perception.

But it is obvious that Su Bai does not have this opportunity now, and the Jealous Witch is right in front of him.

It should be impossible to give Su Bai a chance to escape.

Moreover, the Jealous Witch has a breath that Su Bai is very familiar with, the chaotic power of the evil god.

Wrapped in the body of the Jealous Witch, it is very likely that the Jealous Witch herself has been affected without realizing it.

Su Bai was also like this when he was affected, but Su Bai had already been prepared, so he would not be controlled so thoroughly.

But it is obvious that the Jealous Witch was not prepared for this.

Invisibly, the Jealous Witch has been affected, and the current situation cannot be said to be controlled.

After all, the power of the Jealous Witch is there, and even if the power of the evil god wants to erode the opponent's mind, it cannot be so fast.

There must be reasons for the Jealous Witch herself.

The reason why Su Bai can stay awake for a considerable period of time every time the evil god erodes.

A large part depends on Su Bai's own mind.

Even when the body is completely controlled, it can still seize control of her body.

But the current situation of the Jealous Witch is obviously wrong. Obviously, her strength is so strong, and the time eroded by the power of the evil god is so short.

But the degree of erosion is a little unbelievable.

If it weren't for the Jealous Witch's own strength, it would have been assimilated into the believer of the evil god long ago.

Su Bai obviously noticed the words that the Jealous Witch kept saying.

I am the heretic, you are not!

Heretic, isn't that what the Jealous Witch just said?

In the other party's description, he seemed to be a heretic, and Su Bai himself didn't understand what was going on.

As a result, now the Jealous Witch herself went crazy and turned around to kill him.

Although Su Bai knew that even if there was no heretic identity, the Jealous Witch would probably not let them go.

For some reason, Su Bai suddenly felt that letting the power of the evil god erode the Jealous Witch seemed to be a wrong move.

The power of the Jealous Witch itself is terrifying enough.

Now with the blessing of the evil god's power, it has become even more weird.

Before, at least I could feel and predict what the Jealous Witch would do next and attack there.

But this time when the Jealous Witch came, it was completely different. There was no way to predict any of the other party's actions.

Su Bai didn't even react when the Jealous Witch appeared.

It was not until the Witch of Jealousy took away the world consciousness in the Witch of Greed and the Witch of Greed fell into the abyss that Su Bai saw clearly who the person who came over was.

Such a huge gap in strength was in front of him, so Su Bai felt powerless.

But he couldn't just wash his neck clean and let the Witch of Jealousy cut him off with a knife, right?

I don't know if the Witch of Jealousy's obsession with Su Bai was too great, so Yang Ning, who was next to Su Bai, didn't even look at him.

If the Witch of Jealousy took action now, Yang Ning's final outcome would probably be no different from the Witch of Greed who just fell.

"I am the heretic, you are not, you are not!" The miserable and resentful voice of the Witch of Jealousy came.

Like a fierce ghost under the Netherworld, the black eyes stared at Su Bai.


A sound of flesh and blood being pierced came, and Yang Ning, who was standing next to Su Bai, trembled violently: "Bai!"

A pair of pale hands passed through Su Bai's body, and a beating heart appeared.

Fortunately, Su Bai had already seen the move of the Witch of Jealousy. She seemed to like other people's hearts very much?

Su Bai had already moved the position of the larvae.

The larvae had changed to the present and were no longer in a fixed position.

If it had lived in Su Bai's heart as before, it would have been killed by the Witch of Jealousy.

At Su Bai's signal, the larvae had been scattered all over the body.

In this state, unless Su Bai died completely, there was no way to see the larvae appear.

Not only the larvae, but also the original cells in Su Bai's body were the same, turning into a glowing light spot, hidden in the flesh and other cells.

It was just that the cells that were originally golden now seemed to have fallen into ink, extremely dark, and no spirit could be seen.

Around the original cells, Su Bai's body organs were constantly affected by the weird and twisted power and deformed.

Su Bai can still suppress such distortion now, but he needs to save strength to deal with the Witch of Envy, which is obviously beyond his ability now.

In the hand of the Witch of Envy, a beating heart is pinched in her hand, and then she exerts force, and the heart explodes.

Blood flows from the corner of Su Bai's mouth, and he looks miserable.

Yang Ning behind Su Bai has already rushed up with the power effect of the Witch of Angry.

But only Su Bai himself knows that in fact, his current situation is just a little miserable.

It's just a heart, if it explodes, it explodes, and he won't die.

The biggest function of the heart is to connect the blood flow and transportation throughout the body.

It can be regarded as the most important organ in the body besides the brain.

If there is no heart, all the work in the body will stop, but remember, that is only for ordinary people.

In nature, even the brain is not necessarily unique, let alone the heart.

Octopus has three hearts, in order to cope with the harsh environment around it and let itself survive better.

But Su Bai was different. In order to avoid the heart becoming his weakness, he directly gave up the important function of the heart.

The whole person directly became a whole.

In other words, for Su Bai now, except for the memories and thoughts stored in his brain, there is nothing that cannot be replaced.

The same is true for the heart taken away by the Witch of Jealousy.

Of course, Su Bai knew that the Witch of Jealousy did not want her heart, but the world consciousness in her body!

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