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Chapter 875 Infinite Possibilities

Xiaohua saw half of Su Bai's body exposed, and her eyes were rippled.

Xiaohua stepped forward and squatted down. The black robe fell to the ground and piled up together. The graceful body was completely unlike that of a person of this age.

Even when she lowered her head, Xiaohua could not see her feet below...

Xiaohua stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to touch Su Bai's face, but was dragged back into the darkness by Goudan in an instant.

Xiaohua looked at the eyes in the darkness blankly, and her voice trembled a little: "Why... why, Brother Dan, don't you even believe me?"

Goudan was silent, and silence had answered many questions.

But the facts remain the same and will not change. Goudan will not believe anyone except him.

Not to mention letting others touch Su Bai's body.

Who knows if there will be some tricks that he can't understand, and then he will harm his boss.

It's better to be safe than sorry...

Xiaohua only felt that the man in front of her, who she used to be familiar with, had changed.

She couldn't tell where he had changed, but he had changed, and it seemed...more like a person?

Goudan before, had the memories of countless living people, but he never thought from a human perspective.

He didn't even have human emotions.

But this time, Xiaohua felt something different.

Goudan in front of him had emotions, even if they were very weak, but they still existed.

"It's okay, I will protect the boss!" Xiaohua stood up with a somewhat far-fetched smile on his face, looking at the place where Su Bai had just disappeared.

"No, with me here, the boss is safe, you... you should leave here as soon as possible." Goudan said.

Then, Goudan dragged a person out of the shadows, a deformed flesh and blood, and the original appearance could no longer be seen.

This is a player, but under the erosion of the evil god, he became a believer.

"This is what the boss prepared for you before. He was going to give it to you later, but the boss didn't say how long it would be in the future before he fainted, so I gave it to you directly now." The so-called future is when Xiaohua grows up a little.

When Xiaohua has the ability to think.

The Witch of Original Sin cannot be viewed with common sense. In Su Bai's estimation, even if she becomes a baby, she will have the ability to think independently in a short time.

When that time comes, it will be time for the Witch of Greed to make a choice.

According to Su Bai's impression, the Witch of Greed finally turned into a baby and was taken away by Qiao.

Su Bai knew that except for the Witch of Jealousy, all the other Witches of Original Sin were not players.

This should not be accidental, but the result of deliberate control by this so-called world consciousness.

But as long as Su Bai is doing now, just tie up a player and put it in front of the Witch of Original Sin.

In this way, even if the world consciousness of the witch world wants to stop it, it has no way.

Xiaohua's eyes stayed on the believer, feeling uncomfortable and a little dazed.

"No need to use your eyes to see, just kill it directly." Goudan's emotionless voice came.

Although the believer no longer has any strength to fight back, it is still a source of pollution.

The Witch of Original Sin is not so easy to be polluted, but it will still be affected if you look at it for a long time.

Xiaohua had no friendship, a fireball appeared, a terrifying temperature appeared, and the surrounding air was distorted.

The fireball continued to expand, and finally fell on the believer lying on the ground.

The high temperature engulfed the other party, and the sound of scorching came, and the believer soon stopped moving.

At the same time, in Xiaohua's mind, the spiritual world that had been silent for an unknown period of time, once again heard a voice!

Xiaohua trembled all over, and her pupils shrank!

This was not the first time that a voice appeared in Xiaohua's mind. The last one was the Greedy Witch, and now it was her sister...

Xiaohua wanted to hear that familiar voice again...

But soon Xiaohua calmed down. This voice was not from the Greedy Witch, but the system prompt voice of the Extraordinary Game.

"Successfully killed player [465165], and obtained player qualifications..."

Xiaohua became a player, which was also what the Greedy Witch hoped she would become in the end, a player.

Only by becoming a player can there be hope of survival. There is no hope in their world.

In the near future, destruction will eventually come!

This is the speculation of the Greedy Witch, but I don't know how long it will take for this to come...

Perhaps, even the Greedy Witch herself could not have thought that the moment of destruction would be now.

There is no time for Xiaohua, who has become a player, to grow up.

The plan, just started a part, was aborted immediately and died in the cradle.

"Have you become a player?" Goudan asked.

Although he didn't know how many players he had killed, Goudan never received a prompt from the extraordinary game.

He seemed to be abandoned...

But Goudan himself didn't care, anyway, it was the same to follow his boss.

Just curious, what is it like to become a player.

"Yeah." Xiaohua nodded, then looked at Goudan and asked: "What do you need me to do next?"

"I don't know." Goudan said very frankly.

At this moment, the air seemed to fall into silence.

"It's not my fault. The boss only said to kill this person and take away the player's identity. Then the boss said you will know what to do later." Goudan spread his hands helplessly.

At the same time, he recalled what Su Bai had told him before.

That's all.

There's really nothing left...

"I know!" Xiaohua went from being confused at the beginning to being firm later.

Then, in Goudan's shocked eyes, Xiaohua disappeared on the spot and appeared again the next second.

The aura of Xiaohua who appeared again had obvious fluctuations, as if she had just experienced a battle.

Before Goudan asked, what did she know, why didn't he understand anything?

As soon as Goudan opened his mouth, Xiaohua disappeared again, and appeared in the same way the next second. Her aura became extremely chaotic, and her clothes were also damaged a lot.

After a simple repair, she disappeared again...

Repeating the same behavior, Goudan finally knew what Xiaohua was doing.

Accept the tasks of the extraordinary game and complete them continuously!

In the following time, every time Xiaohua disappeared and came back, her aura would become stronger.

Xiaohua seemed to have realized that the flow speed in the mission world was different from that in the real world.

For this reason, she was no longer worried.

She was afraid that she would not have enough time, so she devoted herself to the mission.

After countless times, when Goudan had become somewhat numb, Xiaohua's body was teleported back again, but this time the situation was extremely tragic.

One of Xiaohua's arms was torn off, and there were bloodstains of varying degrees on her body. Her face was extremely pale:

"This... this should be useful..."

With her only remaining hand, Xiaohua handed the rose-red reagent stained with blood to Goudan with trembling hands...

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