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Chapter 961 Why did you hit me?

The human skin went towards the market town.

All that was left was the corpse and the sugar man who had rolled to the ground at some point.

The human skin walked into the market town.

This time, those who saw him no longer ran away in fear.

Because the human skin before had no head, only a body, and the body was still empty.

What's the difference between this and seeing a ghost?

This time, the human skin seemed to have learned how to blend in.

Seeing that those people were not frightened by his appearance and then ran away, he seemed to know what to do next.

He learned quickly, but when he came into contact with the first person, something terrible happened.

A shop selling buns seemed to dislike him for blocking the front of its shop.

So he started to drive him away impatiently with a stick in his hand.

"Get out, get out, beggars from where, don't do business in front of me, if you can't afford it, get out of here, it's unlucky." The owner of the bun shop in front of him, holding a rolling pin in his hand, looked aggressive.

It looked like if he didn't leave, the stick would probably fall on him.

At this moment, the clothes on his body were left from the previous corpse.

The head was also spliced ​​together, and the color of the head and the body were almost the same.

But because it was dark, the owner of the bun shop didn't notice that there was something wrong with the human skin in front of him.

The human skin was unmoved, just looking at the man holding the rolling pin in front of him with empty eyes.

The human skin had no emotions, and didn't know what anger was.

Even if he was driven away like this, there was still no fluctuation.

The dullness and helplessness of the human skin became another kind of provocation and disdain in front of the owner of the bun shop.

He thought that the human skin looked down on him.

So, the angry bun shop owner waved the rolling pin in his hand and smashed the human skin hard.

This time there was no mercy, and it hit the head.

If this fell on an ordinary person, it would probably be useless.

Although it won't explode, it feels inevitable to become a fool.

To put it bluntly, the boss of the bun shop in front of him was going to kill people.

Judging from the clothes worn by the human skin in front of him, he should be a refugee who fled from nearby.

Refugees like this usually don't even have identity documents.

Now, even if he is killed by this stick, he can be buried anywhere...

The government officials will not go to great lengths for a refugee.

After all... Emperor Wu, the ruler of the Tang Dynasty, is planning to unify the world.

It won't be long before the war starts again.

By that time, there will be more and more refugees like the one in front of him.

Even if he disappears, who knows whether he died on the battlefield or in this cannibalistic world?

In this era, human life is the least valuable thing...

If you die, you die. There is no such thing as delayed justice. It seems that here, there are only pros and cons.

It's like the village where the human skin was born.

All people were massacred by the bandits led by Scarface, and they didn't even investigate who died and how many women and children died...

The case was hastily understood and ended.

The aliens were supposed to handle it, but nothing happened. In the village, the horrible resentment of those who died gathered, and evil was born.

The human skin was born...


The stick fell on the head of the human skin, solid, but the sound was not the sound of being hit.

At least it was not the sound of a human head being hit.

The human head is solid, there is something inside, and there are hard human tissues such as the skull as support.

When the stick fell, the bun shop owner's hand would also receive a huge recoil force.

It would make the hand holding the rolling pin feel numb to some extent...

The weird thing is...the bun shop owner doesn't feel that way now.

It seems that his stick...didn't hit a solid object.

It's more like a piece of...skin?

What is it?

The owner of the bun shop was puzzled and began to check the "weird man" in front of him following the light...

"Ah-ghost, ghost--" The owner of the bun shop seemed to have seen a ghost. The look of contempt on his face disappeared, replaced by jealous fear.

His pupils kept trembling, and his bloated body kept shaking.

At this moment, fear has been deeply engraved in the soul.

The rolling pin was stuck in the face of the man in front of him, and his facial features were distorted, but there was no trace of blood.

What's more terrifying is that there is a very obvious blood line at the junction of the head and the neck.

The owner of the bun shop is not unfamiliar with such a blood line.

It is the blood line left after a person is beheaded.

As for why he knew such a thing, the reason is also very simple.

In the market town, every once in a while, when the death row prisoners in the prison are executed, a large number of curious people will gather to watch the excitement.

What excitement?


A sip of wine, a knife, and the head falls to the ground...

The fallen head is not the end, it is not just left on the ground, or directly fed to the dog.

Instead, the head that falls to the ground needs to be reattached to the body of the criminal.

There is definitely no way to survive, but it is just to let the criminal leave in a more decent way at the end.

This approach is still more humane...

Where the chopped head touches the body, there will be such a blood line, and some human skin foam will be raised around the neck, which looks extremely creepy.

Even if it is connected, it is still possible to see something wrong at a glance.

And now, there is such a blood line where the body and head of the "beggar" in front of him are connected...

The other party is a dead person!

In his mind, with a buzzing sound, the bun shop owner immediately thought of a popular saying among the people.

Some criminals have died, but their heads have not been chopped off.

The knife... is too fast.

So that after the criminal died, he still thought he was still alive, and "came back to life" in a weird way.

Obviously, he encountered such a situation in front of him...

The extreme fear made him stiff in place, and his body did not react to escape immediately.

It was such a mistake that made the "beggar" in front of him walk towards him.

The human skin, with a face distorted by the rolling pin and a very obvious blood line on the neck, walked in front of the desperate bun shop owner.

"Why did you hit me?" The voice was a little dull, but one could still feel the confusion and puzzlement.

The human skin's distorted face slowly began to recover and returned to the original appearance that the bun shop owner saw.

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