109 – Those who Received Requests from Childhood Friends, from Benefactors, from People they Admired.

「Whaddya think, sir? I believe it was done exactly to your order.」

I nod to the words of the cane-wielding aged shopkeeper.

「It’s been made splendidly.」

「Good, good.」

The shopkeeper gave a broad, happy smile.

It was a small room. There was a pair of cocoons and a mirror.

It was a room to inspect the finished product in an Avatar generation shop.

Seeing my Monster-self reflected in the mirror, I commend the shopkeeper.

「However I am curious, good sir, as to why you have ordered another such Avatar? I made sure I kept it within the bounds of what was legal, but for the Flame Hero to pretend to be a Majin…」

An illegal alteration would be to alter it in a way that it is indistinguishable from the real person.

For example, Lem’s new Avatar has a horn but you can still recognize him as Lem.

Masks or face-obscuring hoods are considered equipment, so there’s no issue.

Problems only arise if you change the body itself to look like someone else.

「I’m just thinking that I might need it soon.」

The shopkeeper tilted his neck at my vague response, but soon understood and said…

「…? …Aah, is it that? That thing on the TV, the whatchamacallit, tournament thing. Are you planning on entering it incognito?」

「I just thought it’d be nice to fight without anyone knowing that I was the Flame Hero Fenix sometimes.」

I don’t give him a clear answer, responding with something that is only barely not a lie.

Lem contacted me the other day. It’s rare for him to ask a favor of me.

I confirmed the contents and readily agreed.

「Hah hah. There are certainly many that seek a hero. Even heroes need a break, huh? But if that were the case, would it not have been better to have a more Monster-like design?」

「But in that instance, I wouldn’t be able to request your esteemed services.」

In the event of entering the tournament, the number of items allowed to change on an Avatar will be increased only at certain stores.

Which means I cannot make a request at this elderly shopkeeper’s store.

「There you go saying nice things again.」

I have a reason for using this place.

Avatar generation shops are run by people. People who are far more familiar with Adventurers than regular people.

Sadly, many of these people, as well as the Adventuring industry, have an unfairly low opinion of Black Sorcerers.

This can be easily understood when a party visits such a store.

They would visibly treat Lem worse and even sneer at him.

Among them, this kindly old shopkeeper would treat all customers equally.

A customer was a customer, regardless of their Job.

This stance left a deep impression on me and henceforth I have made it a point to always use the services of this shop whenever possible.

It’s difficult because the nature of my work has me move from place to place, but I will try to make Avatars here when I can.

…That said, I rarely have to regenerate my Avatar.

It is mainly for requesting a spare Avatar or making fine adjustments.

This time, I have requested for the production of a Majin Avatar.

And it was perfectly done.

「If you ever see this Avatar on TV, please-」

「Rest easy, sir. I am not yet so senile as to tell people the private information of a humble client.」

This shopkeeper would be fine.

「I guess I was worried over nothing…Right, I’ll return to my real body now.」

「Of course.」

The shopkeeper leaves the room.

I enter the cocoon and return my mind to my body.

The Registration Card with the Avatar information is pulled out of the cocoon and hung around my neck.

I exit the room, walk down the hallway, and return to the reception area.

「I need to talk to you.」

In addition to the shopkeeper, there was a beautiful woman. An ally. An Elf archer.

It was the Hunter Lily

「Lily…why are you here?」

「I want to have a discussion with Lem. So I thought it would be better to go through you.」


She glanced at the shopkeeper.

「Could we talk somewhere else?」

「…Yeah, of course.」

「Kei! Kei! You won’t believe it! I got a message from Lem and he-gwargh…!」

I sent the pig master flying with a kick for entering my room without knocking.

He slammed into the wall and then fell to the floor.


I point out his mistake with a single word.

「So-sorry…but…but isn’t the punishment a little too severe…cough…」

So said Thor, his cheek stuck to the floor.

「Raise your head quickly. I know you wish to lick the floor in my room, but please.」

「I did not lick it and I never once thought of licking it!」

「I wonder.」

「What happened to your trust in me? We’ve been friends since we were kids.」

「Trust…? What a nice word you know. I’m surprised to know that such a word exists in my pig master’s dictionary. The same pig master who was fooled by Fellow without telling me.」 

「Guh…That…that wasn’t because I didn’t trust you or anything…I was miserable.」

「Hmph, it’s a little too late for that. You’ve been miserable since I met you.」

「Hey Kei, my mind and body are already in tatters…」

「That was not a joke, but you can get to the point.」

「I wish you were joking… Ah, well. You’ve had a sharp, abusive tongue since back then as well.」

Thor stood up, smiling wryly.

The damage from the previous kick cannot be seen from his appearance.

A kick like that would have shattered the sternum of an ordinary person, but to an Orc, it merely hurt.

His fortitude was suited for punishments.


「Ah, right. Do you remember Lem’s…Lord Lemegeton’s ring?」

「Of course I do. We both made a contract, you and me.」

That’s right. It wasn’t much of a thank you, but Thor and I made a contract with him.

The thought of making a contract with Thor so that he could summon me at any time disgusted me to my core, but if it’s that young man, I can rest assured that he will not abuse such power.

「He says that he would like us to lend our strength immediately!」

Thor looked happy.

I suppose I can understand that feeling. We have the opportunity to repay our debts, and we are pleased that the person who helped us is asking for our help.

To put it mildly, I’m honored.

「I plan on going, but what about you?」

The answer to that is obvious.



「I haven’t even said anything…!!」

「If it’s about having a secret date with Sir Lem, the answer is no.」


It hurts that he’s not completely off the mark.

「…Kidding. It seems he has a lover anyway, and with his usual Black Magic, no one will find out. I won’t endorse it, but I won’t tie you down either. So? When do you want your day off?」

「Milla is not his lover…」

「You say something?」

「Nothing. Uhm, the date hasn’t been decided yet…」

「I see. When it’s decided, tell me as soon as possible.」

It was surprisingly easy to get permission.


Lem contacted me the other day.

Of course I want to cooperate with him, but I have a small problem.

I can’t use the Berith Avatar. No, that’s not entirely accurate.

I can’t reuse what I used in the tournament.

Using my body as a basis, if I attach Insect-Human-looking equipment…it might be tough…If I wore a mantle or something to fool people…it just might work…I think.

In front of my masked self is a row of Demi-Humans.

「Well then, I am starting the interview.」

That day, the Demon King Army job interview was conducted.

I’ve sent out the request for helpers, but ultimately, they are helpers.

Among these people, I need to find my subordinates…my new allies.

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