120 – A Tour of the Sixth Stratum?

The sixth stratum – The Realm of Aquatic Monsters.

A path made of white sand is built above the sea. It seems to spread out endlessly, seemingly cut off midway in the horizon. You can see that it spreads out like a maze with many branching paths.

Milla and I, each in our Monster forms, have come to visit the sixth stratum.

By the way, it is possible to use the Recording Stone to transfer to the deepest part of each stratum where the Floor Boss resides.

However, you have to get permission from the Floor Boss in charge to do so.

For my allies that previously cooperated with me in the defense of the tenth stratum, I gave them permission.

Since the Ruler of the Waters Vepar is so elusive, there is naturally no opportunity to ask her for permission to transfer to the deepest part of her stratum.

We transferred to the room before the boss room and headed there on foot.

「Wouldn’t it have been better if I had gotten permission and then we could have transferred there together?」

「I don’t think so, the permission you would have gotten from Vepar would only be for you, right Milla? Having me tag along to that feels…improper.」

「Fufu, how very like you, Lem.」

Possibly because I responded exactly how she thought I would, her mouth loosens softly.

「Nevertheless, your decision to bring me with you was a correct one. As expected of the Demon King Army’s Chief of Staff.」

「Is…that so? Is she really that moody of a person?」

Milla seemed somewhat full of confidence.

Vepar certainly has a hard to approach air about her…no, maybe not.

Everyone here is more or less curious about the Human Chief of Staff. Setting aside whether they have good or ill will towards me, it’s clear that they are at least interested to see what kinda guy I am.

The only person who didn’t have that was Furcas, whose reception of me was normal except for food-related matters. Although now she’s my swordmaster and we’re allies who were dispatched to another Dungeon together.

The first time we met, which was during my interview with the Demon King Army, she was asleep.

Vepar is different from the rest. I have a feeling that she has little interest.

「Not at all, she’s actually quite an interesting person. It’s just that, when she is in front of something that she doesn’t like, her mood goes down.」

「Ah, I see.」

I think I get it. The Paladin Lark is the type that’s quite obsessive over equipment, so whenever we went to see a weapon and armor shop, he gets more excited than usual. The Hunter Lily is usually quite stoic but when we challenged a Dungeon with a forest stage, she becomes more talkative than the norm.

Even people who are normally calm and collected can become energetic as if a switch was flipped.

「Next, we take the right path.」

「Ah, sure.」

At a split path, we turned to the right.

The view was good, so it didn’t seem too difficult to figure out the right route.

In fact, it would be easy in the current situation.

However, during a Dungeon Clear, there are Monsters attacking. You don’t have time to slowly search for the right path.

A still target is an easy target, so you have to keep moving.

There are many an occasion where Adventurers accidentally went down the wrong path, reached a dead end and had to turn back.

「Please leave this to me. I have procured an item that she should be pleased with.」

「When did you…」

「I expected this to happen…is what I would like to say, but I actually got it for a separate matter.」

「Are you alright with using that today?」

「It’s perfectly fine. If it can prove useful to Lem, I’ll gladly use it.」

「…Thank you.」

「Hearing those words is enough of a reward.」

「My my, such intimate lovers walking around made me wonder when this place became a date spot, but on the contrary, if it isn’t Lord Chief of Staff and Lady Carmilla.」

The surface of the sea trembled, and something slowly appeared.

Or rather, he appeared. 

The Seamonster Forneus. He is a huge shark Demi-Beast. A gentleman who can communicate normally with people and has a soft demeanor. He is a rare Monster equivalent to a Floor Boss.

The moment he appeared, we were covered from top to toe in water. It seems that he tried to control how he would pop up, but it still sent a large amount of water flying.

「…I beg your pardon. I only wished to greet Lord Lemegeton…」

「No, it’s fine. I haven’t gotten many chances to converse with you, after all.」

Feeling that it’s too little, too late, I go back to my Lemegeton tone.

…But if he heard our conversation earlier, it’s probably pointless.

「Forneus, would it not have been better if you came out a little further away?」

Milla was also in her Carmilla state. It looked like her cheeks were slightly red. Although, I suppose the same goes for me too.

「I apologize, once again. It just so happen that I was sleeping below here.」

「So are we the ones who are nuisances?」

「Not at all, it’s just that there isn’t much else I can do with this body of mine. Are you two perhaps here to visit Miss Vepar?」

「Yes we are.」

「Hm, I see. Then, this may not be enough of an apology for covering you two in water, but allow me to guide you there.」

「I know the way, thank you very much.」

「I am sure you do, my lady. However, this is the area just before the Floor Boss. Taking the proper path will take some time.」

「…I guess you’re right. What is your decision, Lord Lemegeton? If we accept his offer, we can take a shortcut.」

「When he says he’ll guide us…?」

When I asked that, Forneus brings his body alongside the sand path.

「Please, get on my back.」

So he means he’ll take us there on his back, huh?

But the sand paths are everywhere. Since they are obstacles, wouldn’t he have to dive underwater?

「No need to be worried, Lord Lemegeton.」

Since Carmilla says so, I stopped overthinking things.

「Then, if you please.」


We slowly got on Forneus’ back.

Grabbing on to his huge dorsal fin, we sat down.

Carmilla grabbed me by the waist.

「Shall we be off?」

Saying that, Forneus dived underwater.

My vision turned blue. But we didn’t get any wetter than we already were, and water didn’t enter our lungs.

「…I see.」

This is a form of Water Magic. Magic that excludes water. Around me and Carmilla, there was a small space where water could not enter.

Thanks to this, we were able to enjoy the view of the sea.

「Lord Lemegeton, mermaids are swimming over there.」

In the direction that Carmilla pointed at, sure enough, there were two mermaids swimming.

「Those girls are kind, but it is hard for me to understand the conversations of the young.」

Forneus seems to be an old-timer. Possibly a subordinate of my master.

Before long, his body rose to the surface.

There, in a miniature garden at the edge of the sea, was a door.

「She is on the other side of this door. As to whether or not she is on the surface of the sea, I am not sure.」

「Not to worry, I have prepared bait to call her out.」

「My, my.」

「You’ve saved us some time, Forneus.」

「The pleasure is all mine, Lord Lemegeton. If it so pleases you, please come again. At that time…we could talk about Lord Lucifer.」

「…! I will definitely come again.」

That was the Dungeon Name of my master when he was the Demon King.

Regarding my horn, at first, only the Demon King and the Big Four knew about it.

Even after the defense of the tenth stratum, the details were kept a secret.

But since I unleashed the horn in the one-on-one fight with Nicola, I told all the major Monsters about it before the video was broadcast.

I didn’t say that it was the horn from my master, but Forneus seems to have somehow realized it.

「I look forward to it.」

Forneus squinted and laughed, then disappeared into the sea.

「Lord Lemegeton? What was that just now…?」

「I’ll tell you later.」

「Understood. Let us catch a Mermaid princess.」

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