144 – The _____ Relationship Between You and I Part 1 

Milla has been by my side ever since I met her.

However, just because she is my ally doesn’t mean she doesn’t worry about anything. The heart isn’t made so conveniently.

I was surprised, but at the same time, I understood.

「…Earlier when talking about my meeting with Aerial, you said had something you had to attend to and couldn’t go with me. Is…this what you were talking about?」

Milla opened her eyes in surprise and gave a bittersweet smile.

「…Honestly, yes it is. My uneasiness about your efforts has been growing… I became worried about not being worthy to walk side-by-side with you… Of course, I am delighted to be together with you, and I wanted to discuss with you, given the chance.」


Being told directly that she is happy to be around me makes it difficult to respond.

When in the Demon King Castle, she often talks to me when I’m free.

At home as well.

So perhaps the worthiness she mentioned is…

「I know that you are someone who is not concerned about such things. That is why it is my business.」

It isn’t about what the other party thinks, but about what she herself cannot agree with. Something she cannot allow.

I cannot deny that feeling.

Even I would have voluntarily left the Fenix Party if I thought that my own abilities were lacking.

Despite he and I being friends, if I was greatly inferior to him even though we chose to go down the same path together, I’d feel frustrated and pathetic, and wouldn’t want to be together. I wouldn’t allow myself to act as if we were equals and walk side-by-side.

「That… In any field, it becomes difficult to talk when the difference in ability becomes too apparent, right?」

It’s a little different, but it’s kinda like how people who haven’t made a contract with a Spirit can’t really understand the relationship that the people who do have with their Spirits.

Or in my case, it may feel like how a normal Black Sorcerer isn’t able to comprehend Black Sorcery.

We have the same starting point, as our field and job are the same.

If there is anything that all of us can relate to, it is the hardships and joys that we experience in the very beginning.

It is difficult for a beginner to understand the hardships of those who have mastered the path. In some cases, they may not even know what they are talking about.

It isn’t about being good or bad, that’s just how it is.

「When you’re worried, when you’re happy, I dread that day that we are so far apart that I am unable to understand why or how.」

So that’s what she’s anxious about.

As a Monster, as a person in a fighting profession, there is a fatal distance between us.

Feeling as if the other person was a completely different living being despite being on the same stage.

I wish I could say that it isn’t like that.

「And…this may be presumptuous of me to say, but…」

「What is it?」

She showed hesitation, but ultimately she opened her mouth.

「I-isn’t it frustrating? I respect Lem, and I would like to help as much as I can. But I am also a Monster. I am not the type of person who can throw away their competitive spirit just because we are allies.」


「F-forgive me. It really doesn’t make much sense, right? I said something strange.」

She waved her hands in front of her face. Almost as if to make the words that she spat out disappear.

「No, not at all. I’m actually really happy right now. You could even say I’m moved.」


It’s the truth.

My chest is aflutter.

「Would you laugh if I told you that I thought of Fenix as my rival?」

「O-of course not. Lem has actually won over the Flame Hero. No one would argue that the two of you are rivals.」

「That’s Lemegeton. For example, before the match with the Fenix party, what if I said that the first time I met you as the Black Sorcerer Lem?」

「Th-that… Even then, I wouldn’t laugh at you.」

「Well, thank you. You’re very kind. But I think most people won’t even pay attention to it. A Black Sorcerer who thinks he can go toe-to-toe with a contractor of a main Four Great Spirit isn’t even worth a laugh.」

「……There certainly are people who would think like that.」

She agreed, almost as if it pained her to.

「Yup. But I was serious. I know Fenix better than anyone, I can say that with confidence. But I never once thought I was inferior to him. I didn’t think about it. We formed the party, mutually thinking that「If I’m with him, we can reach the top」. On my side, I couldn’t simply lower my self-worth.」

Even when I left the party, it wasn’t because I couldn’t bring myself to look Fenix in the eye.

Ultimately, it was for the continuation of the party.


I smiled from the bottom of my heart.

「We’re the same, you and I.」


Even knowing the effects of my Black Magic.

Even after finding out that I’m the disciple of the Demon King.

Even knowing that I inherited a horn from the Demon King.

Even knowing that I can use Black Sorcery.

Even when I defeated the Flame Hero.

Even when I succeeded in revamping a Dungeon and winning the Tag Tournament.

Even if I’ve made a Contract with several strong people and am able to summon them.

Even if I partake in the strategic planning of the other strata.

Even if I’m attempting something as absurd as absorbing Magical Energy from the surroundings into the horn.

Despite all that, she doesn’t treat me differently.

Even if she feels as if I am far away.

She didn’t give up on at least trying to reach me.

A truly, truly strong-willed person.

I respect her from the bottom of my heart.

And at the same time, I am very happy.

Like meeting a survivor by chance in an apocalypse.

A startling, yet moving happiness.

「You are my benefactor, my ally, my friend…and also my rival.」

Slowly, Milla’s eyes tear up.

With a strained voice, she responds.


Then she closed her eyes once.

And then opened them. They were filled with determination.

「I am the Vampire Queen Carmilla. Lord Lemegeton’s first Contract and bearer of the position of one of the Big Four. I will assuredly lay waste to the Adventurers. And I shall prove that I am not an inferior Monster.」


I respond to her determination as Lemegeton.


After saying that, Carmilla returns to being Milla.


「That group is really strong, yeah.」

「Oh no, not them. I’m afraid of you.」

「Huh? Me?」


She smiles happily. Her cheeks flushed red.

「I thought that there was no way that I could possibly adore you any more than I already do, but here you are, more attractive to me than ever before.」

Then, she deliberately reveals her fangs.

「Aah, if this keeps up, I just might suck Lem until your as dry as a mummy.」

「…Th-that would be a problem.」

I recall the intense pleasure I felt when she sucked my blood and I shivered.

「And I, out of guilt, will take my own life as well.」

「No one is happy in that scenario…」

It seems it was a joke. But in this case, I think only half of it might have been a joke.

Even now, she is seductively gnawing at the second joint of her index finger. Enduring her blood-sucking urges.

「Ah, uhm, ahem, right, so about the third stratum.」

Somewhat forcibly, I return to the discussion.

If I don’t, I’m going to give myself away willingly.

While smiling unintentionally, Milla responds.

「Yes. Honestly, the second stratum is not inferior to the deeper strata in terms of combat ability. To Clear the second stratum with only two members defeated is… They truly are strong opponents. I must brace myself.」

In the Demon King Castle, the sixth stratum and below is considered the deep strata. From here on, the recommended Clear level goes up to five, meaning that unless you are a first-rate Adventurer, you are not allowed to challenge it.

This time, Wraith and Fran are an exception and are allowed to attempt these strata.

That is, if they get that far, of course.


The Demon King Castle, which has been powered up for the Raid Battle, does not follow the average recommended Clear level.

The first stratum’s Watchdog’s Realm became the Watchdog’s and Hellfire Realm. 

The second stratum’s Realm of the Necromancer became the Realm of the Necromancer and Pitfalls.

An uninhabited city. As you progress, Skeletons and Zombies will come out from everywhere.

The latter are the reanimated corpses of the fallen Adventurers who made it to the second stratum…but not really, they’re just the Avatars of defeated Adventurers. The one manipulating them is the Spirit Commanding General Kimaris.

In addition, the Black Wound Hunter Leraje, a Dark Elf, is lurking around the city, firing Avatar corroding arrows.

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