206 – A Dream

「…I planned on going alone.」

「If you say you’re going, then I’m going too.」

Ex and Arthur are childhood friends. It’s said that they were good friends since before their Jobs were identified.

Even if it’s fighting in the flesh, one will not let the other go alone.

「It seems the Spirit really wants to meet us. It went to all the trouble to send us such an invitation, how could I refuse?」

It seems Merlin is going too.

「I’m going too. I would like everyone in the village to rest easy as soon as possible.」

「Of course, I am going as well.」

「Me too.」

「Then I guess Sitri will go too~. I’d hate to be the only one left behind.」

The participants have been decided.

The Jet-Black Hero Ex, the Knight Lord Arthur, the Wizard of Foresight Merlin, the Black Sorcerer Lem, the Blood Manipulator Milla, the Reaper Knight Furcus, and the Demon of Love Sitri.

Both Milla and I have another name, those being the Vampire Queen Carmilla and the One Horned Dark Sorcerer Lemegeton respectively.

「…It appears any attempt to talk you all out of this would be fruitless. As the person in charge of all this, I must remain. …Everyone, please be careful.」

Getting our blessing from Maggie, we head out.


It’s Josh.

「…Um…I…wanna go too…」

His sentiment makes me happy. Truly.

「You heard about the villagers, right?」


「We will definitely bring them back, so I want you to check their health when we get back. Can I count on you?」

「…! …Yes! I’ll discuss with the White Sorcerers and medical staff, and await your return!」

「Thank you.」

Even now, we used the Teleportation Recording Stone to teleport to the Safe Room.

Not using the new entrances that were created as a matter of certainty.

The nervousness caused by challenging a Dungeon with your real body was more than expected.

Even so, we did not stop.

We continued along until the door that leads to the fifth stratum.

Ex places a hand on the door to open it by himself.

The other side was pitch dark and nothing was visible.

「We move forward cautiously.」

Said Ex as he looks around at all of us.

We take a step out, and then…


My sleeve was being tugged.

Fenix looked at me with a worried look on his face.

It was noon.

In the forest.

There were many people of similar age to us in a row walking forward.

「Hm? Oh, sorry. I was spacing out.」


My best friend looks like he’s trying to smile but failing.

「What’s up, Fenix? Nervous?」

There is a ceremony that is held once a year where all the children who would turn ten years old that year are gathered.

In each region, they are taken to the nearest temple.

「Y-yeah… You…look like you’re having fun.」

Even though it’s a ceremony, we only go to one of the temples in the world, led by the village adults.

In any case, I was nervous.

But my excitement levels were higher.

My Job will be identified today.

「Little Feeny’s gonna turn out to be a Crybaby Job, right? I mean, he already is! Ahaha!」

Said one of the three idiots, so I kicked him in the ass.

「Yeah? Then you’re gonna get the Fool Job. Know what a fool is?」

「You… Lem, if you don’t turn out to be a Hero, we’re all gonna laugh at you!」

「I will definitely be a hero.」

「No way!」「What kinda Hero fights using pitfall traps!」「You ain’t strong in a fight, yeah?」

「What’s that? I think I hear the cries of three little kids who end up crying every time because of said weakling who uses pitfalls. Is that coming from you three?」


These three idiots aren’t fun, I’ll just ignore them.

「Lem… If you become a Hero, will you leave the village…?」

Said Fenix with a worried look on his face.

He looked like a pretty boy straight out of the TV, but he was timid.

We became friends ’cause we lived next door to each other, but he’d always hide behind my back like a scared baby chick.

He ain’t good with other people, and he only joins me playing with the other kids when I ask him to.

I thought he was a little strange at first, but I got it when we played together.

This guy can’t go with the flow. He just can’t seem to do it.

He can’t speak or move unless he carefully thinks and gives a proper answer.

That’s his quirk.

Words can wait, and so can thoughts. If you’re in trouble, you can think about it together.

That’s what friends are for.

Above all else, Fenix is a good guy.

But even so, there are many guys like those three idiots who mess with him coz he doesn’t fit in.

「’Course I will. I’ll go to a village with a School.」

「I-I s-see…」

Just that was enough to make Fenix look like he was about to cry.

I mean, it’s not like I’m not worried about leaving my best friend behind.

「If ya get a Job fit for an Adventurer, let’s form a party together.」

「M-me? …N-no way. I can’t…can’t fight… A-and besides…」

「You’re not interested?」


「What’re ya apologizing for? It’s fine.」

「I’ll…I’ll cheer you on. I’m sure you’ll be the best hero.」

「Ahaha, you really are a nice guy.」

I said temple, but the nearest one to our village is in ruins.

With broken columns and weirdly shaped broken rocks scattered around.

Only one thing was maintained, the statue of God.

One person stands in front of the statue at a time and closes their eyes.

Then, God will tell them what their Job is.

I think the ceremony happens all around the world, I wonder if God can be at all these places at once. I guess so, coz he’s God? I don’t really get it, but it’s amazing.

「Well then, who’s next?」

Said the old man village mayor who is acting as the mediator.

I shot my hand straight up.

「Ooh, ooh, me! Me! I’ll do it!」

「Oho, Lem, huh? Well, come on, then.」

I run straight up to the front of the statue and stopped for a moment.

Something’s not right.

Almost like…I know what’s going to happen.

「What’s wrong, Lem? Nervous?」

「No way!」

I say back to the old man and close my eyes.

In my head, my Job was told to me.


Something’s not right.

「So whaddya get, Lem?! Did you become a Hero?」「No matter how you look at it, he’s gonna be a Lumberjack!」「What if he’s a Black Sorcerer?! Oh no~, Black Magic~. Ahaha!」



Why…do I feel like this? I don’t get it.

I’ve become a Hero just like I’ve always wanted.

But why does it feel wrong? That strange thought swirls around my insides. Twisting. Churning.


It’s Fenix’s voice.

「I’m…a Hero.」

Suppressing my bad feeling down, I say that.

Everyone was surprised.

The mouths of the three idiots hung open, the old man yelled「Oooh!」in joy, and my friends all congratulated me.

「…Congratulations, Lem.」

「Why the heck are you crying?」

I smile at my best friend, who is crying and wiping his tears on his sleeve.

「I-I’m just so happy…for you. I think you d-deserve to be a hero.」

「Yeah? …Thanks.」

That’s right.

My best friend is happy for me even knowing that this means we’ll be separated.

Why was I worried about that wrong feeling I had?

I’m sure the reality of it just hasn’t hit me yet.

「I’m gonna create the strongest party and become 1st ranked!」

I declare once again.

『There are many who are strong in battle. What I wish to see are those who are strong in battle and strong in heart. Those who would choose to return to live through this bitter, painful reality even when given their ideal world.』

「Did you say something, Fenix?」

I feel like I could hear some kind of whispering.

A muffled voice, like I’m hearing it through a wall or barrier.


Fenix shook his head. Teardrops scattering and falling to the ground while reflecting light.

『…How surprising. It seems a part of you still remains in reality. Interesting. When you have completely embraced the dream, you have failed the trial. I shall give you your ideal world for all eternity. Fall into everlasting slumber. However, if even one of you manages to return to reality…I shall awaken all those who have failed and grant your desire.』

That voice again. It’s, like, even harder to hear now.

「Wha-, Lumberjack?!」

One of the three idiots yelled out.

I should be paying more attention to his Job than some weird disembodied voice.

Anyway, I’m a Hero. I got it.

From now on, I’ll gather reliable allies, lead them to victory over and over again, excite the world and dash up the world rankings.

Nothing would make me happier.

I have the best time of my life waiting for me.

And yet…what the heck?

What is this pain in my chest, like it’s telling me something?

I can’t get the idea that my best friend in front of me will make a better Hero than I will out of my head.

I just don’t get it…

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