215 – I Shall Run Through the Hell of Mine Own Choosing (Part 2)

This…is a promise from the world’s strongest to all of Humanity.

A guarantee that the Black Sorcerer Lem is not a dangerous individual.

And if he were ever to betray that trust, the Demon King himself shall take responsibility for his disciple’s failure.

Nothing could be more reassuring.

If it were from the mouth of an ordinary person, such a verbal promise would hold no worth.

But he is the Demon King Lucifer.

Is he lying? Impossible.

What need is there for him to deceive the world?

If anyone were to search the past, present, or even the future, they will find none.

Why? Because he has never lied.

Every single person here is aware of that.

To everyone who is in a position high enough to take part in this meeting, he was once regarded as a dangerous being and investigated by them.

「That is all.」

Having said that, my father left.

As if released from his gravitational pull, the air in the conference room felt lighter.

A release of Magical Energy that’s enough to make even me feel pressure. He sure is going to great lengths for the sake of his disciple.

In the past, I never would have imagined that my father would be so concerned about anyone.

While thinking that, I look around at everyone and smile.

「Goodness, that was rude of my father. If it truly was about that, perhaps we should draw up a contract and have him sign it? …Heh.」

The meeting proceeded smoothly after that.

It goes without saying that the decision of what to do with Sir Lem simply became “Let’s just observe him for now.”

And so, the meeting was brought to a close.

When I boarded the horse carriage I hailed, my father was already on board.

「Hey, didn’t I just see you not too long ago?」

「About our prior conversation…」

「What, don’t I even get a greeting?」

I sat across from my father while giving him a wry smile.

He’s referring to the conversation we had when I received an email from him telling me to settle the occurrence of the Original Dungeon.

I also nonchalantly talked about Sir Lem’s current situation. That’s probably why my father made an appearance like this.

And then, I actually talked about one more thing, a plan of mine.

A plan that I have told to Aerial and the Unyielding Hero Altreed.

「About your plan. I am on board.」



I involuntarily rose partway from my seat.

I couldn’t quell the thumping of my heart.

My body trembled with joy and excitement.

It was all for this. Everything I’ve done was for this moment and the future.

The ideal world wasn’t constructed in time, but to think that my goal would come to fruition first…

My father grew tired of this worthless world and disappeared from center stage.

I have not forgotten the words that my father let slip when we reunited.

The answer that I somehow got when I asked if the strongest Demon King will ever make a return.

『…Perhaps…if an opponent worthy enough to use the horn against ever appeared…』

「Do you feel that Sir Lem is such a worthy opponent?」

My father looked at me without answering.

「I am about to mention several names. Gather them all, I care not if you use my name.」

The names he uttered were the names of the peerless Monsters who once gathered under the Demon King Lucifer.

In other words, albeit limited, the strongest Demon King army is to be resurrected.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt someone watching me.

In my bedroom, in my own apartment, in the dormitory.

The beautiful Vampire Milla is lying down, happily staring at my face.

「Good morning, Lem. Your sleeping face was so adorable.」

「…Morning. How long were you staring at me?」

「Ufufu, a long time.」

After the night that I held her hand, I could almost feel an…aura of happiness emanating from her constantly.

For example, until now, she would smile at me when our eyes met, but if that felt more like a smile before, recently, it feels more like a grin.

「Breakfast will be ready soon, alright?」


Milla walked out of the room.

『Little Miss Fangirl is bad news. I mean, this morning she-』

「You don’t have to tell me.」

As I sit up, a black chick lands on my head.

It’s Dark.

I still don’t know what element it governs. It keeps dodging the question every time I ask.

It doesn’t seem to be a Spirit that governs dreams and visions.

Well, if the person in ques-… Spirit? If the Spirit in question doesn’t want to tell me, then I’ll just leave it at that.

『Maybe if you show me something more interesting, I’ll tell you.』

「I wonder what’s for breakfast.」

『Hey, are you more interested in the breakfast menu than the true form of your partner?』

I head to the bathroom, wash my face, then head to the living room.

I take a seat at the dining table and turn on the TV. The Ex party appeared on the screen.

『Another interview? You people sure love these.』

After waiting for the Original Dungeon to disappear, the investigation team decided to leave the village.

The party in the village was a free-for-all, so the investigation team offered their own food as well. Cooperating with the Chefs, a veritable variety of food was lined up.

It was a truly enjoyable time.

Incidentally, on the day prior to the party, I told my parents about my true identity and they weren’t the least bit surprised.

…Well, it was because they had already noticed since the start.

I asked them when exactly did they realize it was me, and they said that they knew the instant I made an appearance.

I’m sure they were very curious, but they didn’t ask me about anything more than what I told them.

For example, how I came into possession of the horn.

They simply said “As long as you’re not unhappy.”

Unless…perhaps my master already explained the situation to them.

At the time, I was only thinking about myself, but if I really thought about it, I realized that having a child, with no familial relation, inherit the horn was a very serious matter.

Even if the child said he was ready, my master just did it.

I was curious, but since my parents and master hadn’t said anything about it, I guess it wasn’t my place to ask.

「…Lem. Doesn’t Ex’s face look a little swollen to you?」

「Ah, apparently that’s because Mordred beat him up before the recording started. That’s what Merlin told me in her email.」

This isn’t a live broadcast. Merlin wrote me an email while they were recording.

Or rather, that is all she wrote about in the email.

Just as I mentioned it, the reporter touches upon that as well.

『Oh, Mr. Ex, are you hurt?』

It was an interview.

They probably asked why the other two didn’t partake in the Original Dungeon despite being a party.

There were a lot of interviews both on the journey back as well as once we returned to town.

Milla and I went through several interviews as well.

『Oh, please don’t mind it. Just settling some hard feelings within the party.』

From what I heard, Mordred was angry at Ex’s weak heart and how he didn’t speak his mind.

The reason was that Ex was strong, so he had no need for a weak heart, and there was no need to keep secrets among friends.

Mordred also most likely thought that that was the reason that they missed taking part in the Raid Battle and why the party members temporarily did their own thing.

Mordred sat there in a bad mood with his arms crossed, Galahad the Guardian had an uncomfortable smile on his face.

Arthur put a hand to his forehead and Merlin was holding her stomach, laughing uncontrollably.

『snrk, hehe, oh, it was so funny…! I’ll never be bored as long as I’m with you all.』

The reporter started the interview looking a bit perplexed.

Milla and I watched it while we had our breakfast.

『The Spirit’s trial gave you a tough time, did it not?』

『Yeah, it struck deep into my vulnerable heart at that time.』

『Hmph, pathetic. That’s right! Hey, Lem! You saved our dumbass of a leader, right? Thanks.』

I was surprised when I suddenly heard my name.

『Indeed, we are in your debt.』

Arthur agreed as well.

Ex did not hide the fact that he failed the trial. Nor did he hide the fact that I used up a wish to enter his dream.

This drew attention to me like never before.

「My my, it would seem that you are getting more and more popular, Lem.」

Says Milla, happily.

『That’s right. He made me realize. The more time spent on something, the more people fear that it would all be for nothing. I was like that as well. I was so scared and in so much pain that I couldn’t help but sink deeper into the dream. And yet, even in a dream, I was an Adventurer.』

Ex chuckled a little and then continued.

『It seemed that I didn’t just want to live in a land of pure joy. No matter how much freedom I had, no matter how many times I turn back the clock, I’d make the same choices, gather the same allies, and aim for the same peak. Even if I knew that there was nothing but an endless hell of suffering waiting for me, I can’t help but jump right in.』

『Did you conquer your fears and overcome the trial?』

『I’m not so sure about that. Perhaps it wasn’t a battle against fear. It will never go away. Rather than conquering it, I have no choice but to move forward while holding on to it. So, from now on, I shall walk forward while being afraid. Along with the best allies a man could ask for, we head toward a future where we are 1st ranked.』

In order to prove that not only your allies, but you, yourself, are worthy of being 1stst ranked.

I’m sure everyone who works hard with all their might will experience similar suffering.

Even if you devote a lot of time and strive to achieve your goal, there are many people who are not rewarded.

In terms of giving up, you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

The pain of leaving and the pain of staying can only be understood by those who are serious about it.

Even so, I hope that one day, we will all be smiling at the end.

At the end of this hellish existence that we chose to walk on called reality.

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