246 – Congratulations and Support 1

I, a Black Sorcerer, was welcomed into the Wraith party.

Together, we participated in the All-Heaven Festival Contest and passed the first stage following the preliminaries.

If we’re able to pass the second stage after this, which will take on a tournament-style format, we will be able to fight my master and the Unyielding Hero Altreed in the third and final stage.

I’d say we’ve been doing pretty well.

But right now, there is a whirlwind of emotions swirling in my chest.

「You really did gr~eat…!」

In the town where the Demon King Castle is. In a certain tavern. The crowd was great, and there were four TVs in the center of the tavern, facing in all directions.

No matter where you sit, you’re able to see a TV screen.

Blitz and I were sitting across from each other at a table.

He’s the owner of the fruit stall where Cashew used to work at and also my friend. Due to his large frame, bald head and sharp eyes, he instantly gives the impression of a scary person, but he’s actually really kind-hearted.

Recently, I have been out of town quite often, so the frequency of me showing my face at his stall has decreased, but we’re still good friends.

I’ve come here today because he wanted to celebrate my passing on the first stage.

He seems to have already gotten a little drink before I arrived, and has congratulated me for the umpteenth time.

「Thank you very much.」

When being congratulated by a friend, it always feels good no matter how many times it’s said.

「I’mmm really glad…! You used to be sstrugglin’ to find a job, but now yer the center of attention! That’z really…amazinggg…!」

Blitz was in tears.

Seeing him so happy as if it were happening to himself, I was fraught with emotion.

「I was blessed with allies.」

「You idiot! Now’s the time when it’s OK to just say something like “I’m awesome!”, y’know?」

Wraith said something really similar to that as well.

It’s not my intention to always put myself down, but…old habits die hard, I guess.

「You’re…right. I did my best and produced some good results.」

「Geez… Well, that’s very like you, though.」

He says with a wry smile, then Blitz grabs a hold of his wooden beer mug.

He asks a nearby waiter for a refill and asks me this question while waiting.

「So? What happened to Miss Milla?」

This, too, feels like the second time I’ve heard this question.

It isn’t uncommon for the same topic to come up when you’re drunk, but this one is a little…

「She wasn’t able to make it today.」

「Ya liar. Like there’s anything more important to her than you. Trouble in paradise?」

「Nothing like that, no, but…」

Seeing how evasive I was being, Blitz’s expression turned slightly serious.

「…Well, it was a serious match, so I suppose all sorts of things can happen after winning or losing. But that girl still scouted you out even after she was defeated all that time ago, so I figured she’d be the type to celebrate your victory after the match.」

「Ah, that’s…you’re right. It is exactly as you say, Blitz…」

Even if I had lost, I would have praised her and her party for their victory.


After making a puzzled face, there was a glint in his eye and he started smiling.

「If that isn’t the case, is there a reason that makes it hard to meet face to face?」

「…! I-it’s not that either, it’s just…」

「Hah ha. Bingo. It’s always something about romance that makes you lose your cool. Maybe you haven’t built a resistance to it ’cause you’ve been busy training all your life.」

I wonder if he didn’t straight up say that I lack experience in that area out of consideration or kindness.

Blitz’s face was red but he leaned in and whispered.

「Did ya mess up during your first time?」

I almost dropped the wooden beer mug that I brought to my lips in order to hide my expression.

「Bwuh…! N-no! In the first place, we aren’t even like that…」

This time, he pulled a face that seemed to doubt my sanity.

「You still sayin’ that? No, no, they say that everyone moves at their own pace.」

I recall the final moments of my fight with Carmilla.

The heart that she mentioned as her last words had a different meaning, I think.

Actually, I’ve felt uneasy ever since. Even when we meet face to face, Milla feels somewhat distant.

When our eyes meet, she would look away quickly.

「You guys seem like the perfect match to me, but…is there some sorta deal-breaker?」

「No, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with her. The problem is more to do with me…」

「Hm… Ah…is it to do with that? Y’know, the idea that romance with an Adventurer doesn’t last long?」

An Adventurer is a profession that travels all over the world.

Since they don’t stay in one place for long, it isn’t possible to stay together with one person for long.

Of course, there are tales of lovers finally getting married at the end of a long-distance relationship…but that’s as rare as they come.

The men of the Fenix party, apart from me, are popular with the ladies, but I’m sure none of them have had a long-term lover.

But well, I suppose that’s the kind of Adventurers they are.

「I’ve been busy lately, but I’m not sure that applies to me right now.」

「S’pose so…you guys work in the same place too.」

There was a bit of silence after that.

After much deliberation, I open my mouth.

「I’m…well, I’m no genius. I’m very aware of that.」

Blitz listened to me silently.

「But, I had a dream. A dream that I, before I realized how ordinary I am, cannot throw away. To make it happen, even all the efforts I can think of may not be enough. I might not be able to achieve it even with the best of allies. Yet I still want to make it happen, so I think about what else can be done day after day. That is…honestly, all I’ve ever thought about.」

Not realizing that my folks back home are always worried about me, but support me either way.

I was not interested in the sweet and sour, bittersweet taste of romance that normal people experienced normally.

Focusing all my allies’ discontent within me and thought that everything would work out if we could just climb up the ranks.

That way of living wasn’t healthy.

I think the Frost Hero Bella said that I wasn’t the only one at fault. That if my allies had noticed that I was hiding my true strength, we could have talked about it there and then.

But it still starts with me.

「When I was depressed, meeting Cashew cheered me up. Reuniting with Milla, she showed me a new form that my dream could take. I’m also glad I become friends with you, Blitz. I’ve honestly met a lot of people, and I count myself lucky. But I’m sure I’m still new to all this. I’m still not used to personal relationships especially.」

「Hey man, everyone’s like that.」

Without touching the refill of beer that was brought to the table, Blitz purposefully said that in a way like it was nothing special.


「Yeah, even someone who knows all about the sweet and the sour can fall in love like a fifteen-year-old kid. It ain’t weird for the best Black Sorcerer to not be able to do something a five-year-old could do.」


Indeed, if the problem was simplified as “Say you like what you like and you don’t like what you don’t like.”, I guess my worry is something that even a five-year-old could do without difficulty.

Saying what I feel as I think them. It seems easy but becomes more and more difficult.

「It’s all about having courage.」


I wonder if that is what I’m lacking.

At that time, I could feel the customers of the tavern getting excited.

「Oh, looks like it’s about to start. What’re you gonna do?」

「…Let’s continue this conversation afterward.」

Watching this was one of the reasons to come here today.

There were a lot of customers who left their seats to get close to the TV.

We watched it while sitting down.

『Right now, what is the event that the whole world is watching? That’s right! The All-Heaven Festival Contest!』

『And today, like every other day, we will keep you up to date with the latest info! Today, we will introduce the parties that have moved on to the second stage as well as who they would wish to fight against the most!』

It’s a special program where the hosts are a woman with bunny ears and a Normal man.

The two of them continue to talk for a bit and then move on to the main subject.

『The world’s 1st ranked Aerial party has passed the first stage without losing so much as a single member! They battled against the Loop party, the 24th-ranked party that has been climbing the ranks steadily this year, and a party of strong Monsters from the Advanced Level – Deep Sea Dungeon, but they won, as expected of the world’s 1st rank. The newcomer Gale Hero Ewan seems to have grown accustomed to the team and displayed some adept wind Spirit Magic.』

The 2nd ranked Ex party, 3rd ranked Hervor party, 4th ranked Fenix party, and the 5th ranked Scathach party has also moved on. Every party within the world’s top 10 has moved on to the second stage.

So has the 95th-ranked Ellie party and the 99th-ranked Nicola party.

Five hundred parties have been reduced down to one hundred.

The fact that so many of my acquaintances have passed just shows how strong they all are.

But of course, not all of them can pass.

『A party that has been talked about non-stop since their debut, the Water Hero contestant Wraith’s party has won a splendid victory! In this match, they clashed with the party led by the Fire Manipulator contestant Aym of the Big Four from the Southern Demon King Castle, and the party led by the Vampire Queen contestant Carmilla of the Big Four from the Impregnable Demon King Castle, and came out victorious! Also in the same match, a unique party consisting of only Black Sorcerers made their appearance, and their formation has become quite the hot topic. The Black Sorcerer contestant Lem of the Wraith party had this to say about them during an interview-』

It wasn’t only the Aym and Carmilla party.

In a battle full of strong contenders, they will further be divided into winners and losers.

The Demon King from the east, Beelzebub, and party were victorious, while the party led by the Demon of Love Sitri was defeated.

The Demon King of the West, Astaroth, and party were victorious, while the Magnanimous Sage Ronove party from the Elementary Level – Beginner’s Dungeon were defeated.

The Demon King of the South, Paimon, and party were victorious, while the world’s 11th-ranked Ash Hero Garo party was defeated.

Other powerful Monsters and high-ranked Adventurers met their match in this first stage.

It’s hard to believe. Because I know just how strong these people are.

But at the same time, I understand that it can happen.

No one can go undefeated in their entire career.

As far as I know, there isn’t a single person, aside from the strongest Demon King, like that in existence.

『Goodness me, this first stage was full of spectacular matches.』

『Here, a special website made by the joint collaboration of the Adventurer Union and the Luci Company will be open to the public at a later date! Those who couldn’t catch the matches or those who wish to watch it all from start to finish can look forward to it!』

The Luci Company refers to the company owned by Fellow, her Highness’s father.

Naming his company after his daughter seems very much like him. Her Highness really, really hates this, though.

『The next stage will be in a tournament-style! One hundred parties will be split into four groups and only the parties that come out on top of each group will advance to the third and final stage…!』

In the end, there will be four parties, totaling twenty people. That may sound like a lot of people, but considering the legendary beings waiting at the final stage, I don’t believe there’s such a thing as too many people.

The only thing the participants can do is to win the tournament so that they can be one of the challengers.

『Now then, let’s move on to the next segment!』

『We asked those who had passed the first stage who they wish to battle against in the tournament! Have a look!』

The video feed changed from the studio to a similar interview setting to ours earlier.

A truly large amount was shown on the screen.

And some of them shook me to my core.

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