Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 175 Safe Nursing Home

Chapter 175

Under the high dome is a dark hall, in which the vague outlines of the hills can be vaguely seen motionless, the air is filled with a damp and stench, and the ticking pale yellow liquid seeps out from the corpse, bringing the Heart palpitating ominous breath.

At the moment when No. 04 walked out of the darkness, the barrage density in the [Integrity First] live broadcast room instantly tripled.

"Grass? 04?"

"Why is he here!"

"Ah, I'm looking forward to it, will 02 and 04 fight?"

Before the barrage developed to the point where it was in full swing, the appearance of No. 01 caused the barrage in the live broadcast room to explode.


"No! Why is he here?!"

"Help me...are you being chased and blocked? This is!"

"Although I guessed that the anchor might meet old acquaintances on the negative second floor, but I really didn't expect so many at a time..."

"Yes, if there is only 04, the danger is not too big, but now that 01 has also come out, it is unlikely that the anchor will retreat."

"But I'm not sure? I have to look at 02's attitude? Maybe the anchor can find some loopholes in it..."

With Wen Jianyan's eyes moving, 02 appeared in the audience's field of vision.

After he finished the shared declaration that could be called "world-shattering", the live broadcast room, which was almost covered by dense barrage, fell into a rare blank.



After a brief dead silence, the audience erupted, and the barrage overlapped with the barrage, passing quickly across the huge screen in the live broadcast room, and it was almost difficult to see the words suppressed below:

"Wait wait...I can't turn my head around, what's going on?"

"So the other perverts now are brought over by him?"

"I am as expected of you 02!! I am speechless, this, this, these high risks are really, play so big..."

Wen Jianyan's face didn't have any extra blood, it looked particularly pale in the dark, with a porcelain-like texture, as calm and distant as a relief.

The young man's face was expressionless, his eyes were heavy, and it was difficult to see what he was thinking about now.

He raised his eyelashes slightly, and his eyes slowly passed over the people in front of him.

One, two, three.

Three scheming enemies.

[Integrity First] In the live broadcast room:

"Pinch mom, I'm really starting to worry now... How do you play with so many perverts?"

"I'm going to die, this wave won't really fall here, right?"

"And how is this going to be divided? No matter how you look at it, there is no way for these people to get along peacefully, right? Is it possible that one person is divided?"

"Ah? Are you worried? I'm not worried."

"??What's the meaning?"

"Didn't you find out, the few people gathered here basically have one thing in common... They all gave up killing and turned to evolve in another direction."

"Day... it seems to be true."

"I still remember the graffiti on the wall in Ward 01, the two little people holding hands, laughing to death, they are actually quite innocent."

"Speaking of which, the relationship between 04 and the host has become subtle since last time!"

"That's right, in the first few seconds when the anchor was imprisoned with props, his eyes were completely wrong..."

"Wori, so that's why 02 chose to find these two guys?"



"I started to worry about the anchor from another angle."

While the barrage chat was in full swing, Wen Jianyan's eyes fell on 02. He nodded and said very calmly, "Your judgment is very accurate, which is commendable."

02 smiled lightly, lowered his eyes, stared at the young man in front of him with those dark brown eyes, waiting for the other party's next words.

"It's really hard to stop me with you alone. Asking for help is the best choice."

Wen Jianyan raised her eyes, looked around again, and glanced at 01 and 04 not far away, "After your number becomes 3, my weapon advantage will no longer exist, and resistance will become the most unwise. Behavior."

He said, raised his hand lightly, and spread his slender fingers.

"Dang bang."

A heavy, harsh metal landing sounded, echoing in the huge hall, delivering a shocking sound.

The guns exchanged from the system store landed at the young man's feet.

He voluntarily disarmed himself.

[Integrity First] In the live broadcast room:



"I'm going, is the anchor crazy? Even if you have weapons, you may not be able to do these perverts. If you don't have weapons, it won't be even worse!"

"I'm so scared, this live broadcast room will not become the kind that our paying users can't watch!"

"Help, I'm so excited!"


This is a hint.

The innocent lamb slaughtered at the neck, gave up struggling and resisted, and opened its white and defenseless body in front of the beast, waiting to be shredded, chewed, and swallowed.

So docile, so sweet.

No predator would resist such a strong temptation.

Especially when they were so hungry.

[Integrity First] Live Room:

"Help...this, even I am moved!!"

"Damn, did you see it, the eyes of these three people changed at that moment... The live broadcast room will not be blocked next time, ah ah ah ah!"

"Don't be mad at the front, the anchor definitely has a backer, he is too calm now! After watching so many copies, you don't really think that he is the kind of character that can't be captured!"

"This guy is very dangerous, and he is slippery like a loach, and he can make a comeback if he relaxes his vigilance a little. Otherwise, why do you think the three didn't control him immediately?"

"That's right... Except 01's brain is not very good, the other two are smart people. No one understands the danger of this liar better than them."

Even after losing the weapon, the expression on Wen Jianyan's face still did not change in the slightest.

On the contrary, compared to holding a weapon just now, he seems to be able to control the situation more easily now. Even if he is just standing unarmed, he has a strong sense of presence that cannot be ignored. In the cold darkness, he exudes like a magnet. Appeal.

His gaze moved and landed on No. 01 not far away.

The blond man is tall, his blue eyes are burning with fire, his eyes are thick and sticky, and they are tightly glued to the youth's body. If it weren't for the other two people on the side, he might have already rushed uncontrollably.

Wen Jianyan suddenly laughed.

He waved at No. 01:

"come over."

The voice was low, buoyant, with a careless command tone.


Edward's eyes suddenly lit up, and he didn't care about the rest of the people, and walked forward with a few big strides.

At the same time, 04's eyes were cold for a moment, and 02 was still smiling like he was heartless.

Wen Jianyan's eyes swept around them quickly, taking a panoramic view of their reactions.

In the end, his eyes fell on 01, who rushed over.

"You did it?"

Wen Jianyan lowered her head, kicked the head that rolled to her feet with her toes, and asked lightly.


01 stared at him warmly, and the whole person came over. He stretched out his hand to hug each other, but was easily avoided by Wen Jianyan:

"They've all been killed, but none left?"


"How do you like it?"

01's eyes were staring at him, like a big dog longing for praise and petting from the other side.

Wen Jianyan fixed his eyes on him and smiled:


Unlike the indifference and alienation just now, his voice suddenly softened, gentle and intimate, like a whisper between lovers.

01's face suddenly flushed red.

It's obviously a mad dog who doesn't care even if 04 is staring at him not far behind, no matter how outrageous he is, he will even break free from the bondage maniacally, just to rush to his relatives, but now he looks like he is being pinched. After staying at the gate of life, his face was red and he couldn't speak, so he just kept sticking to the body of the young man in front of him.

This time, Wen Jianyan didn't run away.

He let the other party hold his waist, and even leaned back in a relaxed posture, leaning on the other party's chest.


Feeling the other party's little gestures, Edward's whole body was already hot. He dizzy and wrapped his arms around Wen Jianyan. .


02 narrowed his eyes slightly, he seemed to realize the existence of danger, and the smile on his face faded for the first time.

[Integrity First] Live Room:

"Edward, you...you really don't have a long memory."

"Being deceived once, twice, three times, or four times, and the fifth time I will stick it up, it's really a stupid dog."

Wen Jianyan looked at No. 01:

"I'm curious about something, how did you know I was here?"

It must be the ghost of No. 02, but how to do it, he is not quite sure.

ability? Not too possible.

If Wen Jianyan hadn't used [Flower of Destruction], he might have guessed like this, but it was because he used the talent that he knew that 02's ability could not do this, and he didn't have the system The anchor of the store, logically speaking, has no props that can bring everyone together.

And... there is still a choice to gather, at least 03 is not on this list.

"I just know," Edward answered rightly.

Wen Jianyan narrowed her eyes.

This answer...

Kind of fun.

Many fragmented fragments and details of information appeared in front of us, like shells after the low tide, shining brightly on the beach.

Wen Jianyan felt that he had found some clear lines in the chaos.

First of all, these high-risk patients who were obviously wrong did not become monsters like other patients after the dungeon alienation, but always maintained their human form. After he saw these patients with his own eyes, this speculation was rejected. proved.

Secondly, according to Edward's statement just now, there is a high probability of maintaining a connection between several high-risk patients in a temporarily unexplained way.

Suddenly, a sentence jumped into my mind without warning.

"Of course if you like everyone that's okay, I don't mind sharing."

What a familiar phrase.

...from Dr. Reese.

These high-risk patients sometimes do things that make him feel familiar... Just like the moment when No. 02 used the illusion to take him away from Nair Lore, the sudden sense of dislocation Wen Jianyan has never forgotten.

Wen Jianyan narrowed her eyes.

Many clues came together, and a concept that had been overlooked in the serpent's words jumped out clearly at this moment.


At first, Wen Jianyan thought that this [we] was just a general reference, without any meaning, and the scope of the word was very vague, but now, he can come to the conclusion with great certainty that only these few There is a high risk of being connected to each other and able to maintain a human form after the copy is alienated, so it is called [us].

Plus those materials he found in the reference room before.

All these patients appeared at the beginning of the construction of the Ping An Sanatorium.

Maybe...these are one body?

This is very likely.

If reasoning in this direction, the Ping An Sanatorium is likely to be the embodiment of a person's spiritual world, and all these high-risk patients are different personalities.

What about other patients? How to count?

What about the bell? What about the church?

How did this unexplained targeting and "infatuation" come about?

This logical chain seems to be perfect, but it always seems that some parts are very strange, and it cannot be completely explained by this reason...

One link has been overlooked.

Without it, it's impossible to piece all the pieces together, and it even feels as if you've been led astray.


In just a few seconds, Wen Jianyan's mind had already popped up with a dozen ideas, and he turned around quickly and returned to silence.

He had a hunch that, no matter what, all these questions would be answered in the chapel.

"01, you should know that monopoly is not allowed, right?"

No. 02 took a step forward and said lightly.

"Exclusivity is the beginning of disintegration, I think, you have clearly experienced this?"

His eyes swept across 04 and 01 with a cold smile in his eyes.

The expressions of the two were slightly stern, and even Edward, who was the most simple-minded, showed a thoughtful look.

Obviously, after the last melee, they have understood that as long as someone tries to enjoy it alone, it will lead to disintegration. Once the chaotic situation arises,

Unexpectedly, Wen Jianyan nodded and said:

"Yes, sharing is the safest way."

At that moment, everyone's eyes fell on him.

[Integrity First] Live Room:

"?? Isn't it? What is the anchor doing, is he really sending himself into the wolf's mouth?"

"I'm ready to record the screen, thank you."

"I always feel that something exciting is about to appear, woohoo, can I see some pictures that paid viewers can watch next, may I ask?"

"...Day!!! I know what the anchor is going to do."


"He should have realized that with the experience of previous melee fights, it will be very difficult to sow discord this time."

"Of course it's big! So I see that the anchor doesn't seem to be prepared to do this this time..."

"No, he still did it."


"Don't you see it? If they join forces, the probability of escape is almost zero!"

"So...is this time the anchor is going to sow discord in hell difficulty?"

"Yes. The anchor just dropped the gun. The purpose is not to give up resistance, but to divert the conflict, put himself in the position of the prey, and reduce his threat. In fact, it is to imply that the other party is aiming at each other, and then change it little by little. The contrast of power on the field creates an unbalanced environment, which is eventually broken."

As if to confirm the barrage's prediction, Wen Jianyan spoke.

The young man with amber eyes smiled, like a siren who bewitched sailors to get lost. His light-colored lips opened and closed, and his words were quenched with deadly poison.

"The sharing proposal was a good one, and I agreed."

He raised his finger:

"However, there is one condition."

"I hate being calculated," his eyes moved, falling on the brown-skinned man not far away, his eyes flashing with sharp killing intent, "So, I want you to kill No. 02."

"Kill him, you will have my consent and you can do whatever you want."

Wen Jianyan narrowed her eyes, raised her hand and put it on No. 01's broad shoulders, her eyes shone with a smile, like a real monster that lives on malice:

"After all, wouldn't it be better to have one less person to share?"


Wen Jianyan succeeded.

Even though it was difficult, he still succeeded.

Those who have been deceived once always think that they will not be deceived a second time, and those who have suffered losses always think that they will become wiser, but for real fraudsters, this is not a problem.

The atmosphere in the air changed, and the thick, dull smell of gunpowder smoke spread out—although these guys are deeply connected, they have no feelings for each other. Just killing.

What Wen Jianyan has to do is to give them a reason to break this false and fragile balance.

Dropping the gun is the first step.

He needs to reduce his own threat and divert the vigilance of the other party.

Favoring No. 01 is the second step.

This guy is a beast who only acts on instinct, and he won't be as vigilant and cautious as several other smart people. He doesn't know how to restrain his desires, and he is the easiest to take advantage of.

Wen Jianyan doesn't need to do much, he just needs to pose.

He is a liar who is good at using his own charm. Although he has not yet figured out the source of "fascination", as long as he realizes the "fascination", it is enough to play with everyone's emotions and love in the palm of his hand.

Pleasure obtained from violence and robbing is sensual and addictive, but this kind of pleasure cannot give birth to control, but instead stimulates savagery and bestiality. Wen Jianyan must eliminate this tendency in time and leave it behind. More delicious bait instead.

Please please me, and you will be favored.

I'll give you smiles and attention, something you'll never be able to snatch—if you can, of course.

Selecting No. 02 as the target is the third step.

Wen Jianyan's purpose is not to kill anyone. It has nothing to do with him whether 02 is dead or not. He will never agree to any "sharing" plan. Everything he says is a lie.

What he did was break the balance and create a gap for escape.

Induce the animal nature of the obedient, and at the same time ensure that the target cannot die easily - 02's ability is perfect in this regard.

——At the same time, Wen Jianyan ensured that his escape route would be smooth.

01 just said that all monsters have been cleaned up.

Next, he just had to wait for the moment.

"..." No. 02 was stunned for a moment, and then laughed even more brilliantly.

Even though he was locked with murderous eyes, he still looked so happy and calm.

He stared at Wen Jianyan and whispered, "What should I do, you seem to be more beautiful."

What a mighty, what a cunning, what a sober soul.

Use everything that can be used, even if the object is himself, rational, patient, dormant, no matter what the desperate situation is, he can turn against the wind, and if he is not careful, he will be bitten by bloody flesh.

It is really……


An unstoppable hunger swept through.

There is a sleeping will in the body just around the corner.

The young man has a handsome face and a slender body. Compared with everyone present, he is slender. When he smiles, he looks harmless and gentle, even with a little unconscious shyness:


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